Thad Pierce

January 24, 2012 9:47 PM

A conspiracy with my roommate by Thad Pierce

Thad had been thinking about what to do for the fair since the Headmistress had mentioned it at the return feast. Today, he'd seen a sign-up sheet go up, so apparently the time for mulling ideas was over and it was time to commit to one of them. Unfortunately, Thad hadn't really come up with any ideas. He couldn't cook, he didn't really want to raise a hippogriff, and he wasn't very creative.

That eliminated all of the options available on the sign-up sheets so that meant he was going to have to get creative. . . which he'd already establish was not in his skill set. Fortunately, he had discovered over the past half year that this was not an affliction that his roommate suffered from. Therefore, Thad reasoned, they could work together. Thad could provide the legwork and Evan could provide the genius inspiration.

"So," he said that evening when they had both returned to their dormitory after dinner. "I was thinking we could work together on a submission to the fair. Would you be interested in that? Probably a craft?" he suggested, though he was open to the other options if that was what Evan preferred. "That seems to have more freedom to work with than chili or hippogriffs."
1 Thad Pierce A conspiracy with my roommate 213 Thad Pierce 1 5

Evan Brockert

January 29, 2012 3:19 PM

Sounds interesting, but don't tell Kirstenna. by Evan Brockert

Evan had been thinking a lot about the fair. He was pretty excited about the fact that took place in Tumbleweed. He loved that the first time that Sonora was visiting there in such a long time, he got to go. Granted, Evan had been lots of places on vacation, places people would consider more exciting than Tumbleweed, but this was just special somehow.

Plus, there was the craft competition. Evan generally did not feel the need to compete with others. He was a Brockert and Brockerts didn't need winning competitions to bolster themselves in the eyes of others. According to Grandpa and even Great-Grandfather, they were already at the top. Plus, his parents taught him that it wasn't very nice to say you were better than others and show off. Which was kind of conflicting with what his grandfather and great-grandfather thought actually.

The thing was, Evan didn't want to show off and say he was better than others. He didn't care much about winning the competition itself, he just wanted others to see his work. The first year had been told that it was innovative and interesting-usually before being kindly asked not to mess with stuff that belonged to others.

Besides, Autumn might enter the art and craft part of the competition. He didn't know that for sure that she was, just that she was a really good painter. The truth was, Evan would want her to win if she entered, because she needed it more than he did. The first year didn't see the Crotalus much, but she seemed to care more about such things and she seemed sad a lot.

He turned to Thad, who had spoken. "Of course, I'd like to do that." Evan replied. "I was thinking of entering anyway. I just wasn't sure exactly what I was going to make yet. Craft obviously because I honestly can't cook. Nor do I really have any desire to raise a hippogriff." That could be dangerous after all, and his mother would have a fit. As for making chili, well, Evan liked eating it, but nobody in his family cooked really. That was for the house-elves to do.
11 Evan Brockert Sounds interesting, but don't tell Kirstenna. 212 Evan Brockert 0 5


February 01, 2012 12:22 PM

I'll keep mum by Thad

Thad was more than a little relieved when Evan said he'd like to work together. There were several reasons for that. The first was that it meant Thad wouldn't need to think of something to submit to the fair by himself. The second, which was every bit as important, was that it proved Evan liked and trusted him well enough to collaborate on a project that they would be displaying in front of the school.

Having never shared a room before coming to Sonora, Thad felt he'd gotten lucky in being placed in Aladren with Evan. He wasn't sure he would have been able to handle more roommates, but he liked Evan, Evan was on his family's approved list, and there hadn't been any drama between them which could only be seen as a good thing. He'd been half afraid he might end up with a Wesley-type, or -worse- a perfectly nice and intelligent muggleborn or half-blood who would, by their very existence, test his loyalty to his family. He had been very fortunate to avoid both of those scenarios and he was very grateful to Evan for being Evan.

Even better, Evan being Evan didn't seem any more inclined to learn how to cook or risk raising a hippogriff than Thad was.

So it would be crafts. "You're really good at thinking out of the box," Thad applauded his roommate's genius, "so I'm appointing you the idea guy. I can only think of boring things like paintings, and I can't paint anyway. Is there anything generally that you think we should do, or do we want to just . . ." Thad paused and tried not to twitch, "collect supplies and see what happens." He really prefered to work with more of a plan than that, but plans stiffled creativity and he knew that.
1 Thad I'll keep mum 213 Thad 0 5