Professor Skies

March 16, 2014 5:41 AM
Professor Skies led the students through the hallways, pointing out useful landmarks that would help them navigate between the Common Room and the Cascade Hall. This was probably the most important route for them to learn, leading as it did to food. Also, as they shared classes with second years, they could easily follow their peers around between lessons, at least until they got their bearings, whereas it was luck whether or not someone fancied dinner at the same time as you. Usually, someone did but it was still useful to know for yourself.

“Those of you from Muggle backgrounds may have noticed that our pictures here move,” she informed the group. “And all of you would do to remember that they can also hear and react to what you might say about them,” she added in a significant tone, arching her eyebrows at them.

As they rounded a corner, they were greeted by a particularly hideous portrait of a somewhat decayed looking man, shuffling about in his frame.

“This is Gunther. He is an Inferus, or zombie, and he guards our Common Room. In addition to revealing this secret to no one, I expect you to treat Gunter with respect and politeness.” Perhaps this was more for the students' benefit than Gunther's, as she wasn't sure how fine his feelings were. She did know him capable of anger, however, and – whilst he might not be able to actually harm the students – he could put up a pretty frightening sight, or stalk off and leave them stuck in the corridor.

“The password for this week is rat spleen,” as she spoke, the portrait swung forward, admitting them entrance into the cosy red and silver Common Room.

“Welcome, and to the old students welcome back, to Crotalus. I hope you will come to feel at home here, and will treat this place and the people in it with respect. Should you have any concerns or queries, my office has access from the Common Room,” she gestured to a door in the corner, “And the corridor outside. You can also speak to one of our prefects, Alexandra Deveraux, Heaven Baird or Effie Arbon,” she explained, pointing the three girls out. She refrained from saying that she didn't advise speaking to the latter unless you came from the right sort of family and your dilemma regarded which fork to use. She hoped any Muggleborns or halfbloods she had did not find that out the hard way. “Our Quidditch Captain is Cepheus Princeton, and he should be posting details of tryouts in the next day or so,” again, she pointed out the relevant student as she spoke.

“Curfew is at ten and you must be back here by then. Anyone caught out of bounds will be punished, and I am not one to show favouritism to my own house. Girls are to this side,” she gestured to one of the staircases leading from the Common Room, “And boys to this. Any attempt to enter the wrong set of rooms will result in forceful ejection.” It was debatable how violent the corridors were but they would certainly spit out any students of the wrong sex who entered them. Just because certain students had been known to do this for fun didn't mean she believed it to be entirely painless... “Are there any questions?” she asked.
13 Professor Skies Head of House Speech 26 Professor Skies 1 5