Catherine Raines

April 05, 2005 11:47 AM
Catherine woke up slowly, blinking at the deep red canopy of her bed and wondering vaguely if she was still dreaming. Another blink and she remembered that she was at Sonora, a first year Crotalus on her first morning as a student. That thought alone was enough to give her sufficient energy to climb out of bed and assess her surroundings.

The first thing she registered was that she was alone. All of the other girls were still asleep, or at least still in bed with the curtains drawn. Just as well. Catherine needed time to prepare herself for the gazes of others. She knew now that her hang-back-and-watch strategy of the previous evening had been a horrible idea, but if she played her cards right then she could still make a place for herself among the others. She might not be able to lead a clique herself, but she would settle for getting into the most powerful one that had formed.

Opening her trunk, she surveyed her clothes like a general surveying soldiers before a battle. Clothes would be one of the first things anyone saw, so she would have to take care with them. She didn't want anything that made her seem tacky by flaunting her wealth, but she did want anyone who saw it to know that she was rich, not to mention that it had to go with her dark green school robes. After some mental deliberation, she settled on a jade green dress that would set off the color of the robes nicely and pulled it on, snapping the silver fasteners of her robes over it and surveying herself in the mirror. Perfect.

She began thinking about the year ahead as she pulled a brush through her heavy hair in front of her mirror. One thing both of her parents had been very explicit on was the importance of who she knew and how she acted. For her, Sonora was to be more of an introduction into society than an educational expirience, as she would marry some rich pureblood and have four or five pureblood children and never do anything so productive that it required more than social expirience for the rest of her life after she left the Arizona desert for the last time. She would have to be unendingly charming except to carefully chosen enemies and never forget for a moment who she was and why she was there.

In a rare moment of weakness, she accidentally allowed the full weight of her role as a Crotalus hit her and felt suddenly exhausted. It would be a seven-year act where she could never leave the stage, followed by a lifetime act where she could never leave the stage. For a moment, her creamy-skinned beauty faded, making her look, in her own eyes as she stared at her reflection, pale and haggard, her blue eyes dull,her brown hair limp and lusterless. Then she smiled again, the dazzling Raines smile, and was herself. It was the life she had been born to, and there was nothing anyone could be better at doing than what they were born to do.

Once her makeup was applied, she pinched her cheeks to give them a little extra color and stood back, admiring herself in the mirror and waiting for her life for the next seven years to start with the awakening of one of her dormmates. \n\n
0 Catherine Raines First Impressions 66 Catherine Raines 1 5

Nicoletta Dupree

April 05, 2005 12:27 PM
Nicoletta had just woken up, after her hard night of sleep. The bed wasn't nearly as soft as she was used to. She couldn't wait until she and Jordanna got their new beds, but that wouldn't be for at least another week.

Slowly sitting up, she yawned and stretched, and then hazily rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Today would be the first full day here at Sonora, and today would be the day to find the fourth to form their group. Four was the perfect number.

Perhaps, she would find the fourth sooner, rather than later, she mused, as she saw a pretty girl, who appeared to have just finished dressing. Now, for the test.

Getting up, Nicoletta put on her black silk Japanese robe, and walked over to the girl.

Nose slightly in the air, she said cooly, "Good morning. My name is Nicoletta Dupree, and you would be?"

This would be the test of the last name. If the name was known, then she could access the girl's personality. Would she be the fourth?\n\n
0 Nicoletta Dupree Are always important. 64 Nicoletta Dupree 0 5

Gwenhwyfar Carey

April 05, 2005 12:52 PM
Gwenhwyfar sat up in bed, smiling contentedly at the thought that instead of being woken up by a maid for formal breakfast she was waking up naturally at Sonora Academy, hundreds of miles from the other Careys and all the baggage that went with them. It would be almost ten months before she had to put up with the unending drama between the Savannah, Charleston, New Orleans, and Richmond branches of the family again, to her delight.

Getting up, she removed the eucalyptus leaves from between the folds of her robes, thinking fondly of how the house-elf, Trinny, always pressed eucalyptus into her clothes and lavender into Morgaine's. Edmond didn't have to go around smelling like flowers because he was a boy. She walked into the bathroom to dress and pin up her long golden hair with the rather badly carved hairpin that Eddie had given her as a going-away present. The swirl of her hair would cover it up and she would be able to touch her head and think of her little brother.

She realized that she looked like one of the girly-girls from the other end of the table the night before, with her hair swept up on top of her head as it was and in a skirt underneath her robes, causing her to silently curse her mother's taste. Lorena Carey wanted nothing more in life than for her daughters to be ladies and her son to be a perfect Southern gentleman, tasks that all were drastically unsuited to. Morgaine was too withdrawn to be any kind of lady, Edmond was too young to be a gentleman, and Gwenhwyfar...she had a streak of Savannah wildness in her, something that had no place in proper pureblood society. She had lived that life as the lady her mother wanted her to be, but there had always been part of her that wanted something more.

She shook her head at her own sentimental foolishness. She was too practical to bother with such introspective thoughts. She had made friends with Laura and Juliet the night before at the Welcoming Feast, though there was a part of her that worried that she had worn out her welcome with her chatter and eccentricies, and she was set for at least one day. An outfit was just an outfit and a hairstyle was just a hairstyle-it didn't mean anything. If her new friends hadn't gotten thoroughly sick of her at the feast, then they probably wouldn't abandon her because of what her mother packed. Resolutely, she walked back into the dormitory.

She noticed another girl primping in front of her mirror who she hadn't seen before. The other girl had brown hair and was dressed up expensively, pinching her cheeks to make them redder. Gwenhwyfar didn't think she had seen her the night before at the feast. Walking over to her own dresser, she began stacking her robes in a drawer and nodded to her companion. "Good morning," she said, her Southern drawl a little heavier than usual due to a combination of sleepiness and faint apprehension for the day ahead.\n\n
0 Gwenhwyfar Carey Scarlet and Silver 63 Gwenhwyfar Carey 0 5


April 05, 2005 1:09 PM
ooc-I have a way to fix the problem with having two of you post at once, so it should be okay. We'll say that I'm talking to Nicoletta under her post and then Gwenhwyfar comes in. ok?

IC- Catherine turned around from her reflection to face the other girl who had just introduced herself as Nicoletta Dupree. She matched Nicoletta's cool look with an equally unrevealing look of her own, wondering if Nicoletta would prove herself an ally or an enemy. "Good morning. Mine is Catherine Raines." The Raines name carried respect back in Illinois, both for its money, its connections, and its history. She was a Raines girl, meaning she could look Nicoletta Dupree or anyone else in the Wizarding World in the face without having to be ashamed of who she was-the daughter of Charles Raines, a great man, and Lila Robinond, a wealthy lady.

She knew from her observations at dinner that Nicoletta had fallen into company with two of the Howard girls, Jordanna and Skyla. The Howards had the honor of being one of the most known and influential families in their world, and Catherine knew that the Duprees were also very powerful. If she could gain Nicoletta's approval now, then she would be part of the most fashionable and well-bred group she had seen form the previous evening. The trick was to not bungle it now, or she'd be delegated to the loser crew if not to the status of a total outcast.

"I fear Sonora isn't quite what I was expecting," she said, her voice still slightly detatched until she was able to read something from Nicoletta. "The staff plainly doesn't think we have very high standards about living quarters or anything else, for that matter."\n\n
0 Catherine Conversations 0 Catherine 0 5

Laura Keaton

April 05, 2005 2:53 PM
When Laura finally convinced herself to open her eyes and crawl out of bed, after her first night at Sonora Academy, she saw three of her dorm mates had already dressed, and were getting ready for the day. Yawning loudly, though not bothering to cover to mouth, Laura swung her long legs over the side of the bed. She hadn’t been thrilled about having to share a room with a bunch of other girls, but she slept well nonetheless.

Two girls were already talking together at a mirror; one Laura didn’t recognize, the other Laura had labeled “girly” at dinner the night before. The girl whom Laura didn’t recognize introduced herself to the other as Catherine Raines. Laura flinched at hearing so many pureblood names being thrown about in the last twenty-four hours. She wondered how she had seemingly ended up the only half blood in the entire house. Still, she promised herself she would not start throwing around the Sanice name; her Muggle father’s name was just fine. Besides, these girls would call her names no worse than her pureblood cousins already did. Laura also spotted Gwen stuffing some of her robes into drawers.

“Good morning, Gwen,” she said with as much cheer as she muster while still feeling drowsy. She had grabbed a pair of jeans and another t-shirt and headed for the bathroom. The other girls were wearing skirts, probably hoping to look impressive on their first day of school, Laura thought. She, however, would never be caught dead in a skirt. They were so constricting; you couldn’t sit normally, play sports, ride a broom, or do anything else fun in a skirt. Besides, they made you look like a girl, something Laura usually tried to avoid. She would make her own impression, her own way.
0 Laura Keaton Good Morning Sonora 0 Laura Keaton 0 5

Asher Tallow

April 05, 2005 3:13 PM
It was decidedly disconcerting to wake to the sound of feminine speech and not to the normal hum of birdsong. Her brother, Mikes, raised starlings, little black tuffs of feathers and wonderfully tuneful whistling. It was to the sound of their rustling and singing that she normally woke, not to the chattering of- Asher tipped open a black irised eye, took in the fine clothing, groomed hair, and slowly drying make-up- over dressed, youth declined girls.

She muffled a groan and stuffed her head farther down under her comforter. From under the muffle of her blankets, she caught the sound of an enthusiastic yawn, the rustle of sheets, and then a cheerful voice call out:

"Good morning, Gwen."

Asher managed to free her head from its burrow just in time to see a tall girl grab a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and head for the bathroom. She eyed first the trio of girls standing near the mirror and then the slowly shutting bathroom door. The choice was not difficult.

She pushed back her blankets, swiped her unpacked duffle from under the bed, and pulled her dark hair back from her face. She flashed a quick grin in the direction of the other girls, ignored the still sleeping ones, and hurried for the bathroom.

Pausing only to grimace at her reflection, Asher greeted the tall girl bluntly.

"'Morning. I'm Asher." She brandished her toothbrush and pointed back to the dorm room. "Is it just me or do you feel like the air's slowly being sucked dry in that room?" \n\n
0 Asher Tallow Why are there no birds singing? 1466 Asher Tallow 0 5


April 05, 2005 3:53 PM
Nicoletta looked at the girl, whom had introduced herself as Catherine Raines. She had heard her parents speak of the name in good terms, meaning that she came from a wealthy, well-bred, influential family. Between this and her obvious sense of fashion, the girl was worth a second look.

She was about to speak when she was interrupted by another girl, saying 'Good morning.' Nicoletta had noticed the girl the night before sitting with some of the lesser students. She hoped that Catherine would have the good sense not to get involved with the likes of her.

Purposefully, Nicoletta turned to Catherine, using her shoulder, as a bit of blockage toward the other girl, as to say 'You aren't welcome in this conversation.' Then, she said, "Catherine, please join me for breakfast. Have you meet Jordanna and Skyla Howard, yet? If not, you simply must meet them."

There it was. Catherine had her opportunity. Would it be them or those that Nicoletta and her friends deemed the lesser. As she waited for Catherine's reply, another girl, walked up and said hello to the other girl standing there before heading to the bathroom. She tried not to sneer slightly. The girl was obviously not one of them. She didn't appear to Nicoletta, as one of the refined.

OCC: Don't hate me too much! *laughs*\n\n
0 Nicoletta It's going to be a long year. *grin* 0 Nicoletta 0 5


April 05, 2005 4:02 PM
Jordanna had awoken early, far earlier than would be expected from a girl like her. But she had tradition of showering in the morning she liked to keep. She had to be up around sunrise if she wanted it all to herself. And she definitely did not want anybody sharing the bathroom with her.

After showering, Jordanna dried herself off and began to put on her outfit. She was wearing rather expensive dragon hide caprees a shade of lime green, and a sleeveless white button down shirt. The outfit seemed simple enough, but she hadn't added on the accesories. She would be wearing a charm bracelet, a green scarf around her neck of translucent material, sunglasses lightly tinted lime green, and who could forget the daisy pendant? Complete with matching lime green sandals and a her hair in a high pony tail, Jordanna thought she looke rather cute. But there was still so much more to do!

On the day of her departure, Jordanna's mother had given her a book containing basic beauty care charms. Flipping through it, she found a nail polish charm.

Holding out her wand, she pointed it at each hand and foot, repeating "Emanicuronto francais!" There, she had a freshly dry manicure. From tutors before school, Jordanna had started some basic spells, and Charms seemed to be her best subject. Manually applying a touch of make up, Jordanna was officially ready to face the world.

She hadn't noticed when a girl- was Asher Tallow her name came running in the bathroom. She remembered her from the feast. She hadn't meant to ignore her, but she was already in the middle of a conversation with Nicoletta, after all.

"Good morning Asher!" she called out, gathering up her things and carrying them outside. Halfway out the door, she realized something.

"I don't have to carry all this stuff," she pulled out her wand, "Wingardium leviosa. You just got to love magic, it saved me from almost breaking a nail." Indeed, all her things had raised up, floating in the air. Directing them all with her wand to the side of her bed, she released the spell.

"Catherine, please join me for breakfast. Have you meet Jordanna and Skyla Howard, yet? If not, you simply must meet them."

Jordanna perked up at the mentioning of her name. Nicoletta was talking to another girl in their dorm. And if Nicoletta was talking to her, she must not be too bad.

"Good morning all- who must I meet? Catherine is it? Well, I'm Jordanna Howard," she introduced herself, and then asked a question that had been bothering her very much, "Nicoletta dear, do you think that the glasses are too much?"
0 Jordanna The birds aren't singing 'cause I haven't told them to ye 0 Jordanna 0 5


April 05, 2005 4:26 PM
Nicoletta turned to see Jordanna beside her, in what was a most stylish outfit, asking if the sunglasses were too much.

With a critical eye, Nicoletta took in the full ensemble, before replying, "Definetly not. If you weren't wearing them, I would have to ask you if you had a pair. I really should be getting dressed before it gets to late."

With that, she grabbed her shower items and headed to the bathroom. She took a quick shower, bathing with her honey-vanilla scented shower wash. After drying off and wrapping herself in the towel, she checked herself in the mirror. How should she do her hair, today? After pondering this for a moment, she pulled it into a french-braid, and tied a lavender ribbon to the end. With an expert hand, from practicing with her mother, she applied a clear mascara to her lashes, designed only to darken and separate, since she didn't need to extend her already long lashes. Next, she touched up her lips with a purple-tinted lipgloss. Finally, she added a little bit of lavender eye-shadow to complete the look.

Heading back to the bedroom, she changed into one of her new outfits. Her mother had bought her a completely new wardrobe for school, even though she had still had things in her closet, she had never worn. She put on a lavender skirt that came down to her ankles and had a slit on each side that came up to her knees. She put on the matching sleeveless v-neck top and strappy sandals. Adding in, her silver ankle bracelet, a couple bangels, and her silver choker, and she was ready.

She walked over to where the girls were standing, "Have we decided yet?"

0 Nicoletta So, are you going to tell them? 0 Nicoletta 0 5


April 05, 2005 4:38 PM
Catherine's mouth twisted a little when she heard someone drawl out 'good morning' in an accent as horrendous as her mother's. The other girl obviously had little or no breeding, talking like that when she could have learned to speak properly, not to mention that she had been sitting with a Teppenpaw and another girl that Catherine was almost sure was no pureblood at the feast, meaning that by extention that the Southern girl had to be a loser too. She noticed Nicoletta's slight gesture to block the blonde out of the conversation and it immediately confirmed Catherine's idea that Nicoletta was someone she wanted to know.

"I gladly accept the invitation," she said, smiling graciously. "And no, I haven't met Jordanna and Skyla yet, but I'm sure the pleasure will be mine when I do." At almost that moment, another girl dressed with very good style came over to them and introduced herself as Jordanna Howard. Catherine carefully took stock of her. Jordanna would be a force to be reckoned with if you were an enemy of hers, making her a very good ally in Catherine's mind.

"Catherine Raines," Catherine returned, working hard to suppress triumph as Jordanna asked Nicoletta if her glasses were too much. It was a bit early to tell for certain, but she had a feeling she had passed the silent test Nicoletta had been administering. She had been given a choice that was no choice at all: her own kind or losers. It hadn't been a hard choice to make.

0 Catherine An Easy Choice 0 Catherine 0 5


April 05, 2005 5:21 PM
OOC-I'll try not to hate you more than is strictly necessary, Nicoletta. It was decided before term started that my real vendetta was going to be against Catherine anyway. Check the OOC boards if you don't know what I'm talking about.

BIC-Gwenhwyfar raised an eyebrow sharply when the other two girls snubbed her so blatantly. Preps. She had to press her lips together hard and clench her hands to keep from going up and asking them what their problem was,which would only reassure them that she was a complete idiot who had been raised by pigs. For the family if for nothing else, she had to keep her mouth shut. She felt uncomfortably aware of how much her clothes made her look like one of them.

When Laura gave her a sleepy-yet-cheerful greeting, she was so stunned with relief that she wasn't able to answer before Laura had retreated into the bathroom. A black-haired girl soon followed her. Gwen went to sit cross-legged on her bed, not caring if she mussed her skirt or not. Her clothes put her in an uncomfortable middle ground, but she knew where her loyalties lay. When Laura came out, they could go find Juliet at breakfast and maybe make friends with the black-haired girl who didn't look very keen on the preps, once Gwen had explained that she wasn't one.\n\n
0 Gwenhwyfar So the lines have been drawn... 63 Gwenhwyfar 0 5

Laura Keaton

April 05, 2005 8:06 PM
Laura was a little surprised when a black haired girl she didn’t know entered the bathroom, but was instantly put at ease by a friendly greeting.

“Morning. I'm Asher. Is it just me or do you feel like the air's slowly being sucked dry in that room?"

Laura couldn’t prevent a laugh from escaping; she knew exactly what Asher meant.

“Hi, I’m Laura, and yeah, I don’t think we are going to survive the year without someone getting hexed out there” she responded as she roughly pulled a comb through her short hair. She might not care much about how she looked, but she cared enough not to go to class with bed head.

Once the dirty blonde bob of hair was once more secured in a pony tail, Laura turned to Asher once more. She hoped the girl had understood her comment as joking, mostly. She picked up her toothbrush as well, and before popping it into her mouth asked, “Do you want to come to breakfast with me? I’ll introduce you to Gwen; even though she is wearing a skirt, she’s pretty cool. She doesn’t care that my last name isn’t of a pureblood family.”
0 Laura Keaton It could be worse: I could be singing! 0 Laura Keaton 0 5


April 05, 2005 8:26 PM
Pureblood. Muggle. Halfblood. Quarterblood. Just one drop! Asher thought it all rather ridiculous. She remembered her father's stories, of how the Tallow name first forged its roots with the Gauls so many centuries ago. Her name had a legacy, or so her father would say, but when she thought of her home to the north, to the badlands and the mountains and that untouched sky, what did blood matter? What did a name matter?

It meant nothing compared to the real things, like family, hopes, and, in this particular case, friendship. If those girls with their beautiful clothes and perfect smiles cared about stupid things like a name or blood, then Asher Margaret Tallow didn't need them.

"Forget hexing them, that's too obvious. We can be far more creative than that. I'm thinking...a jar of ink and and a sudden case of butterfingers." Asher grinned from around her toothbrush. "And breakfast sounds great; I was too nervous to eat last night."

Asher pushed aside her toothbrush and yanked her hair into a servicable braid, the long plait whipping half way down her back. "Names are over-rated as it is...we don't care about things like that where I come from."\n\n
0 Asher Breakfast sounds excellent 1466 Asher 0 5


April 05, 2005 9:57 PM
"I'm keeping the shades," nodded Jordanna. That Catherine girl seemed to have no opinion about the sunglasses, so Jordanna still was a bit unsure about her sense of fashion. She had been quite impatient for Nicoletta to get ready, she almost walked out of the room without her!

There were places to go, people to see, and people to see her. It was the first day of school, after all, and Jordanna needed to make a good impression. People needed to know that she was a pureblood with great clothes who meant business. No one messed with her. And the halfbloods and muggleborns of the school would do best to learn that as quickly as possible.

"So I suppose this means we're all ready..." she commented. It seemed like everything was right, except something was definitely missing. It didn't take very long for her to figure out. Skyla. How had she missed this before?

"Skyla," she said, "If she's not ready to go in ten minutes, we are leaving without her. Her lack of punctuality will bring her down in life, and it's best if she learns it sooner than later," she paused, as if waiting for Skyla to jump out from nowhere and be ready, than started again, "So, as we all know, the food here is horribly disgusting and bland. Anyone have any ideas how we can get better food? I was thinking of getting my own personal house elf to cook for me. House elves are so much more reliable than the ridiculous praire elves they have here.\n\n
0 Jordanna wait for it....... Birds, sing! 0 Jordanna 0 5


April 06, 2005 1:31 PM
"I think that should be our next influential decision, Jordanna," Nicoletta said to her new friend.

She was satisfied for now since she had already begun the process of dominating the school, as her mother had once done during her days here. Four was the perfect number. Four girls that had influential, wealthy families with the backgrounds to prove it. Four girls, who knew what they wanted and weren't afraid to take it. Four girls to rule.

Of course, this could only happen, if Skyla would make a point of being punctional, meaning being fashionably late, not actually late. Nicoletta wondered what was taking that girl so long. Perhaps, she would have to talk to Jordanna about this. They couldn't have a fourth that kept lagging.

"Well, I think Skyla needs to learn to be on time since she isn't the leader," Nicoletta said to the two girls, as she grabbed her school robe and bag. "I think we should go make ourselves known."\n\n
0 Nicoletta I hear them! 0 Nicoletta 0 5

Laura Keaton

April 06, 2005 6:56 PM
Laura grinned widely when Asher innocently suggested that an ink bottle and butterfingers might work better than a hex. She had a rather lovely mental image of how one of those girls would react if they suddenly found their blouse drenched with ink. She hoped they wouldn’t have enough sense to think of the scourgify charm immediately.

"Names are over-rated as it is...we don't care about things like that where I come from."

Laura’s grin switched to a grateful smile as stowed away her toothbrush and comb and started for the door.

“Well, at least that makes three sane people in this house,” Laura replied.

Laura exited the bathroom, and walked back out into the dormitory. The three preps were still hogging the mirror, and looking very impatient about something. Gwen was sitting cross-legged on her bed, facing the bathroom door. Laura smiled at her as she entered; she couldn’t pretend that she wasn’t happy to see Gwen not standing with the preps.

Laura crossed to her own bed, which she hadn’t bothered to make, and sat down as well. She started pulling on a pair of white socks and sneakers, while she warily eyed the three girls near the door. One had already picked up her robe and bag, and looked to be very anxious to get to breakfast.

Laura waited for Asher to exit the bathroom before asking both her and Gwen, “ready to go to breakfast? I’m starving!”
0 Laura Keaton Yum! I hope they serve bacon! 0 Laura Keaton 0 5


April 06, 2005 8:31 PM
0 Asher To breakast we go (nm) (nm) 1466 Asher 0 5


April 07, 2005 2:49 PM
Jordanna suddenly got an idea. Not that that was at all uncommon to happen her, but this would just be too funny to pass up. Pressing a finger to her mouth, she motioned with her eyes towards Skyla's bed. With a mischievious glint in her eyes, she picked up her wand. She moved closer to the door. If she didn't want to get caught, she would have to be somewhere she could exit easily from.

"Diffindo," she said confidently, pointing to the curtains of her cousin's bed. The charm was meant to sever things. But Jordanna didn't have a full hold on it yet, so it didn't make a clean straight cut, like it was supposed to. Instead, the result were jagged cuts on the top of the curtains, the threads badly frayed. Jordanna thought that this was better than what the spell was supposed to, because the fraying made it harder to fix. Part of the curtains fell onto the bed, and others still stood hanging by a thread.

"We're leaving now," she said, putting the wand back in its black dragon hide carrier case, and started walking out of the room. There was no chance Skyla would know it was her. Besides, how could she ever think her dear cousin would do such a thing? She smirked. Life was good.

OOC-Anyone else semi-annoyed by Juliet L.'s post in Cascade Hall "Breakfast". Because I have feeling we are the people she is talking about. And if so, she is writing for our characters which you aren't supposed to do unless you have their okay. Of course, I could be over reacting...\n\n
0 Jordanna I told you, my wish is their command 0 Jordanna 0 5

Juliet Lee

April 07, 2005 3:14 PM
No, I wasn't talking about you guys. I was merely invoking the power of free speech by pretending that there were random pureblood preps who were making fun of my character. Sorry if I offended you by accident though. It wasn't my intention. \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Juliet Lee OOC 0 Juliet Lee 0 5


April 07, 2005 3:52 PM
none taken!! I'm sorry, I've been moody all day, I saw Schindler's List in school yesterday, was freaked out and couldn't sleep, and now today I'm cranky. Hmm... I feel like there should be a moral or something... okay, prevent holocausts from ever happening again, so that people don't make movies about it that are sad and scary, and give people nightmares so that they are cranky the next day, and crankiness is taken out on poor innocent people. Yup, that's it.\n\n
0 Jordanna OOC 0 Jordanna 0 5

Juliet Lee

April 07, 2005 4:33 PM
Damn those holocausts for creating a very long chain of events that end in the belittling of innocent Japanese rp characters! *shakes fist*\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
0 Juliet Lee OOC 0 Juliet Lee 0 5


April 08, 2005 4:59 PM
Skyla yawned and realized her friends left without her. It's not like she didn't mind or anything, but why would they leave without her. Right now she didnt' care becasue she had to get ready. The first offical day of school was very important. She would meet new people and see who's fashionable or not. She would find out who were the geeks and the popular kids were. She had a feeling, though that she knew.
Her blonde hair was in two ponytails and wore one of her new robes her mother bought her. She put on her mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. Skyla was ready to go to the Cascade Hall and catch up with her cousin and Nicoletta.

OOC: sorry i haven't posted in a while. School's been crazy. \n\n
0 Skyla *yawns* 0 Skyla 0 5