
December 08, 2004 10:59 PM

Welcome by Sally

"And this," Sally said exuberantly, mimicking a game show host, "is our lovely common room, complete with fire, squishy chairs, and boys who think we have cooties."

Dropping the pose, Sally collasped into one of the chairs. "I'm sorry if I fall asleep. I don't mean to be rude, but arguing with people takes a lot out of you, and those two..." She muttered under her breath darkly, and then rested her head in her hands, and gazed at the fire.\n\n
0 Sally Welcome 0 Sally 1 5


December 08, 2004 11:05 PM

Many thanks by Ty

Panting slightly, Ty dumped her trunk on the floor and collapsed on a couch. It was indeed, squishy. "Falling asleep in the morning?" asked Ty, looking amused. Sleeping during the day was an occurance that rarely, if ever, happened with Ty. She wasn't a person that required very much sleep. Of course, she hadn't reached the teenage years yet, so that perhaps had something to do with it.

Bouncing up, she unlocked her trunk with a key produced from her pocket, and pulled out her smaller camera. It wasn't as fancy as her bigger one nor was it really a professional one, but it was convienient. Sitting back down in her seat, she focused her camera on the fire, centering it. Fires could make good pictures. Snapping a picture, she lowered her camera slowly. "Mind helping me get my trunk to our dorm before you fall asleep?" she asked.\n\n
0 Ty Many thanks 0 Ty 0 5


December 09, 2004 4:32 PM

Re: Many thanks by Sally

Sally cocked her head to one side, and opened her eyes lazily. "Take a picture of me without warning, and die." she toned in, and then bounced up.

"Sure, I'd be glad to help you with your trunk. Nasty little heavy things, aren't they?"

Sally grabbed one of the handles of the trunk, and began to hel Ty with hauling it up the stairs. "And, by the way, there is nothing wrong with falling asleep in the morning," she said, mocking school-teacher tone. "Sleep is to me what food is to the hobbits. There is no time where it is unacceptable, or unwanted."\n\n
0 Sally Re: Many thanks 0 Sally 0 5


December 09, 2004 4:43 PM

Entering the dorm... by Ty

Ty laughed. "I don't take pictures without warning", she informed Sally, "I don't even take them with people usually, unless it's a formal portait." She had done these before at various family reunions in Boyd Castle (for money of course, money was useful), but in general, prefered scenery.

As for the sleep... she rolled her eyes. "Whatever floats your boat. I should warn you that I don't sleep very much, as you'll be sharing my dorm." They finally reached the dorm (with only a minor toe injury on Ty's part), and she sighed with relief. "Heavy things bother me", she declared, and with that, flopped onto the available bed. "By the way, you'll be rooming with my squirrel Fyiero soon. Mum said she'd have him come specially, since we couldn't find him last night when we were packing."\n\n
0 Ty Entering the dorm... 0 Ty 0 5


December 09, 2004 10:46 PM

Re: Entering the dorm... by Sally

Sally raised her eyes at the squirrel's name, and at the choice of pet. "Squirrel? Well, to quote you, 'Whatever floats your boat.' And I don't sleep that much. I'm just tired. I don't take time changes well, and all, and I didn't get much sleep last night, because of the excitement and all. So, is Fiyero your only pet? I have dogs, but they couldn't really come here."

While waiting for Ty's answer, Sally went to her own trunk, and started a letter to her family. What should she say, though?

Meredith, Eliza, and Jacqueline had never really had time for their younger sister. If three's a crowd, four was worse. She had never been able to confide anything to them.

Daniel and David, however, had always been her better siblings. Twins, they had no problem with their 'munchkin sister,' as they called her. She had always hung out with them, but they wouldn't understand this. No one back home would.

Realizing this, she suddenly felt very alone, and wished that she had something, someone, to help her through this.\n\n
0 Sally Re: Entering the dorm... 0 Sally 0 5


December 09, 2004 11:10 PM

Unpacking by Ty

Ty rolled onto her stomach and unlocked her trunk with her key. Reaching in, she pulled out her wand. "Well, Fyiero's... different. Nobody really gets it. It's kind of weird really, see, he's a whole lot smarter then most squirrels. He understands me, and..." she trailed off. What good was it explaining something she didn't even understand herself? They understood each other. When she was upset, he seemed to understand, and even if he was somewhere completely different, he would somehow know and come to comfort her. It was well... odd. She missed him so much though.

"Well, he's sort of my only... pet." It was an odd thing, calling him a pet. He wasn't really. "We've got a family pet, an Augury", she added, "though he's more to forcast the weather. Dad puts a silencing charm on him during the winter though", she added. Falling silent, she began to unpack. She looked up to see Sally writing, or rather starting. She didn't exactly look chipper either. Ty sat up. "You ok?"

OOC: If it's writing for your character too much to say 'not looking exactly chipper', then just tell me. I thought it would be safe to assume this.\n\n
0 Ty Unpacking 0 Ty 0 5


December 09, 2004 11:16 PM

Re: Unpacking by Sally

Sally rolled onto her stomach to look at Ty. "I'm fine," she replied, unconvincingly. "It's just, well, everything's really weird here. And I'm just used to having everything be done before me by someone in my family, that's all."

Sally looked around. Ty had been working conisistantly on unpacking, but she herself was beginning to feel cramped. "Say, do you want to go to the quiddithc pitch? There's always something going on there, and I'm feeling really cooped up."

OOC- You can post first, and I'll meet you there, if you want to.\n\n
0 Sally Re: Unpacking 0 Sally 0 5


December 09, 2004 11:23 PM

Discomfort... by Ty

Ty shifted rather uncomfortably. She really hated to admit it, but... "erm, well, I'm afraid of heights", she confessed. "Deathly afraid of height, as in, I freak out. And there isn't much else to do on a quidditch pitch is there?" She really didn't like to admit it.

"Do'you think that we could go see the labrynth gardens or something? I mean, I'll go to the pitch if you want to, but..." Sally was the one showing her around after all so it was her choice, but Ty couldn't look off a cliff, she couldn't stand on bridge and look down, and she couldn't fly. \n\n
0 Ty Discomfort... 0 Ty 0 5


December 10, 2004 7:05 AM

Re: Discomfort... by Sally

Saly, although she knew she shouldn't laugh at another's discomort, couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, it's alright." she said. "I'm tragically afraid of heights, too. Comes from being dropped from a treehouse. Yesterday, when they made us fly, I sorta fell and broke my arm, so I wanted to look around. But the Labyrinth would be great, too."\n\n
0 Sally Re: Discomfort... 0 Sally 0 5


December 10, 2004 11:11 PM

Lead on by Ty

Ty nodded, feeling her back prickle uncomfortably at the laugh, and fought annoyance. She hated to be laughed at in any way at all. But this girl was just being nice, and she was the only one that Ty knew here. She forced a smile, smoothing down her hair out of habit (though thanks to her mom it was not fuzzy at the moment).

"Okay, you go ahead and lead the way", she managed.

OOC: Meet you in the gardens? You can post first.\n\n
0 Ty Lead on 0 Ty 0 5