Anabel McIntosh

December 03, 2008 12:25 AM

3rd Year Dormitory by Anabel McIntosh

There had been a time not so long ago when Anabel would have shunned the idea of writing in a diary. She had little reason to use one when everything in her life always went her way. Life was generally nice and unmessy and, even if she did tend to be a bit serious about certain things at times, she at least knew that she was happy and that she enjoyed herself.

Life at Sonora was different, however. Anabel sensed- no, well, to be frank- Anabel knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that a good number of her peers did not share the love and affection that her family and close acquaintances felt for her. She was used to being adored. She was used to getting her way.

She was not used to selfish cows who displayed vulgar Quidditch posters on the wall. Or crazies who flip-flopped from being her friend one moment to signing up and joining the Quidditch team the next. And she certainly wasn't used to people who openly spoke up for those who thought that Quidditch was good.

Anabel had one close confidant in her dormitory. One...and that was almost embarrassing (not that she intended to change her morals in order to fit in- that was most certainly not happening). In fact, in all the years before she started at Sonora there was only one person who generally rubbed her the wrong way...and that was Lizzy.

Opening the crisp leather binder of her diary, Anabel flipped to the first empty page. In a moment of thought, Anabel twisted her quill between the tips of her fingers, trying to decide exactly how to word her frustrations.

Dear Diary, she started finally, I'm back at Sonora and part of me is happy to be back here, I guess. I mean, it's good to see Chelsea and Cecily and I really missed the other Ladies. I sometimes just feel a little distant from the other though. Not that I'd ever to admit to it aloud.

But then there are still the same annoyances of the previous years. Renaye and Laurie are still here and Laurie is even rumored to be dating Josh which is just disgusting. I don't see why Chelsea and Holly aren't in here with Cecily and me. We all uphold the ideals for Crotalus-- unlike some of my roommates...

Hearing the door to the dorm open, Anabel snapped her diary shut and jammed it below her pillow. Preoccupying herself with putting her quill on her bedside table, Anabel paid little attention to the person until they were practically in front of her bed. Glancing up, she smiled. "Hey," she said to the person in a short greeting.
0 Anabel McIntosh 3rd Year Dormitory 120 Anabel McIntosh 1 5

Laurie Cider

December 07, 2008 7:03 PM

Perhaps not the intended meeting. by Laurie Cider

Laurie couldn't help the grin that graced her lips as she bounded up the stairs to the girls' third year dormitory. The morning had been spent in excellent pursuits; the camera in her hand held at least sixty new pictures, a montage of quidditch practises, heads bent in study, and a profusion of candids caught from the hallways and Gardens. Her cheeks were flushed from the time spent outdoors, and tiny wisps of hair clung to her cheeks, brought loose from her braid.

She had every intention of continuing her pleasant day with an afternoon spent sun soaking in the Gardens. She needed only drop off her camera, grab a blanket from under her bed and her stashed Wizarding Wireless, and then beg a packed lunch from the prairie-elves in the Cascade Hall. She most certainly did not expect to find the dorm room occupied, and upon recognition of the occupant, Laurie's smile disappeared entirely.


She bit back a sigh and forced a polite expression to her mouth as she knelt beside her bed to retrieve the blanket and wireless. She was rather surprised, though, when she was greeted, not at all expecting any attempts at conversation, let alone a welcome. Uncertainly, she straightened from the floor, blanket and camera in grasp. "Uh, Anabel, hi. . .how are you?"
0 Laurie Cider Perhaps not the intended meeting. 0 Laurie Cider 0 5


December 07, 2008 7:22 PM

Anyone is welcome by Anabel

Why couldn't it have been Cecily? It wasn't the nicest of thoughts that might have popped into Anabel's mind, but at least it was an honest one. Cecily was her friend. Cecily, even if she had caught Anabel with a diary, wouldn't hold her new-found information over Anabel's head and try to find some new way to throw it in her face. Cecily talked to her and bothered to get to know her while Laurie, well, didn't.

Laurie Cider was not her friend. She and Laurie had nothing in common. Laurie seemed to be more of the free spirit, do-as-you-will, love everyone type of person while Anabel was not. Anabel was reserved. Anabel had been trained to be a young lady through etiquette classes and scores of tutors. She had been voted the most serious of her entire class.

It also certainly didn't help that Laurie was friends with Renaye. While Laurie seemed to be generally a likeable sort of person- or at least that's what she had heard from Cecily, Renaye was most assuredly not. Renaye was rude and brash and horrid in every possible way. Renaye was also horrid to Cecily and had turned Alexis against them in the worst possible way (through Quidditch). But although Laurie was friends with Renaye, she was also friends with Cecily and Anabel had promised herself that she would at least be nice.

It came as no surprise that Laurie's vibrant smile melted off of her face upon seeing Anabel. She knew that she wasn't liked; she wasn't stupid. Laurie didn't like her and she didn't like Laurie. In the ways of the world, that fact was rather straight forward and simple. It did come as quite of a shock, however, that Laurie didn't simply ignore her greeting.

"I'm doing okay. How are you?" Anabel slowly responded. She waited for a moment, pondering what to say next before finally asking, "Am I really that bad?"
0 Anabel Anyone is welcome 0 Anabel 0 5


December 19, 2008 9:00 AM

I know, I know, so late. Many regrets. by Laurie

"I'm doing okay. How are you?"

"Good, thanks," Laurie replied and then paused, her hands unsure of how best to hold the blanket and camera without conveying a sense of needing to leave. Politeness dictated that much at least.

So to say that the general feeling was awkward would be an understatement. If one wanted to be more literary and fall prey to the pull of purple prose, one might even expand upon the atmosphere to describe it as choking, taut with unvocalized thoughts and mutually held feelings of disappointment in each other's presence. One might even go so far as to categorize the air as cloying, like a too ripe orange hidden in the corner of a pantry, the scent and taste too thick to be comfortable and too familiar to be entirely uncomfortable. A middle ground of sorts, between the status quo of existence and the pressing need to address the elephant in the room.

Which was then addressed.

The question was more than enough to surprise Laurie into loosening her grip and almost sending her camera dashing to the ground. The brief juggle that resulted in a rescued camera, but dropped blanket gave her the few seconds of distraction she needed to not reply with her knee-jerk reaction of 'Actually, you kind of are.' The honest thing to do would be to say that and march out of the room, loyalties intact and lines unperturbed. As it was, though, Laurie's emotional honesty was severely lacking, and she hadn't the courage to do otherwise. She did as she always did: she compromised.

"No," she answered, sitting back on her bed and pushing her camera aside. Her sneakered feet dangled a good three inches from the floor, and she was struck suddenly by the actual youthfulness of her age. "It's just, we're hardly friends, right? I mean, I have interests you don't like, and I have friends you don't like. It's just a lack of common ground, is all. It's not like I hate you or anything."

Hate was too strong, too passionate of a word to be used to describe her feelings for Anabel. It was just that in Anabel's philosophy, the very people Laurie valued most in the world- her family, and in that group, three Muggles- were lesser individuals. It was kind of impossible for Laurie to forget that fact when around the girl.

"We just think differently."
0 Laurie I know, I know, so late. Many regrets. 0 Laurie 0 5