Lucas Smythe

January 11, 2008 7:02 AM

A-wondering [Tag Lutece] by Lucas Smythe

Lucas was sat at a table gently muttering to himself. He had been thinking about the upcoming ball and the fact that if he were to go, he'd rather go with someone. He didn't really want to take a girl he knew well, it would seem awkward, but if he were to take a girl that he wasn't sure he'd ever spoken to? That would be fine.

He'd seen one girl around in classes and she was quite pretty, Lucas thought. He'd never spoken to her and wasn't sure if she knew who he was at all, but he'd caught her name - Lutece.

He pushed his fringe back from his face, twice since the first time it just fell straight back, and wetted his lips. It would be weird anyway, he decided. After all, he was going to ask someone he didn't know to, basically, spend an evening with him. If he thought about it too hard, it actually seemed quite rude. Hopefully Lutece would find it flattering.

Lucas's green eyes scanned the room for any sign of the girl. He wasn't sure what he'd do if he did see her - wave his arms madly and call for her? No, that would just be embarrassing... for both of them.

He could see someone that could be her, but she was facing partly away from him so he wasn't sure - either way, he thought he'd better stop looking before he was accused of staring.

He sighed and pushed his fringe back once more as it fell into his face. 'Get a hair cut...' he reprimanded himself, gently wondering whether he'd actually get to go to the ball - he refused point blank to go by himself.

[OOC: Yes, I live!]
0 Lucas Smythe A-wondering [Tag Lutece] 96 Lucas Smythe 1 5


February 03, 2008 8:03 PM

I'm here, I'm here! by Lutece

Although she was happy for Talitha that she was going to the ball with a date (an older boy nonetheless!), Lutece felt decidedly miserable for herself. She was actually seriously considering not going. What was the point if there was nobody to go with? From what she had heard, and gossip was more prevalent than usual of late, Oliver had already asked somebody. Therefore, Lutece was faced with a rather serious problem. It was a fact, an accepted fact, that among the school she was seen as a little bit mental and very nasty. This was completely unfair. People who had grown up in a normal environment shouldn't be penalised for the initial shock that they grow through when faced with spending the rest of their life as a freak of nature! It wasn't her fault that this 'magic' thing was so out there! But no, nobody wanted to go with her.

Life seriously stunk at that moment. And she was too hungry to go and play Quidditch until she felt less sorry for herself. It was, overall, a rather unfortunate situation and one that Lutece didn't feel she had much control of over the moment.

When she entered the Cascade Hall, Lutece turned slightly, observing an older couple jealously. They were holding hands like little kids but it was so obvious they were dating it wasn't even funny. In fact, it was depressing. With a sigh, the Crotalus smoothed more pink, glittery lipgloss over her lips, made sure that the fringes of hair deliberately left out of her high ponytail were framing her face properly, and set off to find a seat next to someone that didn't hate her. Preferably a male someone. Preferably a male someone without a date.

Unfortunately, the only male someone she even vaguely knew was Lucas Smythe. He was undeniably cute, definitely Lutece's first choice of her year for a date to the ball, but probably already taken. Even though she hadn't heard anything so far as Lucas went, he was just one of those boys that had to go with a girl and was usually the first to get chosen, or so she thought. How could you not love the whole semi-emo, mostly-cool fringe? He pulled it off so well, always brushing it out of his face with practised motions that would qualify him instantly for any band, even without any musical talent. Yes, Lucas Smythe was just that sort of kid.

"Hey Lucas," Lutece sat down across from him, smiling in a friendly way. They had never precisely talked, but that was, if anything, a bonus. "What are you doing here?"

[OOC: Haha, I do too, really! *shifty eyes*]
0 Lutece I'm here, I'm here! 0 Lutece 0 5


February 04, 2008 8:47 AM

Well so you are! by Lucas

Lucas, after giving up trying to spot Lutece, was half watching the water falls around the walls and half day-dreaming about the up-coming ball. He was practically lost in thought, so jumped slightly when somebody sat themselves next to him with a friendly "Hey Lucas".

He blinked - said person was none other than the very girl he had been looking for, Lutece. She knew his name - bonus.

"What are you doing here?" she asked him, making him laugh in his head. What a question... he blushed very slightly and pushed his fringe back, turning to face her fully.

"Actually," he slipped in a charming smile, "I was looking for you." He smirked a little, that probably sounded a little bit strange considering they really had never spoken before. He leant his elbow on the table in front of him and rested his chin on his hand, before continuing.

"I uhh... I know we've never really spoken," Lucas inwardly grimaced, his usual inability to connect his brain to his mouth seemed to be kicking in already, "but I've seen you in classes and you're pretty... uh I umm, pretty cool, I mean, you seem pretty cool..." Perhaps they'd be a well-timed earthquake now that would make them have to stop talking? He was doing a reasonably poor job of this - he hadn't really thought about what he'd say when he found the girl. No such luck on the earthquake front, of course, so he tried again.

"Well, basically I was wondering... hoping... that you'd maybe go to the ball with me?" He couldn't keep the light blush from appearing on his cheeks as he asked, but he also couldn't make it go away again once he'd finished speaking, so opted for hiding behind his fringe for once rather than pushing it back while he awaited her reply.

'Well, that went well.' he thought sarcastically.
0 Lucas Well so you are! 0 Lucas 0 5