An owl from Michael

October 28, 2011 1:28 PM

FAO Valerie Lennox by An owl from Michael

The school owl had been merciful for the very short journey. He knew the conditions outside the cosy bubble of Sonora would be less than welcoming, so the trip from the owlery to one of the common rooms was a cushy job. It was a slightly odd delivery, as in addition to the usual note, there was a long string of interconnected paper loops attached to his other leg. He settled as best he could with this awkward burden, waiting for someone to relieve him of the delivery, addressed to Valerie Lennox.

The note read:

Hi Valerie, - the writer wondered whether he should write 'dear' because Valerie seemed like a very formal person but he didn't really feel comfortable writing that.

Here is the start of one of the paper chains I was telling you about in class. I thought you might like to carry it on.. Included in the envelope were some colourful strips of paper, a glue stick and clear instructions (he didn't think they weren't patronising - Jenny had seemed very new to paper chains when she'd helped him, and things he'd thought would just be obvious hadn't been to her). He hoped Valerie would like the activity – she had seemed genuinely interested and not like she was just being polite. And she'd mentioned that she thought she might be getting sick, or something along those lines.

'I hope you don't get sick but if you do, this might at least cheer you up and give you something nice to do.

13 An owl from Michael FAO Valerie Lennox 199 An owl from Michael 1 5