Lucas Smythe

November 25, 2006 4:50 PM

It begins... by Lucas Smythe

Lucas raised his brow, impressed, as he glanced around the Cascade Hall. He could see himself getting used to this place - it was large and grand, just like his own home, though it was heavily lacking in the piano department. Lucas had been quite irritated that he wouldn’t be able to play for so long, but he hoped that his new school work would keep him busy enough so as he didn’t find himself becoming too bored.

Glancing around the room once more, Lucas blinked at all the first years as they changed various colors being sorted into their houses. Pushing his long fringe from his eye, he watched out for students turning red, the Crotali, in hope that he too would be joining their house. He could just see the look of pride on his father’s face if he could write home and tell the family that he had been sorted into Crotalus… With a smirk on his face, Lucas tipped his head back and drank the clear liquid from his vial in one gulp – almost choking in the process - but luckily it seemed that nobody had seen him have to take that large breath and pat his chest, resisting the urge to cough.

He closed his eyes and pictured the happiness of his family, then opened them and was sure he almost fell over in shock. His hands were glowing blue! That meant Aladren…

Aladren wasn’t so bad though, right? There were worse things, after all. Lucas was sure his parents would be proud of him no matter which house he was sorted into, though that didn’t stop him from feeling the slight ache of disappointment in the pit of his stomach. ‘There had better be some people I can make friends with in this place…’ He thought as he walked slowly toward the Aladren table, still glowing slightly blue.\n\n
0 Lucas Smythe It begins... 96 Lucas Smythe 1 5

Cisco Vargas

November 25, 2006 5:19 PM

Roommates, eh? by Cisco Vargas

Cisco happily meandered towards the Aladren table in the Cascade Hall as the blue tone faded from his skin, leaving a sun-browned complexion. Gil had left him to take a seat next to an older girl who he said he'd played Quidditch with last year, and Leo had gone off to find "a friend"--probably one of these girls Gil had been teasing him about during the holiday. Apparently they were both in Cisco's house, too. Left on his own, Cisco decided that food was too great a temptation to be resisted, and made his way over to the Aladren table.

He sat down in the first seat available, casting a rather shy smile at the people around him, and took a plate, piling it high with the most familiar foods. Some chicken, a few pieces of bread, some green beans and a spoonful of fruit salad--well, it would do. Maybe the kitchens did real food every once in a while. He could really use an empanada or two right now.

He'd just started eating when he noticed someone approaching. He looked at the boy over his shoulder, tipping his chin upward so he could see him from under the brim of his Akubra, which he wore everywhere. "Hola," he said, offering the other his trademark shy smile. "I mean--hi." What to say now? "The food's good." He motioned towards the seat beside him, then turned back to his plate. If the boy didn't want to join him, he'd have plenty of opportunity to walk away. For his part, Cisco was really warming to Sonora's culinary offerings.\n\n
0 Cisco Vargas Roommates, eh? 0 Cisco Vargas 0 5

Lucas Smythe

November 26, 2006 7:32 AM

Hi... by Lucas Smythe

Lucas was looking for a seat at the long table, inwardly feeling shy though hoping not to show it too much, when a boy spoke to him. The boy, like him, was a new first year. Lucas had seen him turn blue too.

"Hola" The boy had said with a smile, confusing Lucas just a little, though the boy must have sensed the confusion since he then went on to say hi like any normal person would. "The food's good." He added to Lucas and seemed to motion to the seat beside him. Lucas smiled a little as the boy turned back round to his food, he liked the fact that people were friendly toward him - though he supposed it was only because they were in the same situation in being the 'new little fish in the big pond'.

Feeling a little more confident, Lucas took the seat next to the boy, offering a smile of his own. "Hi." He said a little too quietly for his liking, so cleared his throat and tried again. "Hey, I'm Lucas. Who're you?" Lucas glanced at the food and began to add a few pieces of bread and salad to his plate, though keeping one eye on the boy so as not to appear rude in case he should reply.

Although he knew perfectly well that he could come off as being insolent, uncouth and arrogant - though not untrue - Lucas was hoping to make a few close friends in this place - after all, seven years with absolutely nobody would get extremely lonely - and really, Lucas wasn't so bad; he just hoped that others would have the patience to find that out too. \n\n
0 Lucas Smythe Hi... 96 Lucas Smythe 0 5

Cole Tripp (featuring Matt and Rachel)

November 26, 2006 6:42 PM

Separation Anxiety by Cole Tripp (featuring Matt and Rachel)

"B...but I don't..." stammered Cole Tripp. Cole was a brown-haired, brown-eyed boy, just over five feet tall. He was also a triplet, and to his great despair, he was the only one of the three that had just turned blue. His older brother, Matthew, who had just been sorted into Crotalus, and his younger sister, Rachel, who was a new Teppenpaw, were trying to get Cole to the Aladren table. Unlike his siblings, Cole was a shy boy and looked just now as if he was about to faint.

"Come on Cole, you knew you would be in Aladren, you're a genius." Rachel told him. "Now you have to go sit with the other Aladrens."

"But why did they have to split us up. We should be together." Cole protested. He dropped his head. "I won't be able to make friends on my own."

"Of course you will," Rachel comforted. "And we have classes together. Besides, you wouldn't like Teppenpaw. They're all extroverts like me."

"See, you're smart, using words like 'extroverts.' You could be in Aladren." Cole tried to reason "Or Matt and I could be in the same house. He's smart and I'm ambitious."

"Little brother," Matt said putting his hand on Cole's shoulder. Matt enjoyed the fact that he was the oldest, even if it was by only three minutes. "We may have the exact same DNA, but we have barely anything in common. And before you start, I only know we have the exact same DNA because you've told me so many times. Now here, sit with the rest of the blue man group."

Matt and Rachel had led Cole to the Aladren table and sat him down with two other first year boys. Once Cole sat down, his brother and sister left for their tables. Cole was alone. Well no he wasn't, he had these two boys.

"H..hi," he said turning to his housemates. "I'm Cole."\n\n
0 Cole Tripp (featuring Matt and Rachel) Separation Anxiety 0 Cole Tripp (featuring Matt and Rachel) 0 5


November 28, 2006 2:44 AM

It's Alright by Mika

Mika sat quietly in his wheelchair, watching the two other boys talk. 'Hola' that was Spanish, he wondered if the other boy was fluent, if so, maybe he would be able to trade Russian or Hebrew lessons for Spanish ones. He didn't butt into their conversation though, feeling a bit awkward.

He couldn't help but listen, and watch from the corner of his eyes as one of a set of three was cajoled over to the table. The other boy looked shy, and Mika didn't blame him, not wanting to be appart from his siblings. Mika knew if he had a twin, he would never want to be appart from him. Mika wasn't the most outgoing kid himself either.

"It is okay, Cole." Mika said in accented English, sounding mostly Eastern European. "You are in the same boat as us all, yes? I am Mika'el, but please, call me Mika." Mika found a smile and put it on, pushing his glasses up on his nose before offering his hand to the boy. He was very skinny, but sat very straight in his wheelchair. His black hair was worn long, but pulled back. He hadn't put too much food on his plate, mostly just veggitables and potatos.\n\n
0 Mika It's Alright 0 Mika 0 5