Elly Eriksson

November 13, 2008 11:05 AM

An invitation (Nikki, Paul, Günter) by Elly Eriksson

Even before she'd finished unpacking, Elly borrowed three of the school owls and sent out some invitations she'd written at home, the day before her return back to Sonora. In her commonroom she'd charmed the ink so some sparkled and some changed colour, but the messages on each sheet were identical:

I'm sixteen this weekend and thought it would be great to have a party! I'd love for you to come along on Saturday, in the gardens. Meet me by the swing at midday. See you soon! Elly Eriksson xx.

Truthfully Elly wasn't sure she wanted Paul to come, and she certainly didn't expect him to, but seeing as she was inviting everyone else in the year she could hardly exclude him.

A tawny owl swept into the Aladren commons and delivered all the invitations to the named recipients, and left without waiting for a reply.
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