Professor Flatt

November 13, 2009 2:32 PM

Teppenpaw First Years by Professor Flatt

It was with a little reluctance that Henry left his conversation with the new medic and made his way to the newest flock of resident Teppenpaws. The sight of their obvious excitement warmed him, and purposely, he ignored the niggling thought that such innocence would not last long. Eventually life would throw its unavoidable hurdles and the ease with which they found happiness would lessen. He cleared his throat and pointed to the crest on his teaching robes.

"First year Teppenpaws, come with me please." He gestured with his arm to an open area beyond the entrance. He waited until the six had gathered, matching the faces to names: Brishen, Clarke, Garcia (Henry presumed a relation to the third year Garcia), McNeil, Nickel, and Prinzo. It was a female heavy group, and already Henry sympathized with the sole boy, Tobar Brishen who was sure to be hen-pecked, stuck with the six girls.

"My name is Henry Flatt, and I am your Teppenpaw Head of House and History of Magic professor. I am also the Deputy Headmaster, so there's pretty much no escaping me." He meant the words to sound like a joke; instead, they landed far too seriously. "If you'll follow me then, I'll show you to the Teppenpaw entrance. And stay close, please."

With the last piece of advice, Henry began the slow trek the west bell tower.

Continued on the Teppenpaw Commons board here.
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