Arnold Manger

January 04, 2014 12:55 AM

Seeking conversation by Arnold Manger

Arnold enjoyed the silence of his Common Room. The fortunate thing about being a member of the House of most of the school's intellectuals--an esteemed selection to which he felt he did not quite belong--was that the occupants tended to realize and in fact emphasize the want and need for quiet time, which some spent by studying, others reading, others still creating.

This catagories of creators was a clique to which the redhead did feel he belonged. He was a maker, an artist. Just like his mother, whose art sold for considerabe prices, he found life easiest to express via artwork. A picture was worth a thousand words, as the saying went.

Consequently from his general quietness, Arnold had found it incredibly difficult to befriend his classmates. Solitude did not bother him per se, but it was certainly an adjustment to make from his home life, where he spent nearly all his time with his brother. Jake was hopefully going to join him at Sonora next year, which perhaps would rectify his seclusion, but Jake was a passionate extrovert and would surely make his own friends, and then Arnold would be a tag-along. And while it would be acceptable on occasion, he was not going to simply live that way forever.

No, the twelve year old was going to have to step outside of his comfort zone if he sought anything besides a life of third-wheeling his little brother's outings. His roommates all seemed okay, which perhaps was the best place to begin. Or, since he currently resided in the Aladren Common Room, he could at least speak to a passing Housemate.

He was currently alone, but just as the thought struck him, someone happened to enter the room. "Oh, hello there," he said quickly. "How are you today?"
12 Arnold Manger Seeking conversation 261 Arnold Manger 1 5

Lena Westley

March 07, 2014 12:36 AM

With whom? by Lena Westley

Lena looked startled. Well, even more startled than usual. "Oh. . me?" When it seemed apparent the redhead was indeed talking to her, which she gathered not only from his nodding but the fact that she was the only other person in the room, she said "Fine. And you? I mean I'm well, thank you and how are you?" Not accustomed to being approached, Lena wasn't practiced in introductory meetings. Her voice hitched when forming the question, and she clutched her books harder 'til her already pale fingers were bone white.
7 Lena Westley With whom? 279 Lena Westley 0 5

Headmaster Brockert

March 07, 2014 1:11 AM

OOC by Headmaster Brockert


I appreciate that you're enthusiastic about posting. However, this is a post from the current term and your character would not be here yet. You can however, post on the OOC board or on the Sandbox or come into Chatzy.

Also, posts need to be at least 200 words to give people more to work with. If you're stuck, try talking about your character's thoughts, feelings, background or describing what she's wearing or seeing.

Thanks, and welcome to Sonora!

Headmaster Brockert.
11 Headmaster Brockert OOC 6 Headmaster Brockert 0 5