Salali Bly

November 21, 2016 3:46 AM

Loafing around by Salali Bly

There was a couch in the Pecari Common room of which Salali was very fond. It was just the right amount of soft, and she liked to lay across it on her belly, propped up by her elbows. She had enough room to stretch her legs all the way across, but she liked to bend them at the knee, gently kicking her feet in the air. This was how she did most of her school assignments. Putting weight on her arms this way did not bode well for her handwriting, which was on the messier side anyway, but it was great for reading. Her neck craned in, head tilted in a way that looked like it should have been painful, brown eyes scanning slowly across each page.

By no means was Salali an academic, but growing up in essentially one room, her brother’s lesson had been the only thing she had to look forward to. Then at the orphanage, sometimes the other girls let her borrow their books. Other times, she just took them because she didn’t remember that she had to ask, and those times she got into trouble, but it was always okay in the end.

The book she currently read--out of boredom more than anything else--was borrowed, with permission, from the library. The library lady was very nice and said she could borrow whatever she wanted! Sometimes when the first year read, she lost track of the actual plot or some characters, so she would substitute her own. They probably weren’t as good, but that was okay. She was used to making up stories, because that was the only other thing she had to do by herself. Sometimes she wrote them down and would read them aloud to herself. Salali was very good at doing the different voices for different people.

Just as she concluded the book, she sensed somebody was getting near, both via the sound of footsteps and also that weird sensation of being looked at. Salali flopped gracelessly on the couch, contorting in a way that resulted with her laying on her back, her legs still in the air, rather like a dog waiting for a scratch on the belly. “Hello!” she greeted cheerfully.
12 Salali Bly Loafing around 372 Salali Bly 1 5

Natalie Atwater

November 21, 2016 2:41 PM

Sounds fun! by Natalie Atwater

Ever since she'd been at school, Natalie had been taking full advantage of the school's water room, something Kelsey never really spoke about and when the Pecari-who obviously knew about all Sonora's amenities when everyone in her family had gone here and her aunt and uncle even used to work here-asked her, the older girl brushed it aside as unimportant and admonished her to focus on what mattered- meeting the right people and academics. Honestly, her sister was even worse than her parents and getting prefect didn't seem to help matters. If anything, Kelsey was more insufferable.

She had just finished snorkling when she entered the Pecari common room. Her hair was still wet though she had changed back into her clothing. After all, an Atwater could not be seen walking through the school in a bathing suit, even a decidedly modest and age appropriate one piece. Not that Natalie had anything to show at this point. Still, it just wasn't an all right way to be seen and not just because Kelsey would have a fit. The wet messy hair was bad enough.

Not that the first year always understood why things were the way they were, in this case why she had to wear her regular clothing walking through the school, when she'd been wearing a swimming suit in public already. Anyone could have walked in when Natalie was in the water room. Or the fact that she shared a room and therefore had to parade around in her nightgown in front of her roommate. Did Salali not being a member of pureblood society-or it seemed any society really- make that better or worse? On the one hand, one had to Look Good in front of society people and the opinions of Muggleborns were not supposed to matter, according to people like Kelsey and the Atwater family in general. On the other hand, Kelsey insisted Natalie needed the basics of flying to show superiority to Muggleborns and therefore it followed that she should not let one see her in a less than ideal state so she could assert her dominance or something. It was all so very confusing.

Speaking of Salali-which Natalie kind of thought was a cool name cuz it sounded like salami-she spotted her as soon as she came into the common room. However, she had to go up to her room and dry her hair first. Then, she came back down and approached the other first year. She was not going to ignore her roommate. Natalie had to live with her for the next seven years, it was in her best interest to get along with Salali. Besides, the girl was kind of amusing. "Hi." Natalie returned her roommate's greeting. "What are you reading?"
11 Natalie Atwater Sounds fun! 371 Natalie Atwater 0 5