Angelique Brockert

November 23, 2016 2:13 PM

Sulking and Singing by Angelique Brockert

School didn't seem to be getting any better for Angelique. Nothing about being at Sonora was anything like she'd hoped. All her life she'd looked forward to going to school and making an amazing group of friends. That...was just not panning out. Angelique wasn't just not finding anything in common with her yearmates, they seemed to be the polar opposite of her. In particular, they were obsessed with sports, something she could not stand. She supposed it was to be understood with boys-surely, if she were a boy she'd be playing Quidditch, which made her so happy to be a girl- but the girls? The only ones beside herself who didn't seem into anything remotely athletic were Tasha, her distant cousin-and Angelique really didn't want to hang out with family all the time even though that seemed to be the only people she had to hang out with, she liked them fine but it made her feel really and look really pathetic-and Nevaeh who was blind . Meaning the reason she didn't do sports wasn't because of disinterest, it was because of disability.

Besides, Nevaeh seemed to prefer to hang out with the sporty girls. Angelique found this unfathomable. Sports were the most painfully boring thing in the world to even talk about-unless she was talking about how much she hated them-why would she want to befriend someone who preferred that to someone like herself or even Tasha?

Of course, the Crotalus had to admit, she hated sports even more now than she had before attending Sonora because of the fact that it was united her classmates and made her the odd one out something Angelique hated. Something she'd never ever thought could possibly happen, but it had. And she wasn't about to change and become interested in something that she'd never liked just to belong.

And she didn't even know who she could possibly invite for her holiday ball besides Tasha and Daniel Fintoc at least not in her own year. Actually, Tasha and Daniel were the only third years Mother would even let her invite. Angelique really didn't feel bad about that though, she got left out all the time, why should she care about hurting their feelings? Not that they'd even care. After all, she really didn't think this would be their scene in the first place since the most athletic thing that would happen was ballroom dancing.

She guessed she'd invite the other purebloods in the years around hers but she wasn't close to them either. Angelique was admittedly worried that nobody would talk to her at her own party.

There was only one release that the Crotalus had and that was to sing. She had always had a beautiful voice and it was the one thing that made her happy now, when she constantly felt alone and rejected. One thing that made her forget those feelings and just be in the moment. Angelique began singing one of her favorite operettas. It was in Italian and she wasn't all that sure what any of the words meant but it sure sounded pretty.

That was when she noticed that she was not alone. That she was being watched. Listened to. Some people might be uncomfortable with that but it was what Angelique wanted most in the world. Especially when she was singing, something she'd always been praised for. "Hello." She greeted her one person audience.
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