Jennifer Zucchero

November 09, 2008 3:36 PM

Last minute worries by Jennifer Zucchero

It was done. Classes had ended, exams had been taken (the RATS themselves having proved far less stressful than she'd anticipated), yearbooks had been handed out and signed. It was time to say goodbye to Sonora at last.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. The actual ceremony hadn’t occurred yet, so she wasn’t really an alumnus yet. She was still head girl (though, naturally, she approved whole-heartedly of her replacement), even if she had officially passed on her other major responsibility (quidditch) to the next in line with a great sense of relief. While she had loved her time here, it was fast approaching time to move on.

That thought had actually been nagging her for the last few weeks, though more to do with her post-graduation plans that Sonora itself. Mostly, she was fairly certain her mother’s plan, that Jennifer move back home until such a time as Christine was cleared to work independently, was not in anyone’s best interest. While it might be more convenient, she was too old to want to live under her mother’s constant supervision and helpful hints. She needed at least to try being out on her own.

However, then the question of what she could do arose. Perhaps Lizzie was a viable option, but she was also sure her best friend would be staying near, if not with, her big brothers, which would defeat the purpose, and the daily shift between time-zones ruled out most of her other friends she might have felt comfortable asking to be roommates. The girls she knew in England were not the sort to get jobs or strike out alone, so there was no possibility of help from that sector. She could just get an apartment on her own, but, both for security, financial, and even social reasons, that was a definite last resort. That, of course, left Jake and Anita.

Theoretically, that was the best option in the first place; she and Jake had been dating for over two years, theoretically were going to continue on after graduation (it hadn’t been discussed in depth yet), she and Anita got along very well, and their location was by far the closest to hers. However, Jennifer had no clue whether Jake felt they were ready for that kind of step, there being a vast difference between visiting often and living together, and the two of them had always taken things slowly. Decisions, decisions.

Still, while there might be not all that much time until those sorts of things had to be figured out, she also only had a few days left in her career as a student, ones which should involve savoring whatever last opportunities there were. So, as someone settled in next to her at the table, she looked up from her oatmeal, which she had been stirring somewhat listlessly, and smiled and nodded in greeting. "Hey. So, ready for the end of school?"

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