Kasey Braye

December 10, 2007 12:10 AM

Seeing Matt Santoro by Kasey Braye

Kasey walked into Cascade Hall and her hazel eyes moved around the room. 'Where are they?' Kasey asked herself, looking for her cousins. As she turned her head, her light brown hair landed in her mouth. “Ick!” She said as she noticed them. 'I need to sit FAR away from them. They're just going to bring me down.' Kasey thought as she moved her hair away from her mouth. Then she spotted him.

His brown hair was spiked at perfect angles, and his smile just made her melt. 'Wow...' Kasey walked towards him, not noticing that she had walked into a few students on her way across the room, one of them, her younger cousin...

Caden stood still in her cousin's wake and swallowed her saliva to try to hold in any tears that could fall. She looked around the room for her sister, or anyone she knew. That was all she could do. She couldn't move, she stood there, stationary, like a bike at a gym.

'Kasey didn't stop or anything. She doesn't care about me...' Caden thought as she hung her head in shame. 'Nobody cares about me... Never has...'

Kasey walked, thinking one thought, and one thought only. 'He's going to go to the dance with me. I know it!' she thought. Kasey walked right up to him and boldly spoke. “I'm Kasey. Kasey Braye. And you are going to the dance with me.” Kasey smiled broadly and waited to see what he would say.
0 Kasey Braye Seeing Matt Santoro 0 Kasey Braye 1 5

Matt Santoro and some Josh

December 10, 2007 6:19 PM

Oh no! I've been Seen!!! by Matt Santoro and some Josh

"¡No, no! ¡No es como la diversión como el otro!" Matt exclaimed to his brother over a slice of pizza. The two of them had been talking for some time about what their next prank should be. They had never been caught (and, as far as they knew, never suspected) for their previous prank and both felt it was due time for a new one. The problem was deciding on which prank they wanted to do.

Josh wanted to do something simple, while Matt wanted to do something shocking. The dung bombs had been funny, especially watching everyone squirm and head for the doors, Matt wanted to do something with the same pizzazz. Something that would be remembered forever. Josh thought that they should save those until they were older. When it would mean something more.

"No queremos desecarnos nuestras travesuras antes de que nos graduemos." Josh countered, easily fending off his brother's desires. He pulled out some of his research to show his brother that he had worked on with Danae. Though, Josh failed to mention her due to the fact that Matt was more than likely to start in on him with that.

The two boys leaned in to read over the notes and failed to notice the first year heading in their direction. Had Matt noticed her, he would have been curious. Might have even watched her progress towards him or might have simply ignored her as was his way. But because they hadn't noticed her, her arrival threw the both of them completely off. Matt, however, was speechless for the first time in a long time.

"¿Qué?" Matt asked the girl, staring at her as though she had two heads. Josh stifled a laugh by practically shoving his fist in his mouth. "Are you talking to me?"

"Esto parece a usted finalmente tienen a una novia, Mateo." Josh commented through his glee.

"¡Cerrado!" Matt said to his brother, though he was completely amused by the turn of events. He settled his gaze on the girl, Kasey. In all reality, he had been planning on asking Meredith to the ball. As it was still early in the semester, it hadn't occurred to him to have already asked. "It's nice that you decided that for me, but I don't know you. Anyway, shouldn't you want to go with someone...you know, in your year?" Matt asked the girl, fighting to keep the serious frown on his face.


¡No, no! ¡No es como la diversión como el otro! - No, no! That's not a fun as the other one!

No queremos desecarnos nuestras travesuras antes de que nos graduemos. - We do not want to dry out our pranks before we graduate.

Esto parece a usted finalmente tienen a una novia, Mateo. - It looks like you finally have a girlfriend, Mateo.

¡Cerrado! - Shut up!\r\n\r\n
0 Matt Santoro and some Josh Oh no! I've been Seen!!! 0 Matt Santoro and some Josh 0 5


December 11, 2007 2:37 PM

You sure have! by Kasey

Kasey approached the boys, who were leaned in together. The cute boy said something that Kasey didn't understand and she looked at him quizzically. "What?" She asked him as the other boy shoved his fist into his mouth.

When the boy asked if she was talking to him, Kasey stared at him square in the face. "I sure am talking to you hot stuff!"

The boys talked to each other in whatever language it was that they were speaking, and the cuter one of the two turned back to Kasey. Kasey smiled at him and blinked her eyelashes at him. 'It worked on TV, it may for for me too!' Kasey batted her eyes in his direction and said, "I'm Kasey. Kasey Braye. Now you know me. And no, I don't want to go with someone in my year. I like older boys. Ones that are mature." Kasey said batting her eyes at him again. 'He's so dreamy!' she thought. 'Now I see what Cady likes about the princes in her fairy tales...'
0 Kasey You sure have! 0 Kasey 0 5

Matt (and some Josh still)

December 11, 2007 10:26 PM

*Wonders if hiding would have been best* by Matt (and some Josh still)


Josh couldn't do it anymore. He couldn't hold it in. He was laughing, laughing not so much at what the girl had said but at the look on his twin's face. Matt might have liked to talk big, but he never really had to deal with a girl like her who just seemed to say whatever it was on her mind without much thought.

"No puedo tomarlo. Tengo que ir. Buena suerte con ella, mi hermano" Josh stood up and clapped his brother on the shoulder as he left the two of them alone. The entire time he had a sloppy grin on his face and a look that Matt could only predict would mean that he would never live this moment down. Matt made a mental note to tease Josh and Danae openly the next time he saw the two of them.

Josh's sudden departure (much to Matt's dismay) was enough to rouse Matt out of his shocked state. He watched his brother go for a moment, preparing himself to deal with the girl, but when he turned back to her, she was doing something odd with her eyes. Matt momentarily looked at her as though she were about to vomit on him before he cleared his face of emotion and looked directly at her, "Is there something wrong with your eye?" Matt asked, trying to keep the emotion out of his face, though he wasn't entirely sure he got the disgusted look off yet or not.

"Look-er-Kasey, I'm sure you're a nice girl and all, and you may even be fun to bring to the dance, but-um-... I was sort of hoping to ask someone else and, to be frank, you kind of freak me out." Matt told her, standing up and grabbing his backpack. "Thanks for asking me though."


No puedo tomarlo. Tengo que ir. Buena suerte con ella, hermano - I can't take it. I have to go. Good luck with her, my brother\r\n\r\n
0 Matt (and some Josh still) *Wonders if hiding would have been best* 0 Matt (and some Josh still) 0 5


December 12, 2007 1:20 AM

I would like to hide... by Kasey

Kasey looked surprised as the other twin laughed so hard. 'Is he laughing at me?' Kasey wondered. 'Who cares if he is? Right?' She argued back to herself. 'This is going to be a never ending argument with myself... Maybe it would be easier to argue with Camren and Caden than this...' Kasey scowled. 'No way! Not a chance!'

The other boy got up, clapped her prince on the shoulder, and spoke to him. Then he walked away, leaving Kasey alone with him. Kasey smiled at him, and batted her eyes some more. "You really are handsome you know. More than he is. That's your brother, right?"

Kasey batted her eyes some more as she waited for his response. But he didn't say anything right away about the other boy, instead he asked if there was anything wrong with her eye. "Um... No..." Kasey said. "I was just trying to show you what I thought of you..." she said to him. She was beginning to think that he wasn't going to go for her offer of going to the dance with her. Kasey was beginning to worry that she would never get a date for the ball. 'And I really wanted to go...' Kasey looked down at her shoes.

Then he started talking again and she looked to him to hang onto his every word. Her face fell at his words to her, and she stood frozen to her spot when he stood up and grabbed his bookbag. She didn't know what to say to him, didn't know what to do. She'd never felt like this before. 'Is this what Camren and Caden felt like when I was rude to them?' she wondered.

"But..." she said. "But..." Sighing, Kasey looked back down at her feet again. She felt rejected and ignored. 'This is an awful feeling...' she thought as she looked back up to him, rejection in her eyes, causing a tear to creep to the corner of her eye, though not fall... yet.
0 Kasey I would like to hide... 0 Kasey 0 5


December 12, 2007 6:23 PM

It's not that big of a deal. by Matt

Matt looked dubiously at Kasey. She could not be that slow to pick up on Josh and him being brothers. "Er, yeah. He's my brother. My identical twin brother." Matt explained, shaking his head at the idea that he would have ever had to say those words. How one could call him handsome over his brother when they had the exact same face, Matt could never understand.

He didn't quite understand how blinking her eyes at him oddly would tell him exactly what she thinks of him, but Matt wasn't about to ask either. She seemed really...unstable... when it came to things like this.

Kasey's face fell at his words and Matt had to repress a sigh. Of course. Why him? Seriously, what in Merlin's beard had he done to have to deal with something like this? "I'm sorry if I hurt you, that wasn't my intention. You'll be a great date for the dance when you find the right guy to ask." Where was Bella when he needed her? Bella always knew how to calm people down.

Please don't cry, please don't cry, please don't cry. Matt silently chanted as he watched her. "I'll tell you what. At the ball, we'll do a dance together, okay?"
0 Matt It's not that big of a deal. 0 Matt 0 5


December 18, 2007 12:09 AM

Not a big deal? by Kasey

Matt answered that the other boy was indeed his brother, and Kasey knew it. She was just trying to make small talk, to try to get to know him better. But it seemed that it wasn't working to her advantage.

Kasey's face fell, and she looked down at her shoes as Matt sighed. Matt apologized and told her that she would be a great date for the right guy. "But-" Kasey said, looking up at him. Kasey wanted to beg him to be the right guy, but she just couldn't say it aloud. He obviously didn't think that he was the right guy. "The right guy. Yeah..." Kasey murmured and looked back down at her shoes once again.

She had done it this time. Her cousins didn't like her for what she had done, and now the love of her life had just rejected her. 'Well, the one who could have been the love of my life,' she thought as Matt told her that they would do a dance together at the ball.

"It's okay, you don't have to force yourself to do something you don't want to do." Kasey said. She stood up, and in the process of grabbing her bag, she knocked over the chair she had been sitting in. "I'm sorry I ever asked!" Kasey said, getting louder and louder as she stormed away from the table and out the doors of Cascade Hall.
0 Kasey Not a big deal? 0 Kasey 0 5