Professor Olivers

August 10, 2014 11:46 PM
The Labyrinth Gardens looked mysterious in the moonlight and Florence kept a sharp eye on the first-years to make sure no one had separated from the group. Once they were outside and at the labyrinth’s edge, Florence waltzed right into it with no hesitation. It might seem crazy to be following a professor into the maze itself, but there had to be at least a little spirit of adventure in these Pecaris for them to be sorted into such a house. Maybe she was just a little biased, but her Pecari students had always seemed to be livelier than some of her other students from the other houses. “Keep close and don’t wander off,” Florence warned, her voice sounding louder now that they were inside the labyrinth.

They were still relatively near the entrance when she stopped them at a suit of armor next to a hedge. “This is the entrance to your new common room,” she said, laying a light hand on the shoulder of the armor. “Don’t be afraid to ask me or one of the older Pecari students for help getting out of the labyrinth or if you forget where the entrance is. The location of this common room is to be kept a secret from the other students. In other words, do not tell anyone where the Pecari common room is located or what the password is. To enter, simply tell the password to the suit here. This week’s password is Flying Thestral.”

At the utterance of the password, the suit of armor came to life and jumped out of the way to let them in. Florence led the way for the little ones and stopped in the middle of the common room o let them take a brief look around. The room was aesthetically warm with its plush couches and chairs in various browns and golds. There was plenty of seating around the room along with oak tables and a fireplace that had not been lit yet. It was a place for the students to gather, relax, play games, or even study, though she doubted much studying took place here after classes.

“Get familiar with this place and with your peers and housemates. This will be your second home and your second family. Learn to rely on each other whenever you need help.” Florence pointed over to the bulletin board by the entrance, the sleeve of her robe reaching her hip. “Over there is the bulletin board where the new password will be posted each week. Other announcements such as Quidditch signups and tryouts will be posted there as well. For anyone interested in Quidditch, the captain is Rupert Princeton. I’m sure he will have the signup sheet posted soon, so keep an eye out for that.” Florence refrained from making a little plug for the sport; she wanted Pecari to have a full team and win the cup this year. She was decent at suppressing her bias during the games and practices, but not so much when she was with her Pecari students.

“Your Prefects are Clara Abernathy, Wendy Canterbury, and Adam Spencer. If you don’t know what they look like, they should be wearing a shiny gold badge on their robe. They will help you to the best of their abilities along with the Head Boy, James Carey, and Head Girl, Melanie Lennox. Feel free to contact any of those students with any questions you may have. Of course, I am also here to help with any questions you may have. My room is connected behind that door over there. Feel free to knock if you have any questions or need any assistance. If I am not in, then direct your question to one of the Prefects who will act accordingly.

“Up the stairs are the dormitories. If you go down the wrong hallway, you will be deposited back here in the common room. Curfew is at ten o’clock and no later. If you are caught outside, you will be locked out and will receive a detention from me. I am a stickler for punctuality, let me make that clear now, so I will not tolerate anyone missing curfew. The labyrinth is not exactly a forgiving place at night especially if you get lost.” That was the extent of her scare; hopefully that would be enough to motivate the first-years to come in and stay inside the common room before ten. “Now, any questions? If not, feel free to explore the common area or settle into your new rooms.”

OOC: It is not required for you to respond to this thread. You may now begin posting on the other boards. Please remember that your character does not have access to other common rooms. Be sure to follow the posting rules and have fun!
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