Valerie Lennox

May 18, 2012 2:34 PM

Needing Help by Valerie Lennox

Valerie's eyes flew open. She was lying on a couch in the Crotalus common room and she hadn't meant to fall asleep. Just rest for awhile. She'd been so tired and when she'd met Melanie for lunch-they got together for meals at least once a week and were okay with it if someone decided to join them-her sister had said she looked pale and insisted that Valerie go rest a bit before her next class.

But now, a quick glance at the clock said she was not only late, but had missed her afternoon classes completely! And Valerie hadn't been in the Hospital Wing so it was unexcused. Logic would have told her that her professors would assume that she was sick, but the third year wasn't thinking too clearly at the moment. She was panicked and felt kind of feverish.

Her chest hurt too. It felt like there was a heavy weight on it. Valerie coughed. Okay, so she needed to go see the Medic. Again. However, the Crotalus wasn't entirely sure she would be excused from class yet. She felt truly awful about it, she didn't want to get in trouble. Valerie had never been in trouble for anything in her life. She'd always been too sick to do anything really wrong. She didn't always get the grades she'd otherwise get but that was all and her parents understood. At least, her father did and Mother didn't seem to care that much about grades, just about Valerie and Melanie acting like proper young ladies.

Still, missing class was something entirely different. The third year always tried the best she could in them and she couldn't help feeling like a disappointment. Even though her grades were decent enough for someone in her condition and Valerie always tried to be a lady. She often got the impression that her mother didn't want a sick daughter-not that any parent would logically want their child to be sick, maybe Ryan's mother, but most parents weren't that cruel-but Mother was rather distant.

She tried to get up, she needed to go to the Hospital Wing now. Valerie put her hands down on the side of the couch and pulled herself into a sitting position. She felt a bit light headed and the pressure on her chest was intense, as she dissolved into another coughing fit. Valerie didn't even know if she could make it to the Hospital Wing by herself when she felt like she could barely get up.

Spotting someone, she spoke. The Crotalus didn't like asking for help, not so much because she didn't need it and wanted to do things for herself, but because Valerie didn't want to be a burden to anyone. They might resent her for it and not like her but right now, it was absolutely necessary. "Excuse me," Valerie said weakly. "Can you please help me to the Hospital Wing?"
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