Notice on the boards

July 04, 2009 11:58 AM
At the end of last year, when Echo had left, Elly had decided that his passion for Novelling Fury! should not be lost at Sonora. Her friends had agreed that a writing club would be an excellent way to make sure writers continued to be creative at the school.

By the time term had begun, Meredith had left, Quidditch teams had been assigned and Elly had gotten used to her timetable, she eventually managed to find a spare moment to sit down and organise the club.

Using her friends in other Houses as helpers, she had ensured this notice was now on the notice board in every commonroom:

Creative Writing Club!

For fun and friendship - come along to our first meeting this Friday lunchtime at the entrance to the labyrinth to find out more. No previous writing experience necessary. Everyone welcome. Food and drink provided.

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