Jade Owen

January 16, 2013 3:43 PM

Felicitations, Fellow Fourth year Females by Jade Owen

At the end of a long day of classes and a meal during which Jade gorged herself on macaroni and cheese, Jade scooped up her gray cat, Bella, and headed up to the commons. Kicking open the door to her dormitory, she allowed her feline to fly from her arms and land on her bed as Jade let out a spritely "Good evening!" to those of her roomates who were already present. Bella set about licking her behind whilst Jade set about trying to locate her pyjamas. It seemed like this might be the first opportunity she had to catch up with her roomies after the summer. After the feast, with its interesting announcements and consequent commotions, there had inevitably been some discussion, but now the lists had been posted designating everyone's teams, and Jade anticpated a great deal more discussion would now unfold.

Splaying herself ungracefully on the floor, Jade thrust an arm under the bed to withdraw the striped flannel outfit that lay just out of her grasp. Merlin only knew how it had gotten there in the first place. "So have you all seen the team lists?" Jade called out to the room at large, her voice muffled against her arm as she struggled before giving up. She sat up and, determined not to set fire to the commons for the fourth year running, and so not willing to try out a summoning spell for the first time, opened her trunk - still not completely unpacked - to retrieve her spare pair, instead. She couldn't find them, either, so gave up rummaging for the time being and joined Bella on the bed, resigned for the time being to sit and converse in her faded jeans and a black t-shirt with a big pair of red lips on the front that she didn't care for, but Josephine had grown out of it last year. the garment looked rather different on Jade's boyish figure, topped with loose, messy curls and crazy eyebrows instead of her sister's more refined look. Jade thought that when Josephine had been wearing the tee, it had stated 'Kiss me, I'm jailbait.' When Jade wore it, the shirt mocked, 'Try it. I dare you.'

Making herself comfortable, Jade scooped Bella onto her lap and started fussing her cat. She'd brought Bella to Sonora as a kitten three years ago, and had been pleased to have a fluffy companion while away form home. She did prefer kittens, though, and was planning on finding an un-neutered male cat in the school who might provide a suitable mate for Bella. She could keep the kittens in the dormitory and all the girls could help to look after them! It would be magnificent.
0 Jade Owen Felicitations, Fellow Fourth year Females 221 Jade Owen 1 5

Theresa Carey

January 17, 2013 8:34 PM

Greetings, girls by Theresa Carey

Theresa was carefully shaping her fingernails when the door to the dormitory opened and she winced even before the file finished coming down harder on the side of her right ring finger than she had meant it to as Jade wished her a good evening. She looked quickly, but there didn’t seem to be any real damage. That was good; she would have had to start all over if there had been, and since she didn’t let her nails get too long anyway, that might have taken them over the fine line between looking like a girl’s and not looking like a girl’s.

“Hi, Jade,” she said, resuming her work while her roommate looked for her pajamas.

She herself was still wearing the same dark gray skirt and pink blouse she’d worn for classes today, since she didn’t know that she was done going to the common room, anyway, and didn’t want to have to change back and forth out of her nightgown, but she didn’t blame the other girl for wanting to get comfortable if she was done going downstairs for the night. She was looking forward to it being two hours from now for the same reason. Even if she stayed awake longer talking to her roommates, she would be able to just sit in bed with the covers over her legs then, instead of having to sit as upright as the edge of the mattress permitted, one knee crossed over the other, her only sign of relaxation being the absence of her shoes over the bottoms of the pantyhose which would probably make her slip if she tried to walk across the floor in them. They had a run in them, she’d noticed earlier, but she thought she could get a few more uses out of them before it became so long her skirts and dresses wouldn’t conceal it. Maybe her skirts were a little shorter this year, but most of them would still be classed as ‘conservative’ by anyone less weird than Jane, who wasn’t here anymore to comment anyway. The point of everything, after all, was to be a lady.

Theresa made a face when Jade reminded her of another thing besides uncomfortable sitting positions that made it inconvenient to be a lady this year. “Yeah,” she called back, thinking over the names she’d seen listed along with her own. “How do you like yours?”

She was proud of herself for that one. She hadn’t known how to address being on a team with one of her roommates and not the others, and didn’t really want to talk about how she would have rather been on a team with boys who could not only do the heavy lifting she wasn’t allowed to do but who she could have possibly gotten to like her during the proceedings. For one thing, she was still expecting them to tease her about Cepheus sometime, so mentioning boys at all was most likely not a good idea, and for another, she knew Jade and Waverly would probably just think she was shallow. So instead, she was going to see if she could get Jade talking about her team instead and just avoid the whole subject.
0 Theresa Carey Greetings, girls 219 Theresa Carey 0 5

Waverly Canterbury

January 18, 2013 12:05 PM

Can you handle this girl talk? by Waverly Canterbury

In all honesty, Waverly really liked her roommates. She just didn't always spend too much time in their shared room either because she was in the common room or in the gardens, two of her favorite places. She really did want to catch up with her roommates though as she tried to do at the start of every new year. Waverly had eaten dinner quickly so she could go back to the commons and do her homework and sleep early. She had been sitting in the common room doing just that and finished it up right when Jade walked through. Waverly decided to follow her up and change into her more comfortable sweats. She really didn't care about going downstairs in just sweats and a T-shirt, but she thought she was probably done for the night anyway.

After picking up all her books and tidying the table area, she walked up the stairs where two of her roommates were already. "Hey girls!" she said with a smile and dropped her orange backpack next to her bed. She changed into her sweats as Jade made herself comfortable with Bella. She remembered first meeting Jade and Bella when Bella was only a kitty. It was crazy how fast animals grew, and it was also nice to have a pet around when she was at school since she didn't have one at home.

She had caught the end of Jade's question and thought about her teammates as she sat down cross-legged on her bed. Waverly had been really happy to find that she was with Eris, though sad she wasn't with Brielle or Clara, and thought it was funny that Jade had Wendy on her team. Waverly was pretty happy with the people she'd been grouped with. She knew Nora to be a super studious girl and obviously really smart, and she liked Reggie's personality a lot even if she hadn't said much to the older girl. She also found that she would be with the Effie Arbon Rup had talked about.

Waverly let Jade speak first before giving her own opinion of her team. "I like the people I've been paired with," she said. "And we've got Nora who's really smart." She grinned. "Ooh, I've got some news!" she squealed, unable to keep it from her roommates any longer. "Guess what happened over the summer?" She waited a beat before answering herself. "I got a boyfriend!" Waverly couldn't stop herself from beaming, hoping this led to a conversation about her favorite topic: boys.

Ever since Waverly had first really noticed guys in that way, she had been keeping close eyes on her roommates and friends to see who they would like. Theresa had been hanging out with Cepheus Princeton a lot and Waverly had an inkling that something else was going on there. She really, really wanted to ask, but she hoped just as much that Theresa would share herself. Jade, on the other hand, didn't seem too interested in guys that way yet. Her Quidditch-crazy roommate seemed really into other things at the moment and Waverly could respect that. Maybe Jade and Jorge...? That thought kind of made her giggle, but she was super excited to tell her roomies all about her new boyfriend and hear about their crushes.
19 Waverly Canterbury Can you handle this girl talk? 218 Waverly Canterbury 0 5


January 20, 2013 12:32 PM

Ew. Doubtful. by Jade

"How do you like yours?" Theresa asked just after Waverly joined them. Jade shrugged as she fussed Bella between her ears. "Yeah, seems okay," she answered, sounding just on the cheerful side of ambivalent. "I got Jorge and Waverly in Miniature, so there are a couple of friendly faces," she grinned. It was a shame she didn't know Solomon Asa much beyond his name (and she wasn't even sure about that - she thought she'd heard some people refer to him as just Asa), but she would have the whole rest of the year to find out more about him, and about Kate.

Then Waverly chimed in that she, too, was more or less pleased with her team. She singled out someone as being really smart, which wasn't something that had occurred to Jade as being beneficial. In her head, the challenges had been mostly physical in nature, and only now did she consider that might not be the case. Happily, she concluded that Kate must have at least half a brain for her brother to find her good company, and so the point bothered her no further. Which was just as well, as Waverly abruptly changed the conversation at that point anyway by proclaiming she had a boyfriend.

"Ew," Jade said instantly. "Why?" It was a valid question to the fourth year; it wasn't as if any of the boys in their yeargroup had sufficient maturity to know how to look after a girlfriend, and if Waverly had a boyfriend back home - as her story would suggest, given that it occured over the summer - then she would spend the majority of the year apart from him, anyway. Jade just didn't see the point. Though she suspected she might be on her own in this, considering Theresa had been voted Best Couple with Cepheus in the yearbook. She shot a quick look at Theresa to see whether her rooomate reacted in a positive way to havinga boyfriend, or whether the news about her being in a couple was as reliable as the suggestion that James or Josephine would turn out to be criminals.
0 Jade Ew. Doubtful. 0 Jade 0 5


January 20, 2013 4:27 PM

*Hides* by Theresa

“Hi, Waverly,” Theresa said, this time keeping a proper grip on her nail file, when one of her other roommates walked in. Jade staying in her day clothes and Waverly going into sweats made her feel even more out of place between the two of them, but she was sort of used to the feeling after three years and tried to ignore it now just like she tried to ignore it every time it happened.

The other two girls seemed happy enough about their teams, and neither of them asked about hers, which suited her even if it compounded the feeling of not fitting in with them or Pecari in general that she so often had. It was not something she had expected at school, but then, nothing had really gone the way she had expected at school when she’d first come here at eleven. Now, at nearly fifteen, she didn’t even remember how or why she had thought most of the things she had back then. Which she guessed was a good thing. Henry was twelve now, and hadn’t been bad for an eleven-year-old, but all her experience with younger siblings made her think that people either needed to stay infants or keep growing up, because they were almost all really annoying while they were in the middle.

She was completely distracted, though, by Waverly deciding to cut off all talk about the challenges in favor of bringing up the one topic Theresa had been hoping to avoid all year – boys. Even as the other fourth year talked about her boyfriend, Theresa could feel herself turning redder, a certain pair of pictures flashing through her head along with the memories, as vivid as the best-quality pictures, of how horribly she had behaved after they both first saw those pictures….

Jade, though, provided a valuable distraction, albeit one so unexpected that Theresa laughed out of sheer surprise. “Sorry,” she said. “Just the way you said that.”

She decided that if the topic had to come up, she should keep it fixed on Waverly, who liked to share things, it seemed. She turned as far as she could to look more directly at Waverly. “So who is he?” she asked, thinking in terms of families and position. Liking someone with neither was incomprehensible to her. “And how did all this come about?” Since she knew Waverly’s people were very different in general, she thought the way they arranged their relationships would most likely be very different, too.
0 Theresa *Hides* 0 Theresa 0 5


January 20, 2013 5:15 PM

Well, since you asked... by Waverly

Jade's reaction to Waverly's news wasn't surprising. She was hardly surprised by anything Jade said nowadays. "Because he's wonderful," she gushed. She would never understand why Jade wasn't really into boys the way she was, but then again they were two totally different people. Waverly liked Jade, though, because she was so different from her. At least they had Quidditch somewhat in common, though Waverly liked watching the sport and Jade liked playing it.

Theresa asked all the right questions and Waverly was ready to tell them everything. She wished she had told them about Brandon last year when she had first started crushing on him, but now was better than never. "His name is Brandon and he's a muggle. We knew each other since we were born, pretty much, 'cause our moms are friends. We went to the same elementary school too." Back then, he had been so mean to her in that boyish way of teasing and Waverly had always thought he was so annoying. Then they parted and grew up and he was now a beautiful, respectable man.

"We hung out a lot during the summer and things just kind of fell into place. We went out for ice cream towards the beginning of the summer and afterwards he asked me out. I told him I liked him first; it just kind of came out, but I'm really glad it did even if it was super embarrassing at the time. We've gone on three dates." She flopped onto her back and sighed, his beautiful face swimming in her mind. "He's so cute. Seriously. So. Cute. And super nice. And he's a little taller than me. He's also on the wrestling team and he's starting high school this year. And 'cause he's a muggle we can't really talk when I'm at school. It's gonna be hard to be away from him for so long." She sighed.

She didn't really take into consideration that both of her roommates were purebloods and so might not really understand where she was coming from. She felt like she was talking too much and her roommates didn't really care, so she decided to change the subject. She did want to know about Theresa's boy, and anyway, Waverly's face was getting quite hot just thinking about Brandon. She rolled over and looked at Theresa.

"So Theresa," she drew out, grinning despite her flushed face. "You and Cepheus Princeton; what's that all about?"
0 Waverly Well, since you asked... 0 Waverly 0 5


January 24, 2013 3:17 PM

Spare me. I beg you. by Jade

Jade didn't mind that Theresa had laughed at her reaction. While it had seemed perfectly reasonable to the youngest Owen sibling, she could appreciate that not everyone always shared her - correct - opinion. In fact, Theresa' viewpoint was so violently skewed that she actually asked Waverly about her encounters, thus encouraging the girl to gush in horrendous detail. Jade wrinkled up her nose as her Muggleborn friend made disgustingly chipper noises. To retain her sanity (and her last meal) she stopped listening after the first couple of dithery sentences, and set about teasing Bella by moving her hand around under the bed quilt, instead. It was only when there was a short silence that Jade remembered there were other people in the room, and she looked up and blinked blankly a couple of times, tuning her brain back in just as Waverly asked Theresa, "Cepheus Princeton; what's that all about?"

Oh great, they were still talking about boys. Jade sighed, resigned, for the time being, to let the conversation pass her by. She was at least a little curious about Theresa's answer, but she didn't want them to know that, so while she waited for T Carey to answer, Jade glanced over at Waverly to see that her friend's face was red. Crazy. While Jade was content to appreciate the certain aesthetics a few members of the male of the species possessed, she would rue the day that one of them turned her into a multi-coloured mushy mess like Waverly. It was a shame, really, because usually Jade might want to hear about Muggles, and how they spent their summers together, but if Waverly was going to start quivvering whenever the subject was touched upon, Jade was determined to leave it well alone.

Wondering how they had jumped so quickly to the topic of boyfriends when Jade had originally instigated a conversation about the challenge teams, the fifteen year old settled Bella in her lap and stroked her cat while Theresa confronted the charges leveled at her. With any luck the onslaught might be uncomfortable for its target, and Theresa would resort to the earlier topic. Of course, if that happened, Jade might re-instate her quest to find a flying pig.
0 Jade Spare me. I beg you. 0 Jade 0 5


January 24, 2013 8:41 PM

I don't think mercy is going to be forthcoming by Theresa

Three dates means someone is your boyfriend, Theresa mentally noted. What use this information could possibly be to her, she had no idea, but she noted it anyway. Boys were, after all, a topic she took some interest in, and sometimes people having relationships could work out. Look at Arnold and Fae, and Preston Stratford and Sara Raines.

What the appeal of a tall wrestler Muggle named Brandon, regardless of what he looked like, really was, Waverly had not made clear to her, but Theresa supposed there was no accounting for taste as far as that went. It wasn’t, after all, his fault his name happened to be one she had a personal reason not to find very appealing in a husband. She supposed it wasn’t his fault he was a Muggle, either, but for her, that would be an even bigger problem to overcome than his name being Brandon. How could you want someone, especially as a woman, who was necessarily weaker than you, who could never hope to be your equal? Waverly could, if she didn’t mind breaking the law about magic at home, tie this boy into a knot any time she wanted to.

That, though, wasn’t her business either, and she was distracted completely from it in a moment anyway. She bit down hard on the inside of her mouth as Waverly asked her the one question she had most hoped no one would ask her, her face flooding with color, from forehead to cheeks to the lobes of her ears.

“Nothing,” Theresa said shortly. “There’s nothing going on. Evidently his family would be horrified even to think about it.” She didn’t bother to try not to sound bitter. Jade and Waverly weren’t in society and most likely didn’t know anyone she or Cepheus knew well at all, at least not to sit down and gossip with them, so it wasn’t a big deal that she’d let that last comment slip out. “Ugh, anyway. I’m going to try to catch Lawrence Stratford. Both our fathers are second sons, so it’s not too unrealistic.”

Her flippant tone in no way conveyed her actual, muddled feelings about things, but she wasn’t that close to these girls. She wasn’t going to tell them about her conflicts and doubts and wondering what she even did think and feel and want. “So, have you girls thought about ball gowns at all?”
0 Theresa I don't think mercy is going to be forthcoming 0 Theresa 0 5


January 29, 2013 5:03 AM

Fine, fine, I'll try and stop by Waverly

It was really entertaining to see somebody else's face turn bright red at the thoughts of a boy. Waverly took a little comfort from it, but then Theresa told them that nothing was going on. Apparently things would not work out between them. Cepheus probably didn't like her back and Waverly felt bad for asking. Had they ever talked about it? She wanted to prod more into it, but she knew she probably shouldn't. They weren't that close where she wasn't afraid of offending her by being too nosy.

Waverly wanted to comfort Theresa somehow, but she didn't know how. "Who cares about his family," she said flippantly. Waverly would probably never understand all the pureblood things that were expected of those kids. "Catching" Lawrence Stratford sounded like Theresa was just fishing to get married. Was that all pureblood girls were expected to do, get married? Waverly didn't like that idea. "Why would you and Cepheus be unrealistic?" she wondered out loud. What did second sons have to do with anything?

Theresa changed the subject and Waverly decided to go along with it. She could probably change any conversation to one about boys at the drop of a hat, but she should probably keep her skills to herself for now. At least for the sake of her roommates. Jade was probably annoyed with both of them right now. She almost giggled at the thought. Waverly laid down completely on her bed again. "Yeah, a little. I want to wear a darker green." With grass green eyes, Waverly usually liked to wear green because it brought out her eyes even if her favorite color was orange. "I haven't even really looked at dress robes yet, though. What about you two?"
0 Waverly Fine, fine, I'll try and stop 0 Waverly 0 5


February 02, 2013 4:22 PM

Please do. by Jade

It seemed to Jade that there was an awful lot of turning red going on. She felt inclined to point out that they were not in Crotalus, but she bit her tongue as Theresa seemed out of spirits and hinted at rejection. That sucked for her, but Jade was no more inclined to delve further into the topic, particularly if social politics were going to get dragged into it, too. All they were missing was discussing potions assignments and this would be her idea of a truly nightmarish discussion. Luckily, Theresa didn't seem to want to talk about it either, and turned their talk to ball gowns.

Now it was Jade's turn to laugh. She burst forth with an undignified snort of a chuckle at the prospect that she would have given any thought at all to what she might wear at a stuffy event several months from now. "Dress robes," she repeated Waverly's words, making them sound ridiculous and derogatory at the same time. "I've never owned any dress robes." Unlike T, who probably had wardrobes full of them, filling a space bigger than the bedroom Jade shared with Josephine back home. "If I even go to the ball I'll probably just wear whatever I find to throw on that morning," she said with a light-hearted shrug of her shoulder. She was smiling that mischeivous smile of hers though that indicated she might not be telling the complete truth, an idiosyncracy of hers which the other girls might have learned by now. Of course she would be going to the ball; there would be food there, and she didn't like to be left out of anything, even it it included dressing like the interior of a candy store. Before the girls could try and implore her into frocks and frills, Jade pre-emptively deflected potential attempts by redirecting the focus back at them.

"Green suits you," she told Waverly ernestly; clothes might not be Jade's forte, but she was creative and artistic, and she could tell when colours worked well together. She looked at Theresa and, tilting her head critically, said, "You might do well in something like gold or silver." T probably had all the robes under the sun at her disposal - even though she was from a big family, Jade was certain she always had new clothes - so could pick and choose. "That way you can stand out without the glare of a bold color," she suggested. Critically considering outfits from an artistic perspective was the only way Jade could manage to talk about clothes without wanting to end it all in a dramatic way.
0 Jade Please do. 0 Jade 0 5


February 05, 2013 10:08 PM

Yes, there's so many more important things to discuss by Theresa

“Well, I’m assuming he does,” Theresa said, a little snappishly, when Waverly asked who cared about Cepheus’ family. Immediately, she felt bad. This was a really unpleasant conversation that she really didn’t want to have now or ever, but she was supposed to be graceful under pressure. That was part of being a lady. “Sorry,” she apologized.

It didn’t stop there, though. “Because he’s an heir and none of my brothers are,” she explained, wondering again how Muggle families functioned well enough to turn out people even as functional as Waverly when they seemed to lack a grip on such basic principles. “Of course my family would love it if we got together, but his wouldn’t, so….” She trailed off, shrugging in the face of the world’s injustices. There was, after all, nothing anyone could do, at least under the circumstances which were already in place. It was hopeless because of things that had really happened before anyone in fourth year had been born.

Because even she knew it was more complicated than what she’d just told Waverly, and that a lot of it came down to money, which was why she couldn’t talk about that. If her father had had more money, then maybe, even with Cepheus’ family being on the other side of the ocean and so not afraid of hers the way a lot of American families were, something could have been worked out, if he’d liked her back. At the very least, it might have been worth a shot. She was, though, the oldest of six children and her father was not very successful by most standards, so she had grown up with the gut-twisting fear instilled by her mother’s rants about money as a normal thing and with no chance of buying her way out of the gap between social levels and onto the highest one. Because of that, she and her sisters would most likely be used to tie small families to the Careys’ interests, in theory to keep them from becoming big and then to keep them in line if they somehow became important anyway.

She was grateful when bringing up dresses worked. Waverly wanted to wear dark green, and Jade was hopefully joking about wearing whatever she picked up that morning. Theresa knew Jade was so poor, and apparently lacking in better-off relatives willing to help, that she couldn’t hide it, but surely she owned something at least a little nicer than her usual outfits, or could be persuaded to borrow something.

Then, though, Jade surprised her by commenting on their color palettes and what might be good choices. “That might not be a bad idea, depending on what’s ‘in’ this spring,” she said slowly. She thought her parents would have to find something decent to put Jay and Henry in, but that Uncle Anthony might buy her gown, since more went into a girl looking nice than went into a boy and it was important for her to look her best. "But really, Jade, what about you? Surely your sister could loan you something, or - or Waverly or I could loan you something, and I'm sure I could put up your hair, what do you say?"
0 Theresa Yes, there's so many more important things to discuss 0 Theresa 0 5


February 09, 2013 6:48 PM

And many more things to think about by Waverly

Waverly was hurt when Theresa snapped at her and she knew she probably shouldn't have said that. But she apologized after and Waverly, though she was still a little hurt, could kind of see why Theresa was snappy. It wasn't easy liking someone and thinking, maybe eve knowing, it was unrequited. Waverly hadn't had that bad luck yet, but she knew the pains of struggling over a crush.

She really had no idea what Theresa meant by heirs. The heir to what? From Waverly's understanding, purebloods were like the really, really rich people who lived in Hollywood or the super rich neighborhoods. They kind of had their own set of rules which Waverly would never be able to understand, but the word heir just sounded like a monarchy. Maybe it kind of was for them. For Waverly, there was the magical world which she had become acquainted with, and then the pureblood world which she would never truly understand. She was okay with that though; she had her lovely boyfriend who didn't have a drop of magical blood in him.

Her roommate's agreement with her dress-color choice pleasantly surprised Waverly. She had never taken Jade to be the kind of girl who would willingly talk about dresses, but apparently she was wrong. She smiled. "Thanks," she said, kind of glad that the boy talk was over. As much as she wanted to share about her relationship, it was getting a little uncomfortable with Theresa's unrequited crush. She must like him a lot to be getting that upset about it.

Theresa's mention that she would wear whatever was in fashion that spring made Waverly feel once again outside of their world. Theresa's family was definitely well-off to be able to buy whatever was in fashion. Waverly just bought one dress that she would probably re-wear for the next ball if it still fit her. Dreams of going to Brandon's prom with him came into mind and she tried not to think about it too much. It was making her heart race and it was still three years away.

"The dress I buy for the ball is going to be my only nice one," she said apologetically. "But you could borrow whatever jewelry you want." She had a few pretty silver bracelets and now earrings that her roommates could borrow. She highly doubted it was at Theresa's standard, though, but that was okay; Theresa would probably prefer her own.

There was the other dilemma for Waverly of dates. She clearly wasn't allowed to "date" anyone here because she had a boyfriend, but if she went with friends it would be okay. Unless her friends got dates. Maybe she could find a boy to go with just as friends. Brandon would have to be okay with that, right? Waverly wondered how she would feel if Brandon told her he was going to a dance with a girl just as friends. She would be okay with that, right? This was something to think about, but she didn't want to say it out loud and make everyone uncomfortable again.
0 Waverly And many more things to think about 0 Waverly 0 5