Lutece Anthony

June 29, 2008 2:05 PM

Sulking by Lutece Anthony

In the past few years at Sonora, Lutece had spent quite a bit of time feeling sorry for herself. Usually it was due to something involving a class, or people being mean to her, or the fact that she still didn't have a boyfriend and she was almost thirteen years old. This year, she had been spending less time feeling sorry for herself and more time getting integrated into the Sonora community. She seemed to have finally absorbed the reality of magic in her life and her grades had improved considerably. That sort of thing seemed to happen once she stopped thinking that she was just participating in one grand scheme to make her look stupid. In fact, Lutece was starting to feel as though Sonora was more of a home than her actual home was.

In part, this was because her parents were splitting up. It wasn't unexpected; Liss had told Lutece quite a long time ago that she was surprised the marriage had lasted that long. It did make Lutece feel a bit guilty that her attending Sonora was one of the reasons that the divorce was happening, but she had never had any illusions about how well matched her parents were. After all, her father organised geek conventions for local hobbyshops! And her mother was a real estate agent! It was like, the epitome of normal and Commander Weird.

Lutece's twin siblings seemed to be dealing with it okay as well. It seemed as though none of the Anthony children were really at home enough to get the backlash of their parents' temper tantrums, so they were just waiting to see how things would shake out after the divorce became official. The last owl that Liss had sent her, Lutece had learned that her father had moved out anyway and was currently living with their Aunt Janet in Baltimore. She just hoped that he got his own apartment or something before Lutece had to return home from Sonora; she didn't like her aunt very much, but there was absolutely no way that she was going to go with her mother. That was just gross.

No, none of that was the reason Lutece was feeling sorry for herself at the moment. That could be attributed to the fact that she had been sick for Quidditch Tryouts and consequently, had not made even the alternate list this year. And it was all because of stupid Coach Fox and her stupid new rule about having to go to the stupid tryouts, even if you'd been on the team for two stupid years at the stupid school.

Lutece was sulking. It was pretty obvious.

Unfortunately for someone, it wasn't obvious enough that they did not seat themselves across from her at dinner the day after Quidditch lists had been posted. Cascade Hall was full of chattering students and staff, while Lutece leaned on one elbow and pointedly glared at the wall across from her. Or at least, she was glaring at the wall across from her until said unfortunate person sat themselves down across from her and greeted her cheerily.

"What do you want?" the third year snapped, transferring her glare to the speaker.
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