Alexis Ashwood

January 18, 2008 3:32 PM

Is there a cure for boredom? by Alexis Ashwood

Alexis lay on the Crotalus couch, just staring up at the ceiling. She was beyond bored. Without Hyana to torture anymore, nothing seemed fun. She could go bother Talitha, but what point would that have? Even messing with Josiah didn't seem like an interesting past time.

She had already completed her homework, written her family, and she was out of things to do. She had nothing to occupy her free time! Now she had to try and make...what was the word...started with an 'f'...

Alexis had to try to make some friends. There were some potential girls to hang out with in her year in Crotalus, but she felt that some may not be up to her level. Besides, they were all getting ready for the huge ball. Even Talitha had some kind of date. She had heard about it, but she really hoped it was a rumor. How could someone like Talitha have a date, but not her? It was unthinkable.

She doubted that she would even attend the ball. Her parents would be disappointed in her, but she could always pull the 'my studies are more important' act and get by. Still, it depressed her in some sort of strange way. What was she even going to do that night?

Someone sat next to her on the couch, and Alexis pulled her legs up, allowing the person some room to sit. She sat up to look at whoever decided to keep her company, brushed her long red hair out of her golden brown eyes, and said, "So, does the thought of the ball depress you, or make you completely happy?"
0 Alexis Ashwood Is there a cure for boredom? 117 Alexis Ashwood 1 5

Lily Collins

January 28, 2008 6:30 PM

Have you considered a hobby? (wotw) by Lily Collins

Lily plopped down on the end of the couch and opened the dusty old tome she'd gotten from the school library. Despite it's ancient and probably difficult to read appearance, it looked like a delightfully grim story. She'd never personally been one for reading anything cheerful which was just another thing that had made people think she was scary or disturbed during her childhood.

She was still avoiding people whenever she could for the most part. In fact, Lily felt like she was regressing back to what she was before coming to Sonora. Granted, there were aspects of her personality that never seemed to have changed at all from then, mainly the part where she was really angry and had a massive chip on her shoulder. Now though, it was more like Lily was deliberately trying to scare people off in the way that she knew best.

"So, does the thought of the ball depress you, or make you completely happy?"

Looking up from her book, Lily noticed for the first time the younger girl, probably a first year, at the other end of the couch. She hadn't really paid much attention to the first years other than being glad Chelsea was in Aladren so Lily didn't have to deal with her and the fact that the ones in Crotalus seemed vaguely reminiscent of the now fifth years. It wasn't her job to take notice of them in general. Lily wasn't a prefect and there weren't even first years on the quidditch teams.

Ah, the ball. Was that really all anyone cared about? Lily hadn't given it much thought. She wasn't worried about getting a date or anything, since she'd long accepted that there simply weren't enough guys to go around. Plus, even though Lily definately liked guys, she didn't care much for the ones at Sonora anyway. Most of them were too immature. She was quite frankly hoping that there would be better ones once she went to SUM. "I quite frankly don't care either way." Lily stated.

11 Lily Collins Have you considered a hobby? (wotw) 45 Lily Collins 0 5

Alexis Ashwood

February 07, 2008 12:52 PM

Yes, but I get bored easily, I'm afraid by Alexis Ashwood

Alexis examined the older girl quite carefully. She seemed familiar, which meant she was most likely a pureblood. If not, then she just liked her attidude. It was very...cold? Was that how Alexis would put it?

Nah, that wasn't it. The girl's reply bothered her slightly, though. "I quite frankly don't care either way." Who wouldn't care about the ball?! Unless she didn't feel like running around with halfbreeds and mudbloods. Alexis hated the thought! She wasn't too sure what to respond at first.

She didn't care much herself, but she had heard about that sickening Talitha getting a date. How could Alexis not be invited, when someone that disgustingly sweet was? It was just unthinkable. That was the only thing that bothered Alexis. Plus, if Josiah went, it would be another opportunity to torture him, especially if he had a date. But she needed a reason to go herself!

"Not the dance type then?" she finally responded, glancing at the girl's book. "A reader? Is it a good one? It certainly looks good." More depressing than anything... she added in her head.

"I'm Alexis Ashwood." she introduced herself. "I'm a first year."
0 Alexis Ashwood Yes, but I get bored easily, I'm afraid 117 Alexis Ashwood 0 5


February 23, 2008 3:56 PM

That's too bad. There are many good ones. by Lily

"Lily Collins, sixth year." Okay, that was going to make Alexis run away in terror probably. Not that Lily cared that much. She was used to it by now. She knew she had a reputation for being angry and violent, especially in Quidditch. If Alexis was scared of her, it certainly wouldn't be the first time. Zack Dill was afraid of her, as was Adam.

On the other hand, maybe Alexis wasn't into Quidditch at all and would have no idea that Lily had injured three or four people. Especially prior to this year. She gave the girl enough credit that she wasn't a moron and didn't live under a rock so she probably knew about Kaylie. Lily still felt bad about it, though it really did help that it was Kaylie's doctor who'd made things worse. She was still quite unenthusiastic about playing Aladren though. Lily wasn't scared or anything, as it was probably the other team who should be so. It was just that she wasn't sure she would be able to go in with her usual zeal for inflicting pain.

She thought carefully. "I guess I really am not the dance type." Lily truly wasn't. She didn't care for dressing up and going to social events that favored the elite, which was all dances and balls were, in both the muggle and magical world. She assumed this dance would be more like a prom in the muggle world than the kind of pureblood balls thrown by adults.

What type was Lily though? The scary vicious type? She wasn't the jock type, thankfully. It might make her more well-liked if she was, but that wouldn't be being true to herself. Nor was she the socialite type like Chelsea and the fifth and first year Crots. Lily wasn't also the brainy studying type but that was possibly the closest. She was pretty smart. "I don't really think I am a type. I mean, not everyone is." She said honestly. "I like reading well enough I guess." Lily looked back at the book. "It is pretty decent so far, but I haven't really read much of it."

She paused, going back to Alexis's original question. She wondered if the girl was upset about not having a date or something. "You don't really need to worry about the dance. I mean, there aren't that many guys here and you are only a first year. Guys your age are still very immature and a lot of them probably still think girls have cooties." Lily paused again, "Come to think of it, the guys my age are still very immature." She really needed an older man. It was too bad she didn't get on with Layla very well. Lily could ask her to set her up with someone, if she really cared that much. "I think a lot of people are going to hang out with friends. That's what I plan to do." That was, if she even went.

OOC-Sorry for the wait.
11 Lily That's too bad. There are many good ones. 45 Lily 0 5