Attoria Covington

January 26, 2013 1:57 PM

Confused (Tag: Brianna) by Attoria Covington

For most, summer was a time of innocence. Hidden in the magic of the season, children could wait a little longer to face the reality of growing up. Unfortunately, it was a world that Attoria had never really known. From the time that she could talk well enough to tell the cook to make her breakfast, her parents had been out of the picture. Oh, sure, they popped in once in a while to say this or that, but they were locked away from her inside of their own lives. Even after the incident with Brianna, they hadn’t offered much in the way of reassurance or even anger over the fact that something like that could happen, especially inside their apartment complex. No, the most they had said was, “I wonder if they’ll clean the carpets.”

Seriously? She was a fifteen year old girl, a time when everything was confusing, and she desperately needed her parents to understand the emotional mess that was going inside of her head over what happened and that was their reaction? Did they not think that she was going to be feeling some type of way? Her secret best friend was in the hospital, because of a boy that was part of her public frenemies group. To add onto complications, Laine, her best frenemy, though more enemy than friend, was completely in love with Harley since he had been the alpha in the building. Laine thought Brianna was making up the entire thing and had been throwing herself at Harley. She wanted to organize a crusade against Brianna for falsifying information, for seducing young boys (why else would they make up lies?), for driving Harley out, for being a witch, so to speak. Her list was endless. And the worst part was that others agreed with her.

But why wouldn’t they? Laine was the alpha of the girls. She told them to jump and they didn’t even ask how high, they just did it. Attoria punched her pillow in anger. She really hated Laine sometimes, but what else could she do? She couldn’t go against her. If she did, her life would end up being more miserable than Brianna’s. Of course, here, was another matter. Brianna wasn’t the outcast here, she was. She had never really felt a niche where she belonged and what was funny was that it had been her idea to come here, but why she had dragged Brianna along? In her secret heart of hearts, she knew the answer and it caused her more pain than she could take. She couldn’t be like that. She couldn’t. She had to go on living the lie, the one in which her loyalties went to Laine, the one where the men ruled and the women held on to their secrets- this one being the worst.

She buried her head in her pillow, mulling over her thoughts, until she heard the door open. Turning slightly, she saw Brianna struggling to enter the room. Should she help her or should she let her do it herself? What was the protocol for such things? She sat up in a crossed leg position and watched her silently. The sight made her want to cry. Forcing herself to be strong, she asked, “Do you want help?”
0 Attoria Covington Confused (Tag: Brianna) 202 Attoria Covington 1 5

Brianna Japos

January 26, 2013 5:01 PM

Pained. by Brianna Japos

It was a long day. First with classes and trying to get to each location relatively on time without causing too much strain on her back, then with trying to make it to the hall on time to manage a decent meal before having to trek back around the school for the remainder of the day. The only relief she had had was her water therapy. She was always so much more comfortable in the water because it seemed to balance everything out and she didn’t have to put so much pressure on her legs. But that relief hadn’t lasted long in comparison to all the moving she had done throughout the day. Brianna was in pain.

She had tried to rush herself back to the commons to her room because she had one last vial of pain reliever potion that her Healer had given her somewhere in her trunk. The commons had been closer to her than the hospital wing, so she had taken the lesser of two evils. Tomorrow, she would head to see Medic Bailey about what to do to minimize the pain so that she didn’t have to rely so much on the potion. Her Healer was afraid that if she always took it whenever she was in distress, she would become dependent on it and then never really manage the pain for herself.

She had somehow managed to work herself up the stairs, but she was tired and having trouble getting into the room. Upon entering, she found the room wasn’t empty. Attoria was on her bed, laying around. Must have been so nice for her. Over the last few years, Brianna had distanced herself from Attoria. Brianna knew that Attoria was one of the ones who started spreading rumors about her and was making fun of her behind her back. She hadn’t been a friend at all. Attoria fit in perfectly with those other kids. She was at home there.

“No thank you.” Brianna said, managing to get in and close the door without falling over. She didn’t want Attoria tripping her or something equally evil. Attoria wasn’t likely to do anything with people around, but who knew what she would do when the two of them were alone.

Brianna worked her way to her trunk and lowered herself to the floor. She took a few moments to search her trunk before locating the vial and drank from it. Closing her trunk, Brianna rested her head down on it and closed her eyes, waiting for the effects to take place. Nothing seemed to be getting better. Just worse. She was always in pain, she was always on the verge of tears, she saw the way people looked at her, and most nights, in order to sleep, she cried to herself until she wore herself out.

With the pain slowly ebbing away, Brianna pulled herself up off the floor and collapsed onto her bed. She remembered Attoria and looked around at her. “How come you’re in here?”
6 Brianna Japos Pained. 203 Brianna Japos 0 5