Captain Jose Hernandez

August 17, 2010 3:27 PM
Though this was his second year as Captain, Jose had spent just as long this summer making up his sign-up sheet as he had last year. He had a good team (assuming Starbuck and Mel could continue to get along well enough to not cause problems on the Pitch) and now he had more captaining experience than some of the other House Captains.

Hannah had graduated which meant great things for Pecari. Not only was the toughest Seeker in the school out of play, but Teppenpaw was now under new leadership. Jera was still going to be a tough opposing Seeker, but she was Head Girl, and Aladren's captain was also Head Boy so neither of them would probably have their whole heads focused on the game. Oliver, too, had graduated, leaving his sister as another new Captain in Crotalus.

Jose thought Pecari was probably still on the young end of Sonora's teams, but they hadn't lost anybody to graduation and they were all one year more experienced than they had been last year. They'd made it to the finals during his first year as Captain, and this year he was sure they had a better than good chance of winning the final game.

He just had to hope they all signed up again.

¡Pecari Quidditch!
Sign-up Sheet

Hey, Pecari! Welcome to a new year of Quidditch! Everyone is encouraged to try out. Returning team members will get preference, but their spots are not guaranteed, so everyone has to try out. Date and time will be announced in a few days, so watch the board for further information. Good luck, people!

Please sign up below if you plan to attend try-outs.

Name, Year, Preferred Position(s)

Captain Jose Hernandez, 4, Chaser

As he'd done last year, the sheet was decorated with moving drawings of snitches, bludgers, quaffles, players on brooms, goal posts, and even the odd cloud.
0 Captain Jose Hernandez Quidditch Sign-Ups 0 Captain Jose Hernandez 1 5

Delilah Kerrigan

August 17, 2010 11:23 PM
Last year, Delilah hadn’t been allowed to play Quidditch to the fullest and as a result had ended up as an alternate. Her dad had been worried about her grades and thought Quidditch had been the culprit of such low marks. Well, she had tried her best and she hadn’t played Quidditch, but still her marks were poorer than ever. Thankfully, while she hadn’t been the main event at the big family meeting that had occurred, she had gotten the opportunity to discuss her feelings about school and the whole not being able to play Quidditch rule.

Since Veronica had been going to live with their grandmother, her father had thought she was being punished enough and that she needed something to lift her mood. Even though, Delilah and Veronica were as different as night and day from their appearances to their personalities, they were still best friends. Veronica was her built-in playmate. There had never really been a day that they had truly been apart and this was for an entire summer! It had been weird at first, but slowly she had adjusted to the new arrangement.

And other surprises had been in store for them as well like the addition of Max. She hadn’t been sure of what to expect having a little brother since she had only ever had sisters, but he had taken her by surprise. He was always smiling and she had found that it was contagious. It wasn’t the only thing that had taken her by surprise either. Without Juri and Veronica bickering, she had found that she actually liked him. He didn’t mind throwing a quaffle around and he had taught her to play something called a videogame. So, instead of one brother, she had ended up with two.

He had also promised to tutor her this year since the agreement for her to play Quidditch was for her to have a tutor. Thankfully, Juri already knew the material that she would be learning since he was older plus he was really, really smart. Though, she doubted many people ever thought of him that way since he didn’t seem to dress or behave the way the other Aladren boys did, but what did she know? Besides, what did it matter when she was going to get to play Quidditch? Oh, she was so excited and couldn’t wait to sign. In fact, she wanted to be the first to sign up to show the Captain just how serious she was about playing this year.

Seeing that the sign was up, Delilah grabbed the nearest quill since she didn’t have one on her. With a flourish, she put her name on the sheet.

Delilah Kerrigan, 3rd year, Chaser
0 Delilah Kerrigan Yay, I'm first! 158 Delilah Kerrigan 0 5

Sophia Jamison

August 19, 2010 5:25 PM
Sophie was just a first year, and a small first year at that, but Quidditch was one thing she knew, and she knew it well. Playing with her older cousins had taught her all she needed to know about the measuring of strength and the importance of agility. It was really the one unladylike thing she could find to do to express her tomboy side that wouldn’t get her disowned or something. It was the greatest way she knew of to relieve her stress and have a little fun. The tiny blonde was a rabid Quidditch fanatic.

So when Sophie found out there was Quidditch, naturally she flipped out. Sophie couldn’t get her hands on the sign-up sheet quicker if her life depended on it. As soon as she caught word if it, bam! She was there all the way. Sure, her thin profile and small stature weren’t exactly in the description of a Quidditch player, but when you’re good, you’re good, and her size, she had decided, wouldn’t perturb or deter her. After all, she played with her cousins all the time, and they had to be at least six inches taller than she was, not to mention bulkier.

And now Sophie stood, hand quivering involuntarily, sign-up sheet within her fingers’ grasp. What’s the big deal? she asked herself angrily. You’ve played before, and this just means you’re going to try-outs. What’s the worst that could happen? You don’t make the team or end up reserve. Tough luck. If you don’t get on the team, you have six more seasons ahead of you! Summoning all of her strength, Sophie grabbed some form of writing utensil --she didn’t look to figure out what kind-- and scribbled down her name in that messy, curvy hand-writing of hers.

Sophia Jamison, 1, Keeper
0 Sophia Jamison Sports are so unladylike... Hooray! 0 Sophia Jamison 0 5

Starbuck Gregory

August 19, 2010 7:50 PM
0 Starbuck Gregory Oh Yeah!! 0 Starbuck Gregory 0 5

Demelza Eagle

August 21, 2010 10:05 PM
Quidditch this year was going to be awesome! Actually, as far as Demelza could remember, Quidditch had been awesome every year! She really wasn't sure. But, if she was Assistant Captain like her family told her, then she guessed that Pecari's Quidditch team was always pretty awesome. She was very excited for it to start. She didn't know when it was going to start, nor did she remember what she had to do to make the team. What if she didn't make it because she forgot her teammate's name? Flying had its perks and downs, and falling off a broom, in her case, was definitely a down. No one was able to save her before she fell head first on a rock in a river, causing her to fall unconscience and lose much of her memory for people and places.

But she was still pretty optimistic about... everything. Except when she tried really hard to remember something that someone told her happened. When she couldn't remember and event, she always got frustrated. But for now, she was hyper and excited, because she was back at Sonora, but it felt like it was her first time there! All the people and laces and colors made her joyful!

She went into her common room (following Pecari's Head of House and the new Pecari first years) and initially noticed the pretty sign on the bulletin board. She put down her bags and skipped over to it. She saw Captain Jose Hernandez, Delilah, Sophia, and Starbuck. Hm. Three of those names sounded familiar, most definitely. Smiling, she wrote her name in her extremely sloppy handwriting with her self-inking quill in her pocket.

Assistant Captain Demelza Eagle, 3, Beater

Smiling at the fact that she remembered everything her brother Jamie told her about what she did for the Sonora Quidditch team, she turned around and brought her bags upstairs to the girls dorm, hoping that she could find where the third years dorm was and go to sleep.
0 Demelza Eagle The highlight of the year! 157 Demelza Eagle 0 5

Dorian Talsky

August 22, 2010 5:47 PM
Dorian Talsky was happy to be back at Sonora after a summer in the English country side with a few side trips to St. Petersburg. The English boy had spent most of his summer meeting respectable English girls someone who was good enough for the Talsky and Bradbury blood that ran through his veins. Not that he cared much about all that nonsense just because he was a pureblood didn’t make him a better wizard then the muggleborns.

In fact the two girls he admired the most on the Pecari Quidditch were both muggleborns. Of course after last year’s success on the Quidditch Pitch, and earning the respect of his father and brother he would be returning the Percari Quidditch team. Not only was it a ton of fun but he felt that it was better to be on the team then a spectator. So as soon as the Quidditch sign ups were up Dorian ran over and looked at the already growing list.

He was glad to see Starbuck and Mel back on the team, and also that two other new names were on there. ‘Well I better claim my spot now.’ He thought and smiled for a moment as he pulled out his quill and with a flourish wrote.

Dorian Talsky – second year – seeker
0 Dorian Talsky Glad to be coming back! 0 Dorian Talsky 0 5

Neal Padrig

August 25, 2010 11:20 PM
Whether it was because magical boarding schools weren’t something new to him anymore or because his summer had been that mind-numbingly dull, Neal felt like he was really out-of-it. He’d like to think of himself as someone to jump straight into conversations with new people, undaunted by knowing them or not, but at the Opening Feast he didn’t strike up a chat with anyone. He just ate his meal and kept his mouth shut, contemplating how what he could do to make things more interesting this year.

Maybe it was the medicine that had him feeling down on himself so much. His parents took him to get medication for his insomnia, and while his sleeping habits improved somewhat he felt like he’d lost a lot of the time he used to spend thinking about things. That just made him want to rush, but that brought up the small problem that there wasn’t really anywhere to rush to. Being a twelve-year-old whose lost their way already doesn’t present a lot of opportunities.

It also was a blow to go from having some friends to no friends. He’d had Mariana, his roommates, his Quidditch teammates, his peers – all these people to talk to while at school that just seemingly disappeared once they went their separate ways. And he had written many letters he had the best intentions of owling out, but he just never built up the motivation to actually do it. Being anxious about how they’d react was all a part of the medication, he mused. Or maybe it was puberty, who could tell?

Coming into the common room from class, Neal’s spirits lifted like they hadn’t in a long while at the sight of the sign-up list for Quidditch. Excellent, this was sure to help him regain his sense of adventure! He wasn’t thrilled with his performance in Quidditch last year, but surely now that he had been on the team a year and played a bit during the summer he’d made enough noticeable improvements! He saw some of his teammates on the list, some different names, some missing names. Overall things would definitely get shaken up. He just hoped he was good enough to get to keep his spot; he didn’t actually get to try-out last year, so if he had to this time around he wasn’t so sure what to expect.

Taking out a quill, the color-blind boy wrote in the required information.

Neal Padrig, 2, Chaser
0 Neal Padrig Here's to another year! 0 Neal Padrig 0 5