Nina Brockert

September 27, 2010 2:28 AM

Give peas a chance by Nina Brockert

Aside from Mel's amnesia, this term had been rather boring so far. In fact, Nina was easily bored, to the point where she thought it might actually be her. Not that she was a boring person, just that she needed excitement and new stimuli more often than say, Autumn.

In some ways, Nina envied her cousin that. The second year could spend hours upon hours painting and sketching anyone and anything that caught her attention. Nina couldn't sit still long enough for something like that. She needed action. Broom racing helped some, but it wasn't like she had organized races to go to. The young Pecari was dependant on there being someone else to race with out on the pitch.

Nina sighed and looked down at her mashed potatoes. She just wanted something... interesting to happen here at Sonora. She had this need to do something right now. Something besides homework and classes. Never the most academically inclined, Nina could not have been more sick of that .

It wasn't as though she was dumb, but she couldn't have been more bored by some subjects, especially Potions. She was glad they'd gotten rid of History and that Astronomy was an elective so that she didn't have to take it.

Still, though it was a school and it was to be expected, Nina felt like all she did was go to class and do homework. Plus. all her roommates were playing Quidditch again and with Mel's amnesia, the animosity between her and Starbuck had decidedly lessened. Which was good, really, Nina didn't necessarily like the tension but she was beginning to feel a little left out again, though not as badly as when they were firsties because now she considered Starbuck her best friend. Just because Mel couldn't remember stuff didn't mean that Nina forgot that she had bonded with the redhead.

Though she had been slightly concerned when she'd seen Starbuck around Tawny last year. Nina did not trust her older cousin. The girl was sinister. Sort of like Chelsea but in a different way.

Sighing, Nina reached for the peas. That's when the idea struck her and she turned to the person next to her. "Want to have some fun?" The third year asked. This was the Pecari table and Nina hoped her neighbor would be up for starting a food fight or having a pea flinging contest.

Or maybe her neighbor would have some other new and interesting way to use for the vegetable. Nina was pretty open to any of those things.
11 Nina Brockert Give peas a chance 156 Nina Brockert 1 5

Rachel Bauer

October 12, 2010 10:52 PM

Give them a chance to do what? by Rachel Bauer

Rachel was vaguely surprised to find herself at the Pecari table, but after thinking about it for a second, she opted to stay where she was. No one would look for her here, and probably no one would speak to her.

She might be noticeable, though. It would be very beyond bad if anyone noticed that anything was wrong. But if she got up, then she would seem so distracted that she'd ended up at the wrong table, and then she might have to explain it. No one was going to believe she was that worried about anything in classes. There were, though, some noteworthy people in Pecari; she could say, if pressed, that she was attempting socialization.

It helped that, spaced out as she was, she noticed she was sitting near Nina Brockert. She had too many siblings for it to remain so long if her brothers also had a lot of children, but her family was important for now. It would be good to get to know her. Or at least have that as an excuse for why she was hiding at a strange table.

But still, she couldn't figure out what to do.

She was being blackmailed. There was something ludicrous about it. She was having her mother's indiscretions held over her head by a pathetic twerp who came up to her ears when she wore heels. Did that kind of thing actually happen, or was Raines the only kid in the history of ever to be twisted enough to think of it and she the only sucker dumb enough to play ball?

The obvious solution was to find some way to break his hold over her without the whole half-blood thing becoming even more public than it was. Her mother was already probably at work to close the security gaps, or at least paper them over, since she'd written, so that was good, but...The only way away from Raines was to either trick him into swearing an Unbreakable Vow, which wasn't likely, wipe his memory, which was dangerous and illegal and not a long term solution because he'd probably figure it out again and she didn't know how anyway, or push him off a cliff, which was just wrong. It was a big deal, but it wasn't that big of a deal. She couldn't even think about that for half a second, that was how badly it fit into her head.

She was stuck, and it was starting to get on her nerves. It wasn't her way to get stuck. If something got in her way, she walked around it or climbed up it or just plowed over it, and now, she couldn't see how.

Well, aside from the obvious way, but if the real pureblood girls of third year were dumb enough to believe her, she was not going to condemn herself to pariah status. She could deal with Raines, though trying to make Veronica get a new love interest while she was supposed to be encouraging the current one was going to be almost as tricky as anything else she'd thought of. She could not deal with having everyone hate her.

"Want to have some fun?" she heard Nina say, and she looked up from her untouched supper, surprised.

After a second, though, she propped her elbow on the table in a way her mother would have never allowed and leaned forward. "What did you have in mind?" she asked.
16 Rachel Bauer Give them a chance to do what? 154 Rachel Bauer 0 5