Captain Jose Hernandez

February 14, 2011 12:32 PM

Pecari Quidditch Roster by Captain Jose Hernandez

The try-out had gone pretty much how he'd expected it to go given the results of the sign-up sheet. Neal volunteering to be Seeker was not something he would have guessed, but Demetra had done pretty well for a first year Beater, and Dana would make a good alternate if only because she was one of the oldest students in the school. And he'd make sure she got better at Chasing and Seeking. He couldn't really see Dana Beating, and Sophie had dibs on Keeper.

If the Starbuck got sick, he'd put in Sophie since she was obviously anxious to play Keeper - Jose would even set up some training for her in the Keeper slot this year, so she could come in strong after Starbuck graduated and so that if Starbuck did get sick, they'd have ready back-up. Then Dana would take over for Sophie as Chaser.

If one of the beaters got sick, Jose would take that up again. Of the rest of the team, he had the second most beating experience now. Then Dana would take over for him as Chaser. And obviously, she'd also be Chaser if one of the Chasers got sick. (Though if it was Jose himself, then Mel would take over the Captainy duties, seeing as she was the Assistant.)

If Neal got sick, he'd put in Dana as Seeker, because Jose was already the back-up Beater and cross training was difficult enough when you were only doing two positions never mind three.

So, pleased with both his front lines and his second string back-up plan, Jose posted the Quidditch Roster for this year:

Pecari Quidditch Team

Chasers: Jose (Captain), Delilah, Sophie
Beaters: Demelza (Assistant Captain), Demetra
Keeper: Starbuck
Seeker: Neal
Reserve: Dana

Congrats to everyone, welcome to the team, and I'm looking forward to working with all of you this year! Go Pecari! - Cap'n Jose
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