Marlow Coving

July 21, 2006 12:44 AM

Why can't people leave me alone?! by Marlow Coving

Marlow Coving was sitting in Cascade Hall reading a book as usual. She was reading about different types of dragons and where they lived. Marlow has always wanted a dragon, but knew she would never get one. Marlow shut the book and began to think. Marlow loved this school. She loved learning about potions and different types of charms. The only thing she disliked about this school was the people who wouldn't stop teasing her because she loved to read and learn. She was sick of the laughing and taunting. Marlow swore the next time someone bothered her she would hex them no matter what the consequences were.
Marlow was suddenly brought out of her daze when someone's elbow smacked the side of her head. Marlow's book fell to the floor as she stood up, took out her wand and pointed it at the person who had smacked her. "How dare you smack me!" Marlow yelled. "I will curse you and curse you good!"
0 Marlow Coving Why can't people leave me alone?! 0 Marlow Coving 1 5

Sally Porter

August 07, 2006 9:31 PM

Because it's impossible to be a complete recluse at school by Sally Porter

Mealtimes at Sonora were always hectic. With so many people congregating around a space as small as the tables, and with all the activities going on at once, eating, chatting with friends, working on assignments, etc., there was no way to avoid a bit of chaos. Sally had found it disturbing the first few weeks she was at Sonora, but she had soon learned to tune out everything that was going on around her. Now, by her fourth year, she had even stopped noticing when people got too rambunctious while horsing around.

Upon later reflection, she concluded it had probably been a bad idea to sit next to a group of boys who were obviously having some sort of playful disagreement. But she had gotten to lunch late, and so there weren’t many empty places yet. Besides, she had just been planning to eat as quickly as possible, and then head on to the library or the common room to write a letter to her sister, so it wouldn’t matter how loud or boisterous her neighbors were.

It had been an accident, really. She had just been reaching for a pitcher of water, an inadvertent shove from one of the boys next to her had pushed her off balance, and her elbow hit the side of her other neighbor’s head. She turned to mutter a quick apology, but then realized it might take a bit more than that with an inner groan. Apparently her neighbor had decided it was an intentional attack, and now had her wand sticking straight at Sally.

“Hey, I’m really sorry about that,” she said quickly, hands in front of her chest in the universal ‘don’t hurt me, I’m completely innocent’ pose. “I didn’t mean to elbow you; I just lost my balance, that’s all. Are you okay?” She bent down to pick up the girl’s fallen book, glancing down at the cover before holding it out for the other girl to take back. “Dragons, eh? I haven’t read that one, but it looks interesting. Is it any good?” Hopefully, a change of subject would calm the girl down a little. She would prefer not to get cursed over an accidentally elbowing, even if the caster was three years younger than her and shouldn’t know any serious hexes yet.
0 Sally Porter Because it's impossible to be a complete recluse at school 0 Sally Porter 0 5

Marlow Coving

August 13, 2006 7:29 PM

Sorry, I've been in a bad mood all day. by Marlow Coving

Marlow slowly put down her wand and took the book from the girl who apparently didn't mean to bump into her. "It's a pretty good book if you like dragons," Marlow said in almost a whisper. She looked at the girl who did seem truly sorry and said, "Sorry. I've just been in a bad mood. I guess I shouldn’t have gone all berserk. Sorry again. Um, my name is Marlow by the way."

Marlow put her hand out for the girl to shake and kept her eyes downcast, trying not to meet the girl's eyes. Marlow hasn't really introduced herself to anyone at Sonora yet and she was nervous. Would the girl forgive her for almost attacking her or would she hold a grudge? By the way the girl reacted when Marlow nearly hexed her, Marlow was pretty sure she would accept her apology.
0 Marlow Coving Sorry, I've been in a bad mood all day. 0 Marlow Coving 0 5


August 17, 2006 11:46 AM

I never would have guessed by Sally

Sally breathed a small sign of relief as soon as soon as the younger girl put down her wand. Again, she wasn't really frightened by the threat, but one never knew when a supposedly harmless first-year was going to turn out to be a major problem. This one seemed to be a false alarm, though. In fact, if her abruptly softened voice was to be any indictation, she might even be a little frightened. Even if she wasn't, this girl reminded her a little of herself when she was a first year, immediately ready to think someone had the worst of attentions, and very quick to pick a fight.

Still thinking, Sally smiled warmly at Marlow and clasped the offered hand. "Sally Porter," she replied in turn, then gestured at the spot where the girl had been sitting a few minutes before. "C'mon, sit back down," she continued. "And don't feel that bad, it can take a little while to get used to how things work here if you're not used to a place like it. Merlin knows that's how it happened for me."

This small misunderstanding had the potential to become an excellent opportunity, for both of them. Sally couldn't speak for what Marlow needed to get out of this conversation, but at the very least Sally was getting a chance to deal with someone who might need a few pointers about the way things ran at Sonora, and she was almost anxious to help someone adjust, since she had never really returned the favor to the few friends who had at least started the process before other things got in the way.

"So, how are you liking it here at Sonora so far?" Simple was better to start off with than overly chatty, and if Marlow was worried about her, it was better to just let the other girl move at her own pace, if she wanted to talk at all.\n\n
0 Sally I never would have guessed 0 Sally 0 5


August 19, 2006 12:30 AM

Nervous by Marlow

Marlow gave Sally a small smile. “Sonora, um…. is a great school, except for, um… the occasional obstacles.” Marlow kept her head hung not looking at Sally. Marlow knew she was being rude, but it was hard for her to make eye contact with someone she just met. To Marlow looking someone in the eyes means that that they trust them and Marlow had a hard time trusting people because a lot have people have lied to her in the past and she didn’t want to be lied to again.

Marlow told herself sternly to get over it and just look at the girl. Marlow slowly lifted her head and looked at Sally and gave another small smile just big enough to tell she was smiling. “So, um…how do you like Sonora?” Marlow knew that Sally had just asked her that same question, but she really didn’t know what to say. Marlow sat there quietly waiting for the fourth year to answer her question.
0 Marlow Nervous 0 Marlow 0 5