Meredith Lail

March 18, 2007 10:50 PM

En route to Cascade Hall [and looking for Elly] by Meredith Lail

Meredith woke up and quickly dressed in her red and green turtleneck sweater, jeans, and boots. She actually left her hair down that morning, not feeling like wasting time putting it up if it was cold outside, and quickly threw her other clothes in her suitcase. It was rare for her to be smart and pack the night before. She was a spontaneous sort of girl anyhow. Mere was too excited to stay asleep so once she was awake she was up for good. Her light blue eyes were wide and full of energy. There were no stubborn bits of sleep tugging at her. She couldn’t wait for the holidays because Elly said she would come over. She hoped Echo wasn’t busy and would come over too.

Elly was already out of bed and on her way out when Mere got up so she hurriedly left the room and ran down the stairs to catch up. About half way through her run past the common room, she realized what happened in there. There was snow falling from the ceiling. Too cool! She had forgotten that Elly had practiced this spell over and over. It came out really good. She stopped and held out her hand. The snow faded past her fingertips and completely vanished before touching the ground. She was that much more eager to find her friend and congratulate her on a spell well done. She wasn’t that far behind Elly so if she picked up the pace she should catch up to her.

Mere made her way towards Cascade Hall first, hoping that was where her friend went off too because she wanted to eat something before getting on the wagon home. She spotted Elly about to enter the school and ran a little faster, calling out for her to wait up. When she finally caught up she took half a second to take a calming breath. She wasn’t completely winded, but the fair-distanced run sped up her heart rate enough to need just a moment.

“Morning! Are you heading to Cascade Hall? I’m getting breakfast before I go to the wagon. Come with me. Breakfast is important, y’know.” She grinned and continued walking with Elly.

“The snow looks really good in the common room. And you know what would also be really good? If you came over to Nashville over the break.” Mere grinned angelically at Elly, blinking far more times than necessary. She hoped she hadn’t changed her mind since they exchanged those letters over the summer and she also hoped Echo could come too.

“You and Echo are officially and cordially invited.” She quoted back to Elly’s letter and pretended to curtsey.\n\n
0 Meredith Lail En route to Cascade Hall [and looking for Elly] 0 Meredith Lail 1 5

Echo Elms & Brett Hodges

March 19, 2007 2:16 PM

I guess the wagons aren't leaving quite yet by Echo Elms & Brett Hodges

[Echo and Brett just left Pecari Commons on the way out to the wagons...]

"Hold up," Echo stopped them just outside Cascade Hall. The strap on his bag was so long it was ridiculus. It kept getting longer too, and now the weight of bag was bumping into the back of his knee with every step. He dropped it the rest of the way to the floor and started tugging at the theoretically adjustable strap.

"Dude, Echoman, it's supposed to be like that," Brett sighed, pushing his long blonde streaks out of his eyes. Without those bangs in his face, he had a good view into Cascade hall. He waved to Meredith and Elly and stopped himself just short of nudging Echo. "See, now you're gonna look like a geek infront of your girl."

"Newsflash. I am a geek," Echo retorted, without looking up. Stupid bag. What was wrong with a little practicality in life anyway? He gave the strap a couple more good tugs before it shortened to a more appropriate length for someone who, like Echo, hadn't yet hit their early adolescent growth spurt. "And she's not my girl."

Brett smirked and led the way over to the pair, Echo trailing behind still trying to fine tune his shoulder strap.

"Hey Meredith, Elly," Brett greeted them, getting back his uber social thing in anticipation of the home-going. "We were just headed out and Echo wanted to say, um, what's it you always say?" Stupid kid was still busy on the strap, "Falcon to Echo Base?"

"Sorry, it's just... it's borked," Echo explained, grimacing, "I'll figure it out on the wagon."

"Then leave it alone now..."

"I am."


Echo put the bag down and smiled at everyone present, "I'm done. Really. Heya, guys! Happy Winter Holiday!" Brett furtively slid the bag out of Echo's eyeline with his foot and shot him a suspicious glance, which Echo returned with an unconvincing grin.\n\n
0 Echo Elms & Brett Hodges I guess the wagons aren't leaving quite yet 0 Echo Elms & Brett Hodges 0 5

Elly Eriksson

March 19, 2007 6:24 PM

Hopefully not, as we're not on them yet. by Elly Eriksson

OOC: I had to put in a little puffskein mention, because otherwise the fluffy thing would have had to teleport to Josiah’s pocket, and I’m pretty sure puffskeins can’t apparate *grins*


Elly made her way from the commons to the school entrance, where she met Josiah and said a short farewell to her puffskein; Custard would be going home with Josiah and Teppers over the holiday.

As Elly was just entering the building herself, she turned at her name being called and saw Meredith hurrying towards her. Smiling, Elly halted her course and waited for Mere to join her.

“Morning! Are you heading to Cascade Hall? I’m getting breakfast before I go to the wagon. Come with me. Breakfast is important, y’know?”

Meredith was in one of her infectious good moods, and Elly had little choice but to grin like a Cheshire cat and allow herself to be led towards the food. She registered her friend complimenting the snow in the commons, but any joy Elly felt at her spell success was replaced, and increased tenfold, by Meredith’s offer of a visit over break. Elly looked over at her friend blinking up at her and laughed out loud.

“Of course I’ll come, you lunatic,” she said, still laughing and beaming so broadly she felt her face might split. Winter break was really going to be fabulous if Elly could spend it with her friends. “And we’ll get Echo too, don’t worry.”

She looked up to see Brett waving at them from the doorway. “Oh, speak of the devil,” Elly said, nodding towards Brett and Echo, who were now making their way over to the girls.

“Hey Meredith, Elly,” Brett said.

“Hey Brett,” Elly replied, smiling at him and pouring herself some juice. Echo seemed to be occupied with his bag. Elly tried hard to restrain herself from giggling, managing a strained smirk instead, at Echo’s efforts with his bag, and Brett’s efforts with Echo.

“Heya, guys! Happy Winter Holiday!” Echo finally greeted them.

Elly sniggered, her eyes moist with amusement. “Good morning, Echo,” she said lightly, smiling in a butter-wouldn't-melt manner. “You boys got any plans for the hols?”
0 Elly Eriksson Hopefully not, as we're not on them yet. 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5

Echo & Brett

March 20, 2007 11:36 PM

Too true. by Echo & Brett

“Good morning, Echo, You boys got any plans for the hols?”

"Usual stuff: spending time with the parents," Echo said, "Especially like for Christmas with the grandparents and Winter Holiday. Probably do alot with the guys too."

"Yeah, same here, except Winterday. And tonight, we're watching movies!" Brett added. Seven boys sprawled around the Hodges living room with chips and pizza and the tv going -- it was going to be total muggleness. "Man, movies never seemed so awesome before."

"Wait till you try the light switches," Echo smirked at his friend, "First time going back is crazy. How about you guys?" This last was aimed at Elly and Meredith.\n\n
0 Echo & Brett Too true. 0 Echo & Brett 0 5


March 31, 2007 11:04 AM

Think they can wait just a little longer? by Mere

When Elly said she’d come over for the break, Mere couldn’t be any happier. That is, unless Echo said he’d come too. She turned her attention to the doors of Cascade Hall as Elly ‘spoke of the devil.’ Mere waved to the incoming boys, but in the back of her mind she cringed. She hadn’t counted on Brett coming in with him which was probably dumb on her part since they lived in the same place and they were friends from there. Well she never said she has the most sense. She usually just went on gut feeling and her gut feeling earlier told her to find Elly and Echo as quickly as she could so she could invite them to spend the holidays with her.

“Hey Brett,” Meredith answered coincidently in unison with Elly and had a small laugh over that and Echo’s tussle with his bag strap.

Mere listened to the boys’ plans for the holidays which might have to change if Echo decided to come over to her house, which she really wanted him to. But now that they were saying what they were doing, did she have to invite Brett too? Not that she minded. The more the merrier as far as she was concerned, but what did Elly think? Oh, this was dumb. Mere didn’t usually think on things for very long before coming to a decision. She smiled as the boys spoke excitedly about what she guessed were their muggle things they missed at Sonora. Muggle toys didn’t work at school. Though she did hear that they worked in the muggle studies classroom.

“Christmas is with the family and New Years is with my friends. We go down to the Quidditch Pitch in the city, which is always still decorated from Christmas since the whole city gets decorated, and we watch fireworks. So it’s pretty much same old, same old. And Mama cooks for twenty people even when it’s just six of us and we eat ‘til we feel sick. That’s a typical Christmas holiday for me.” She laughed and looked towards Elly hoping she understood that she didn’t want any feelings hurt. If she wanted Brett to come too, then she could feel free to mention their plans, but Mere was fine with sending Echo a letter later on too. It wasn’t a life altering matter, but there was something about just the three of them Mere had been looking forward to.\n\n
0 Mere Think they can wait just a little longer? 0 Mere 0 5


April 02, 2007 7:52 AM

I'd say so. by Elly

Elly laughed at Echo’s reference to the light switches. Yes, she remembered that had been weird the first time she went home from Sonora. Elly sometimes forgot that Brett wasn’t in their year, which sounded daft because he obviously wasn’t there in the first year. It was just that he seemed to be around quite often, and shared some of their classes, and Echo had talked about him last year so Elly felt like she’d known him longer than just the first few months of the year. She liked Brett, but it was nice that he wasn’t around all the time. Perhaps it would have been different if he had been around at the feast when Elly, Meredith and Echo first met. The three of them had been practically inseparable since then. Elly was certainly more than happy for other people, like Brett, Saul and Caedence, to join in their friendship group, but she still felt more comfortable in the company of her two best friends over anyone else.

When the boys asked about the girls’ holiday plans, Elly listened while Meredith chatted about Christmas with her family. Elly noticed that Mere didn’t say anything about her friends coming over, and quickly guessed that it was because Brett was there, too. Elly thought that maybe Mere felt the same way, that Brett was great to hang around with, but there were times when it just needed to be the three of them. Going over to Mere’s over the holidays was obviously one of those times. When Meredith looked her way, Elly caught her eye and offered the tiniest, almost imperceptible nod to show she understood.

“Hopefully my Dad will be around for a bit,” Elly said, sensing it was her turn to mention her Christmas plans, “otherwise I’ll just be stuck with my Mum the whole time, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone,” she said, laughing. “I wish my parents weren’t Muggles, I want to play Quidditch over the holidays, too,” she said, looking at Mere. Hopefully her friend got the hint that Elly would want to join in with that particular activity if possible. When the House Quidditch team list had been posted, Elly felt simultaneously overjoyed and disappointed at the same time; she was delighted to have made the team, but felt sorry that Meredith hadn’t. It would have been so much more fun if they’d both got permanent positions. Still, Mere was reserve so they’d get to go to practices together, which Elly knew would be a world of fun.

“Come on guys, eat up. Those wagons won’t wait forever you know,” she said, grinning and grabbing another slice of toast. It was quite a nice feeling to be excited about going home, because she knew she’d get to see her friends anyway. It was, as Echo would say, crazy cool.
0 Elly I'd say so. 0 Elly 0 5