Lutece Anthony

February 05, 2010 3:13 PM

Girls' night in [Talitha] by Lutece Anthony

It had been ages since Talitha and Lutece had made popcorn and just sat around chatting in their room, and it was one of those times when Lutece really needed that. Why? Because she had what she called the Oliver Problem. It wasn’t like the Oliver Problem was new, just that it had gotten more complicated over Midterm and the beginning of classes. Had Oliver been flirting with her over Midterm? Was there a reason why Lutece and Oliver were almost always partners in Potions? Yeah, they were friends, but was there maybe, maybe going to be something more between them? Lutece couldn’t tell, and she needed an objective third party opinion.

They popped the popcorn with their wands (it was a nifty little charm) and chatted for a little while. Lutece even got out her copy of Teen Witch and the pair of sixth years giggled over the pictures and some of the articles, wondered about some of the beauty charms that were in the back. But after not so long, Lutece had to bring it up. She really had to! It was so hard to concentrate on something other than Oliver, and concentrating on Oliver was just so...confusing.

“Talitha,” the brunette began, turning over on her back and looking up at the ceiling. She was wearing a pair of AE sweats and a Princess Peach t-shirt—her usual nightwear. “do you think that Oliver...likes me?” the sixth year blushed a little bit. Oliver had a girlfriend, and Hannah wasn’t a bad person, exactly. More like Lutece felt compelled to hate her because she was dating the boy she had liked since practically the beginning of time. Not that that was pathetic or anything.

“Like,” Lutece continued, frowning at the ceiling. “I swear he’s flirting with me sometimes, but he’s dating that Teppenpaw,” okay, maybe that was a little immature, but Lutece didn’t care. “and it’s just so confusing! Gah! I hate boys,” the Crotalus wrinkled her nose and turned to face Talitha. “But seriously Tal, help?”
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February 13, 2010 10:27 AM

Best night of the week by Talitha

Talitha used to dread her time with Lutece. The girl was so material, so status focused. Then gradually, slowly, as the years progressed they came to an understanding. Lutece helped Talitha become more aware of her outside appearance and her cultural reaction to the other students which admittedly helped her ability to fit in. Between the two of them, they had gone from thrown together roomies who had to get along in order to make life more tolerable to best friends.

She also adored Oliver, not a crush, boyfriend adoration, but as close to a awesome sibling as the product of an only child could imagine. She knew Oliver was a bit involved with a girl that wasn’t a bad choice for him. She was extremely happy he had someone to care for. That was before she’d noticed her two best friends interacting together.

Lutece changed, softened a bit, when Oliver was around. Oliver seemed, well, happier, more at ease whenever Lutece was present. So it came as not surprise when Lutece asked about Oliver’s feelings for her.

Boys….how stupid were they? Rarely they knew what they really wanted until some girl pointed it out to them. It was so very obvious that Oliver was attracted to her roomie it wasn’t’ even funny. Yet he was still attached to some one else that Talitha believe didn’t deserve to be hurt. Did Oliver like Lutece? DUH! But there was still his current girl friend to consider.

“Geez, Lu….,” Talitha hesitated, then failed. “Maybe, I don’t know.”

So lame. Such a cop out. Talitha searched her heart. What should she say? That they were so totally meant for each other that she could feel the electricity between them? That her own senses screamed that if they didn’t fall into each other’s arms they would regret it forever? She totally understood why her grandmother sought at an early age to turn off her seeing abilities. It was one gift that could be a nightmare.

“Have you ever…just…” Talitha sought for the right words to advise her sister/friend, “Maybe… you know…pounced?”
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