Prof. Isis Carter

February 07, 2016 4:40 AM

Do the wave! [Years VI-VII] by Prof. Isis Carter

Perhaps it was a bit odd for a substitute to take the class on an excursion outside of the normal classroom, but the moment Isis had been asked to take the day’s Advanced Charms class, an idea had formed in her mind. She felt a bit guilty that there was no time to warn the students, so they would have to walk to the classroom just to find a note on the door instructing them to turn around, but she supposed that was just the way it had to be.

With her note neatly taped at eye level on the locked classroom door, she headed off to the appointed destination, MARS room one. She entered to find exactly the image from her mind’s eye, an extensive beach with a long enough shoreline for all of the students to stand at the edge of the water. Just what she’d need for today, but of course, the enchantments on the room knew that, which was why they provided it for her. It was simply the nature of the room.

Soon enough, the sixth and seventh years were arriving, some seemingly bewildered, others amused, and others still annoyed. Isis shrugged off the negative--after all, she didn’t know they thought poorly of her/the lesson, just that they seemed that way to her--and decided to be positive. This lesson, she thought, was going to be pretty fun.

“Welcome, everybody,” she said with a light smile. “And sorry for the change. It was pretty last minute that Professor Olivers asked me to take over for today, and I decided that it would do you all good to get out of the classroom. Welcome to the beach!”

“Today we’re going to use Augamenti to have a wave-making contest,” Isis informed them. “As you should know”--she’d read the lesson plans and knew they were supposed to have read about the spell sometime in the past couple weeks, as well as perhaps having used it on a smaller scale in the classroom--“it can be used for a wide range of things. The water from the tip of your wand can be as small as a trickle or, as we’re looking for today, as big as a wave. The latter option is obviously what we’re looking for.”

“You can have fifteen minutes to practice, and after that, we’ll go down the line and see who can make the biggest splash,” Isis concluded. “Bonus points for successfully casting it non-verbally.” She looked over the class once before officially releasing them to their practice. “Okay, spread out along the shore and get started. I’ll let you know when it’s time.”

OOC: Welcome to Charms, ladies and gents! I’m sure you all know the rules by now, so go ahead and get to it. If you get through the practice time, feel free to say that Isis began the contest-part. Students would try it in the order they are lined down the beach, so how soon or late your character goes is up to you. If you have any questions, feel free to tag me either here or on the OOC, or find me on chatzy. Have fun!
12 Prof. Isis Carter Do the wave! [Years VI-VII] 31 Prof. Isis Carter 1 5

Chloe Jareau, Pecari

February 16, 2016 7:07 PM

Twist and Shout. by Chloe Jareau, Pecari

Chloe ached. She had spent hours in the MARS Sports Room the night before and now her body was sore. She knew that she was forcing her body to workout longer than was required, but she didn’t care. When she pushed herself, the only thoughts she had was the motivation she was giving herself to get through it. Nothing more. Everything else around her went blank and that was how she liked it. If she allowed herself time to think, she would think about things that hurt her or people who hurt her. She couldn’t handle those feelings anymore and preferred to feel nothing at all rather than that. She knew that it wasn’t really that healthy to keep everything bottled up, but she had no one to really turn to to help her through it. She wanted Ayita or Ben, but neither of them could be here for her.

She limped her way back towards the MARS rooms after having made her way to the charms classroom. It wasn’t the first time that a professor decided to change plans and send them somewhere else (usually, it meant that it was going to be a fun lesson), but it was a little annoying to receive the information last notice and she had to trek across the school and hope that she wasn’t grotesquely late to the lesson. Thankfully, Chloe met up with the class and entered the MARS water room along with the rest of them.

The room was definitely a fan favorite and Chloe never really understood why she didn’t use this room more often. The room today was that of a beach. It was warm and sunny. The sand was white and the water blue. It was beautiful. This was how Chloe always pictured the beach and the ocean (she lived near neither things). If she had known that they would be working in the water room, Chloe would have worn her swimsuit (and wouldn’t Arnold just appreciate that?). Psh. Chloe almost laughed out loud at her thoughts. He wouldn’t even notice. Not with Ji-Eun around.

She listened quietly as Professor Carter discussed the lesson for the day. She actually liked that idea and thought it could be fun. She just wished that it concluded with some sort of party.f Chloe was trying to be good about how she handled things. She didn’t drink. She wasn’t taking anything. She was eating appropriately. She wasn’t sleeping around. Her only problem was how often she exercised, which she knew wasn’t okay, but it was healthier than her other avenues. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t occasionally wish for a different outlet.

Chloe found a spot on the beach, a little away from others so that she didn’t get too distracted, but not far enough away as to outcast herself. If her neighbor wanted to chat, she was still within distance to do so without one having to raise their voice. Dropping her robe in the sand behind her, Chloe prepared to get started on the lesson.

She started small with her spell, making only small splashes to ensure that she had the spell down rather well. Feeling confident with it, Chloe started to go bolder with her ripples. But soon the practice time was up and Chloe had to wait her turn. She didn’t really watch anyone mostly because she understood how much pressure it was to have to go with everyone staring. She only hoped that they would give her the same manners.

Her neighbor went and Chloe smiled at their success. Taking a breath, Chloe pointed her wand, “Augamenti” She stated firmly, her eyes narrowing while she concentrated on the strength of the spell and watched as the water rumbled and swirled before becoming a nice wave. It wasn’t the largest of the class, but she was still quite pleased with it.
6 Chloe Jareau, Pecari Twist and Shout. 0 Chloe Jareau, Pecari 0 5