Sylvia Mordue

February 16, 2018 10:43 PM

First night [Roommate tag for Caitlin Pierce] by Sylvia Mordue

After a brief and very unsatisfactory conversation with Simon, Sylvia made her way up to her new room. She had been sure to leave Simon with the understanding that she Was Not Happy. He said there wasn’t anything he could do. Maybe there was nothing simple he could do. She was willing to see whether her displeasure would make him reconsider the options.

The time she’d spent talking with her brother meant that her roommate was already upstairs when she arrived. She smiled happily at her. She was still upset and annoyed about Nate’s sorting, and Simon’s lack of willingness to solve that problem, but she was glad of her own sorting and her roommate situation.

“Hello, Ms. Pierce,” she smiled, “I was just saying goodnight to my brother,” she added to explain her absence. “I am Sylvia Mordue of the Oregon Mordues,” she added, although she rather suspected Caitlin knew who she was. Of course the Mordues weren’t as important as the Pierces, but between keeping an eye on the society pages and their brothers being roommates, she suspected her roommate had known who she was before she started just as much as she knew her.

“This is fun, isn’t it? That our brothers are roommates and so are we,” she said, sitting on her bed, “If only there was a Callahan girl to complete the set,” she added, not that she meant that in the slightest. A Callahan girl would have been competition for Winston, and anyone in the intervening years who turned out to be worth the attention, and the Callahans had no recent scandals, which might have meant she was looked on more favourably than Sylvia. She very much wanted a nice girly friend, who she could talk about jewellery and boys with, and to be popular with the other girls in the school, but overall a small select few worked much better. “I hear he has a brother who’ll be in our classes though.”
13 Sylvia Mordue First night [Roommate tag for Caitlin Pierce] 1413 Sylvia Mordue 1 5

Caitlin Pierce

March 08, 2018 9:54 PM

A belated introduction by Caitlin Pierce

Caitlin felt conflicted about arriving at Sonora. On the one hand, she was excited, it was a big deal going to school and being more grown-up, not really considered a child now that she was in school. On the other hand, she was nervous. She had to do everything right. She couldn't afford to mess up at all. She had to get good grades and befriend the right people.

If only the Other Alicia hadn't had twin boys . If they'd both been girls, Caitlin would have less to worry about. Surely being the heir wouldn't go to Thaddeus if he had no male heirs of his own.Then Father and Winston would win and she'd have less to worry about. Of course, Thaddeus and the other Alicia might have kept trying but they also could have kept having girls and ended up with a huge family before they finally gave up.

Or if Druscella had just plain sent Thaddeus off to Boston when he married the Other Alicia. She was not pure. That was like the ultimate disownable offense.

Not that Caitlin would ever ever express those feelings. Oh, it was fine to say that about the Other Alicia, but to speak against Druscilla was something else. That would reflect poorly and probably anger the Pierce matriarch. In fact, the new first year rarely shared her feelings with anyone other than occasionally Winston and she was unlikely to share her rather complex feelings about Druscilla with even him. Caitlin was constantly worried about saying or doing the wrong thing and even having possibly thoughts was something that bothered her. Of course, she didn't like to show outward signs of anxiety either because that was dangerous too. She had to be perfect or else.

At least though, she was off to a good start here at Sonora, being sorted into Crotalus.It was, after all, the most proper house as well as being where her brother was. Also, it looked like she was going to be rooming with Sylvia Mordue, the younger sister of Winston's roommate Simon. Caitlin hoped feverently that they'd get on well. She didn't want to be in constant conflict with a roommate and she really did want a friend. Nor did she want someone from a good family to think poorly of her.

She began to unpack and organize her things. Caitlin had always very much liked her things to be just so. Being neat and orderly was very important to her. She hoped her roommate wouldn't be messy either.

Just then Sylvia entered. Caitlin finished hanging up a dress and straightened up, smoothing over her robes. "Hello, Miss Mordue, it's a pleasure to meet you."

She guessed that the other girl's initial question was a rhetorical one but replied. "Well, at least that's someone else whose worth getting to know." Maybe, hopefully. She knew there were even some purebloods out there who didn't do what they were supposed to and she neither wanted to associate with or be one. The former could cause her great risk. "In the meantime, I'm sure it'll be lovely sharing a room." Maybe, hopefully.
11 Caitlin Pierce A belated introduction 1415 Caitlin Pierce 0 5


March 10, 2018 8:55 PM

Better late than never by Sylvia

“Indeed,” Sylvia agreed, when Caitlin noted how the other Callahan boy being in their classes meant there was someone else who was worth getting to know. She hoped that meant that she, Sylvia, counted as the first someone - if Younger Mr. Callahan was someone else then that meant Caitlin had already found someone worth talking to, didn’t it?

“Did you converse with anyone interesting at orientation or the feast?” she asked, trying to work out whether there was any possibility that she wasn’t the intended recipient of Caitlin’s remark, if it indeed meant what she thought it did in the first place. Conversation was complicated sometimes… You had to imply everything, and to try to work out the other person’s implications, and then you couldn’t directly respond to them because they hadn’t actually said it…

She wished she knew something else about the Callahan boy so they could talk about him, but she had to admit that she mostly thought of him as ‘Victor’s brother.’ His name was something funny and hard to remember… And apparently being her brother’s roommate’s brother didn’t lead to her having a wealth of information on him as a subject.

“Oh, I do hope so,” she agreed, when Caitlin talked about how fun it might be to share a room. “I’m the only girl in the family - the close family, anyway, meaning ourselves and our first cousins,” she clarified, because ‘family’ and ‘close family’ could mean such different things to different people. It was frustrating because it meant she did not have a simple way to indicate the people with whom she spent the majority of her time, and it was very important that she made sure people understood that she very much counted Nate (and, she supposed, by extension Jeremy, though frankly she could take him or leave him) as being a part of the core Mordue family - they had to know that she thought that, and then that gave them no excuse for not thinking it too. “And I do love my brother and my cousins,” one of them, anyway, but it was very ungracious to drop the plural when she did have two, “but it will be nice to have someone to do hair and makeup with, and talk about boys.”
13 Sylvia Better late than never 1413 Sylvia 0 5


April 05, 2018 6:01 PM

Glad you feel that way by Caitlin

"Oh nobody in particular. " Caitlin replied. "At Orientation I talked to this boy named Beau. His mother's cousin is married to my aunt and he decided to come introduce himself. There wasn't anyone at the feast." She had yet to figure out who was okay to talk to. The first year didn't want to end up going down a bad path as some of her relatives had done or do anything in the least to cost her father and Winston the Pierce patriarchy. Beau, however, was obviously acceptable. He was pure, after all, and his mother was even a Brockert.

Of course, Crotalus was the best house to be in for this. Muggleborns and halfbloods weren't especially common because obviously, they didn't usually care about being respectable. This was baffling to Caitlin. How could anyone not care about respectability? Even Muggles had to have some version of it in their own way. It was even odder if it was a pureblood who didn't care. Did they want to be disowned and/or potentially destroy their family's reputation?

But it did still happen that they were sorted here sometimes. Caitlin was just happy that it wasn't this year. She didn't know what she would do with a muggleborn roommate! It would be a conundrum as she would want to be polite and not have any conflict but on the other hand, she had to remain proper at all costs so she couldn't get too close either.

Her comment about someone to "Me too." Caitlin replied. She really only had ever had Winston for company. Everyone else had been much older and some of them were not great role models. The Anns were sort of....well, they were nice enough and they at least cared about fashion but on the other hand, they had played Quidditch in school and were not married. Mother and Melinda were models of pureblood respectability as were both her grandmothers though so she did at least have people that she looked up too. " The aunt I mentioned before has a daughter a few years younger than me but we're not that close." Aunt Harmony was only Mother's half-sister anyway so it wasn't as if they spent much time together.
11 Caitlin Glad you feel that way 1415 Caitlin 0 5