Henry Flatt

June 19, 2009 2:51 PM

In Search of One Kiva Kijewski by Henry Flatt

Henry removed his glasses and massaged the bridge of his nose, his forehead creased with weariness. The majority of his Saturday had been spent with the (now) nearly finished stack of essays he had assigned earlier in the term for his intermediate students. The term theme of identity had been a good choice, he had decided after reflection, but it had unfortunately been one that invited generous volumes of written down thoughts. The essays hadn't required immediate feedback; he had a third of the current term and all of the winter break to finish them, after all.

But the essays had offered him a distraction from the package he had received earlier in the week.

The package had been forwarded to him from a former colleague at the Department of Muggle Affairs in the Cabinet. A complaint had been issued, and then re-issued, and then re-issued once again; the count had reached a grand total of seventeen in total, and despite a general Cabinet ambivalence toward the topic, Henry's once colleague had decided that other minds might disagree. After reading the seventeen different letters, their themes identical in nature and tone, Henry had disagreed.

The letters held a point that was all too personal and close to heart for his own experiences. As a Muggle-born, he had spent his seven years at Sonora Academy in relative isolation. Whatever school functions that might have involved parents had not involved his- and in a world that already separated the likes of his parents and sister from it, this early onset of independence had left him scarred. The after-effects were nothing too violent or terrible; Henry hadn't developed any sort of mood disorder or anti-social behavior, but he had learned self-doubt, and he had learned that it was easier to let others make decisions for him, easier and safer.

As an adult currently 35 years of age, Henry felt it a bit silly to blame his current personality faults on the deprivations of his youth, but it was undeniable all the same, and as the letters forcefully detailed, future Muggle-born and Halfblood students would face similar developmental impacts during their secondary education. The question was this, though: how did one find a medium between a school that was charmed to repel any Muggle visitation (and charmed heavily at that!) and the desires of Muggle parents to understand and be a part of their child's newly expanded community?

His colleague had included a suggestion with the package, one that Henry had, at first, dismissed as impractical, but time and reflection had weakened his initial inclination. A Meet-and-Greet for the parents, Muggles and Wizards both, at location close to the school, but neutral enough to not intimidate the Muggle parents, yet still not alienate the more orthodox of the Purebloods; the idea had grown on him during the past week, and it had finally reach a point where, now, he felt the need to start some amount of action.

Henry decided to give the decision another day of consideration, though, and by the time Monday arrived, he felt confident enough in his thoughts to approach the object of his attention over the breakfast meal. With the Cabinet package in hand and a token cup of coffee in the other, Henry sat down at the Staff Table and launched into his request. "Good Morning Kiva. Do you have a moment? There was something I was hoping I get your opinion on."

0 Henry Flatt In Search of One Kiva Kijewski 18 Henry Flatt 1 5

Kiva Kijewski

June 26, 2009 2:21 PM

One Kiva Kijewski found. by Kiva Kijewski

Kiva had spent much of the end of last year through the beginning of this term isolated from the rest of the staff and students. This was mainly due to the events of the concert in which she was portrayed as someone who constantly spoke about her single motherhood. That had hurt her on a level that she didn’t think she could be hurt at and so, as a result, Kiva limited her interaction with everyone for fear that she really did go around discussing her personal life so frivolously. She didn’t think she had, but apparently she must have.

Besides that, her time this year at Sonora was limited now that she was no longer a Head of House or the Deputy Headmistress; there were very few reasons for her to stay any later after her last lesson of the day. Her office hours were usually during lunch or the breaks she would have between her lessons and, like today, Saturdays. She came in for half days so that she could care for her creatures and be available to the students. But, after lunch, she would be back in Albuquerque.

Eating her grapefruit, Kiva’s attention was on the Prophet that sat on the table beside her meal. She had gotten into the habit of reading the paper once she no longer resided at Sonora. Her life was outside of the school and would potentially be affected by whatever was happened outside the walls of Sonora.

Hearing her name, Kiva’s hazel eyes left the words of the Prophet and focused onto Henry Flatt. She knew very little about him other than he was Thaddeous Flatt’s nephew or some variance of being his relative and had taken over his position when Senior Flatt became ill. She knew that he was engaged to the sister of Jenkins who had plagued the school the year before. Rumor had it that the reason he was chosen as the New Deputy Head was because of his connections to the government and for the fact that they wanted more control over the school. Kiva never gave much stock in rumors though. From the small amount of time she had been in his presence, Henry had been very well mannered and very unlike his predecessor.

“Yes, I have some time. What is it that you’d like to discuss?” She felt a little odd that out of all the staff available Henry would come to her, but maybe he felt more comfortable with her because she had, at one time, been where he was now.
6 Kiva Kijewski One Kiva Kijewski found. 5 Kiva Kijewski 0 5


June 29, 2009 12:35 PM

Half the battle won already! by Henry

The coffee scalded his tongue, but Henry managed to disguise the momentary pain with a grateful smile. The moment Kiva returned his greeting, he knew he had chosen correctly. The professor, while younger than him, was nevertheless his educational senior and one of the most tenured on the staff. She had been on hand during the weather charms debacle of years past, through the succession of the then Headmistress, and of course the more recent events involving the Cabinet and Council oversight- the very things that had brought him to Sonora Academy.

More so than any of that, though- and perhaps it was a bit sentimental of him to think so- but she had struck him, from their very first meeting, as someone capable of feeling empathy, and he needed that sort of person if his idea were to have any sort of success.

"A friend of mine from back at the Cabinet has been good enough to forward information along to me that comes up having to do with the school, and recently, he's received a number of letters from parents in the school- specifically Muggle parents, who are concerned about their children." Henry cleared his throat, somewhat self-conscious with the admission of his ties back to the Cabinet. "He had the idea- one that I now agree with- that it might go a long way to assuage those concerns if we were to arrange a meet-and-greet between parents and the school staff.

"Of course," Henry continued hurriedly, some of his flow lost from a second sip from his still too hot coffee, "we would have to host the social off site. I was actually thinking perhaps some place in Phoenix? Or at a hotel, so accommodations can be arranged as well. Finding an establishment owned by someone associated with our affairs would be optimal, naturally--"

"Sorry," Henry broke off, his expression sheepish. "Got a head of myself there. What I mean to ask is: what do you think? Is the idea feasible, or should I shelf this for now?"
0 Henry Half the battle won already! 0 Henry 0 5


July 06, 2009 10:46 PM

Hopefully, you've won the war now too. by Kiva

Kiva listened quietly while Henry spoke about some concern parents seemed to be having regarding Sonora. She certainly couldn’t blame the parents for being concerned. Especially the muggle parents. They were thrust into a world that had only been one of fantasy for their entire life. Only, they weren’t really a part of the world, just their child was. If Emery turned out to be a Squib (which wasn’t likely, since he was already showing signs of accidental magic), Kiva wouldn’t even know where to begin with him adjusting to a muggle life.

She could remember when she was young and her father had found out she was magical and that her mother was a witch. All he wanted to know was what it was like. But, Sonora’s wards had preventing someone like her father from being able to see what the school was like. Her mother could come when invited, but her father always had to miss out. It wasn’t really something Kiva had ever thought about. It was just life. But now that this was presenting itself to her as an adult and a mother, Kiva had a completely different outlook on it.

Henry seemed awfully excited about the idea of the staff and parents getting together and she couldn’t really blame him. Kiva couldn’t remember if such a thing ever occurred while she was in school, but she highly doubted it.

She gave his question a moment of thought, weighing the pros and cons of having such a meeting. She knew there would be the possibility of drama between the Purebloods and Muggles. Mainly on the side of the Purebloods since Kiva didn’t think Muggles were even aware that some magical people hated them. But, overall, she really felt the idea was a good one. “I think it’s a great idea. Parents of both backgrounds should be given this opportunity to really learn about the school. I think it would be quite beneficial.”
0 Kiva Hopefully, you've won the war now too. 0 Kiva 0 5