Eris Ackart

November 02, 2012 4:49 PM

Note passing (tag: Waverly) by Eris Ackart

It felt like Eris hadn’t seen Waverly since book club, not properly anyway. She didn’t have the advantage of being in the same house as the other girl, and classes weren’t really conducive to conversation unless you didn’t want to get your lesson done. So, Eris took matters into her own hands. She wanted to be friends with Waverly, and for the time being, they were merely friendly acquaintances. It just so happened that Eris’ birthday fell the week after they all got back from break and her mum always sent her cupcakes to celebrate. Normally Eris wouldn’t mind having a half a dozen cupcakes to herself, but she thought it might be nicer to share.

The Teppenpaw girl decided that this would also be a good time to visit MARS—right after the holiday and before the professors remembered how much they loved giving out homework.

It took some searching, but she finally a Pecari student who was willing to deliver her note to the Pecari common room. Apparently people didn’t like to be approached by somewhat desperate looking older students? Eris promised them a cupcake in exchange for the notes safe delivery to Waverly, and once the transaction was complete, Eris bounded off towards the water room, hoping the Pecari girl wouldn’t be far behind.

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