
November 14, 2005 1:35 AM

A Merry Christmas? HA! by Chrissy

Chrissy sat on her bed in her dorm in a silence, brooding over what was to come next. Her hair was in tangles and her clothes were askew and her belongs sat in disarray in her trunk because she had thrown them in during a fit of rage and had only stopped when she needed a minute to breathe.

Now that she had taken several minutes to recuperate, Chrissy sat motionless on her bed staring at absolutely nothing. Then, quite suddenly, Chrissy was standing and slamming her trunk lid closed. Her brown eyes flashing in anger and she clicked the lock and secured her belongings for the trip home. Her normally pale, but content features were contorted into the ugly look of hate and rage. It only meant one thing.

She was going home.

Walking to the door of the dorm, Chrissy threw on her peacoat, hat, scarf, and gloves, picked up her wand, and did the swish and flick that sent her trunk into the air in a slow ascent. Her brows knotted together in concentration as she struggled to move her trunk with magic. Charms were never easy for her, but she succeeded in levitating the trunk halfway across the room before it came crashing back down with a loud THUMP! Scrowl growing ever deeper, Chrissy trudged up to her trunk and gave it a good kick, which only sent waves of pain up her leg.

"BLOODY HELL!" Chrissy yelped, hobbling on her good foot before sitting down on her abused trunk, cradling her injured foot. A steady rose darkened her cheeks as she looked about her dorm room and gave a sheepish smile to her roommates. Thoughts that had plagued her filled her once more They might not come back. I might be here alone. Alone. Always alone. She allowed her thoughts to continue on in a depressed manner before shaking herself back into things. It was no time to dwell on that what might be.

After tentitavely standing on her foot, Chrissy turned back to her trunk and levitated it to the door, where she turned around and grumbled a Merry Christmas to whoever was still in the room. She turned and slowly made her way down, forgetting her anger and concentrating only on keeping her trunk from crashing into her.\n\n
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