Daniel Nash II

December 08, 2008 5:03 PM

Checking out the digs (1st year boys dorm) by Daniel Nash II

After Professor Flatt was done answering all of Quentin's questions, and Daniel had said good night to Taylor and nodded the same to Euna, Daniel followed the other first year boys up to their room. He was a little wary of Quentin since the other boy seemed to be something of a literalist and inclined to ask a lot of questions, but hopefully that would prove something he only did to professors. (Danny still made a mental note not to ever ever ever ask him if he had any questions.)

"Hello," Daniel said neutrally to the people he'd be living in close quarters with for the next seven years, once the door closed behind them. "I'm Daniel." That sounded incomplete, so he added his last name. "Daniel Nash." But that was his dad's name. For accuracy, he had to complete the whole thing now, no matter how pretentious it sounded. "The Second."

It wasn't like his carefully tailored, high quality robes and the equally fine clothes beneath the school uniform - not to mention his manicure that he'd gotten along with a fresh haircut for the new school - didn't already identify him as a rich kid.

But these were guys, it was remotely possible these cues may have gone overlooked. Book smarts did not necessarily translate to observational skills.

He looked around and was slightly surprised to see his belongings already sitting at the foot of one of the beds. Not seeing anything wrong with that particular one, he decided it was as good as any and went to perch carefully on its edge.

In obvious contrast to Quentin, Daniel did not like to ask questions. He preferred to find out answers for himself, and only once that failed would he directly address a question to somebody who might know. Unfortunately, he'd already looked and he was quickly running out of time to find out before it might become a serious issue, so he had to ask.

"Is there any kind of etiquette involved in sharing a room? I've always had my own before." Being the only female Pecari in her year, Holly had continued that trend into Sonora, so she was no help. But the less said about her, the better. With different last names and a relatively unknown standing in the wizarding world, there was no reason he should have to be known as Holly's Little Brother.
1 Daniel Nash II Checking out the digs (1st year boys dorm) 130 Daniel Nash II 1 5