Lily Spencer

June 06, 2016 6:36 PM

What is this feeling? by Lily Spencer

The water room during lunch hour was the perfect place to go when one wanted to be alone. Lily liked the surprise each time she came into this room, and it always gave her exactly what she needed. Today she was sitting on a soft, grassy plain next to a large lake in the centre and skinny trees planted here and there. Usually she would be swimming or running around, but instead she had her arms around her shins and rested her chin on her knees, just staring at the water.

Over the past month, Lily had explored all of the rooms and even peeked into unused classrooms. She'd climbed all around Labyrinth Gardens and played in every single MARS room even if there wasn't anything fun to do inside. She'd figured out when the MARS rooms were the busiest and when they were empty. Most of the time she wanted to be in the busiest room at the busiest hour, but today she wanted to be alone.

It was lonelier here at Sonora, lonely despite the bustle of people. She had been here now for a little over a month, and despite her peers and new friends, she was feeling a similar emotion to the one she'd felt watching her siblings leave for school one-by-one. She, the adventurous Lily Spencer, was feeling homesick. It was embarrassing to admit that she missed her family and her home and England. Everything was so different here, and after the excitement of something new had worn off, she hadn't realised how much she loved her home.

Lily sniffed, wiping her nose against her sleeve. She'd cried her tears half an hour earlier here, and now she stared at the grass thinking of her favourite dog, Tod, the pirate ship in Kensington Gardens, her brother working at the Ministry, her sister being the perfect witch and her daddy laughing and teasing her; she even missed her conservative mother.

There was more, of course, like how her family always spent Hallowe'en together carving Jack O' Lanterns, making up scary stories and eating all the sweets they wanted. Only one day of the year were they allowed to binge sweets and fudge like that, a tradition that left everyone reeling the next morning. Thinking about all that she was missing whilst at school made her tear up again. Today was Hallowe'en, and her stupid brother hardly cared to check on her. She was sure he would eventually in his own way, he always did, but Lily knew he wouldn't coddle her like she wanted or patiently listen to her whinge.

The thought of Tod's warm fur and his tail wagging back and forth made Lily put her head down on her raised knees and shed a couple more crocodile tears. She wanted to go home. It was lovely here, learning magic and all, but she didn't like studying and Quidditch practises were hard and her family wasn't here to celebrate Hallowe'en with her. Lily wanted Adam and Charlotte to be here to take care of her. She didn't want to have to look after herself or be a grown-up. She wanted to be a little sister forever who didn't have to worry about marks or getting a job.

"I don't want to grow up," she whispered to herself, and then she repeated it louder, and louder. "I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP!" Shouting made her feel a little better when there were no rocks around to throw at the water.
40 Lily Spencer What is this feeling? 357 Lily Spencer 1 5

Jozua Sparks

June 09, 2016 1:51 PM

Dunno, but I am experiencing 'sugar rush' by Jozua Sparks

Jozua loved Halloween. There was pumpkin in all kinds of foods that didn't normally have pumpkin in it the rest of the year. People could wear chainmail and not look centuries out of place.

This, incidentally, was what Jozua was wearing today, just as he did every Halloween.This year, though, he'd gone with a yellow tabard with a Teppenpaw crest on it instead of the blue Aladren (town seal, not House crest in that case) one he had previously sported. He wasn't sure of the legality of carrying around a broadsword on school grounds, so he had opted for wooden sword this time around and used a simple charm for marking the wood of the blade look shiny and metallic. Any tactile examination would reveal that was nothing more than an illusion, though. He still hoped the teachers wouldn't confiscate it because, wooden or not, it was still a big ole heap of a club and could probably cause some harm if he really swung it at somebody.

Anyway, awesome costume notwithstanding, Jozua's most favorite part of Halloween was the candy. He was a little disappointed that he wouldn't get to walk around his neighborhood tonight to collect it while showing off his chainmail, but his parents were very aware of his sweet tooth and had sent him a bag of assorted candies and a whole case of chocolate frogs. Jozua had already glutted himself on some of the assorted candies, then remembered it was polite to share and eaten some more, as well as some of the frogs, with his roommate Finn.

Then he remembered Lily had said she liked Chocolate Frogs way back on their first day here, when they had become best friends and secret knights together, so now he was looking for her and toting along about a dozen frogs with him as he looked for her in her normal haunts.

He'd already checked the Pitch and their favorite trees in the Gardens, so now he was poking his head into each of the MARS rooms. He was still a bit flushed from intruding on a couple of older students "dancing" in the dance room when he poked his head into the water room.

There she was!

Relieved he hadn't found something even more explicit going on here, he entered the room properly and grinned as Lily shouted out over the lake.

"Good," he answered loudly, kind of hoping he'd scare her a little because he was a terrible person and thought it would be funny. He did bring consolation though, and held up his box of bounty, "Because I don't think grown ups eat twelve chocolate frogs in one sitting, and guess what I've got for us to share?"

OOC: I am assuming based on how well they hit it off together at orientation, they have been spending the first month of school doing the stuff they said they would do together, and therefore he knows which places to go looking for her.
1 Jozua Sparks Dunno, but I am experiencing 'sugar rush' 348 Jozua Sparks 0 5


June 13, 2016 2:44 PM

That's the best kind of rush. by Lily

Shouting felt good, but Lily had not expected someone to respond. She jumped despite herself and ran a rough hand over her eyes before turning around to see the intruder. Even though she was feeling lonely and homesick, Jozua’s face and gift burst her bubble of self-pity. He was wearing the most ridiculous outfit, but it was perfect because it was a holiday. She’d never felt happier to see her best friend.

Lily jumped up to her feet, the ache in her chest subsiding bit by bit. “It’s only the right thing to do,” she said as-a-matter-of-fact. “Where’d you get so many?” Maybe if she didn’t say anything Jozua wouldn’t ask why she was in this room on her own. She’d never been very good at hiding her feelings though, and as she sat by Jozua waiting for the promised chocolate frogs, the ache slipped back in and she sighed.

She didn’t know if wizards felt homesick. If they did, they certainly didn't cry about it. Wizards were supposed to be tough and strong and responsible and have a strong reign over their emotions. Lily didn’t want to do anything that would make her seem like a stereotypical witch when she so wanted to be recognised as equal to her male companions. “I should have dressed up,” she said, mourning the lost opportunity. “Do you think it’s too late? I would have dressed up just like you. Not that I want to copy or anything, but it's only fitting, being knights.”

She opened the chocolate box slowly and caught the wriggling frog before it could leap out at her. “Did you ever read stories about knights and the Medieval Times? Apparently there’s loads of Muggle folklore about it. My dad used to tell horror stories of dragons eating people and Muggles fighting them with swords and whatnot. I think that’s incredibly brave, fighting dragons without magic. Or stupid.” Lily flopped down into the faux grass, munching on her chocolate. The sweetness did something to raise her depressed spirit and she felt a little happier than before.

“Ooh I got a Merlin card! I’ve been wanting this one for ages.” She watched Merlin’s bearded image pout at her before she grinned at Jozua. “Fitting for your fancy dress, eh? You can be one of King Arthur’s knights today. I’ve got so many of these cards my mum almost threw my collection out. I keep them all in a tin box now and I brought it with me. I don’t think I’ve ever showed you, have I?” She leant over towards him, still munching away. “What card did you get?”
40 Lily That's the best kind of rush. 357 Lily 0 5