Jude Normandy

June 16, 2010 7:49 PM

Peace, Love, and Chocolate by Jude Normandy

Another chill Christmas had gone by, with Jude and his father doing their traditional piece of Christmas Art, and Jude’s mom experimenting with Italian food. They had a great seafood dish on Christmas Eve, complete with little toasted bread things with yummy melted cheese and veggies on top, and Jude had loved it. Now, the brown-haired, blue-eyed boy was back at Sonora with gifts for his many friends, and a Plan for distributing them. He loved the forests of California, and the weather, and being with his parents in their eco-friendly house and everything like that, but he had missed everyone while he was gone, and it had been weird to not be rooming with Jose.

On the other hand, the Californian boy did not like having to wear sneakers all the time. So even though he was in the commonroom, Jude’s feet were bare, just the way he liked them. He was also wearing tattered jean cutoffs and a green t-shirt that he had gotten for Christmas from his mother. Jude had gotten some other things—books, a new Potions set, that sort of thing—but his family wasn’t really that big into materialism. Some things were needed, but they celebrated Christmas on a more spiritual than material level. That was why he made Christmas Art with his dad, to commemorate each passing year together.

This year, Jude and his mom had also started a tradition, and that new tradition was where he had gotten the Christmas gifts for all of his friends. They had begun making chocolate together, and Jude loved it! He had always been a huge fan of baking (and eating the sweet treats he made) but chocolate-ing was much harder, and much more rewarding. Consequently, all of his friends would be receiving chocolates of different shapes as soon as he saw them. The Pecari had a tough time making some of them, but he figured that it was worth it. After all, he had a lot of great friends at Sonora and wanted to give them the presents they deserved!

Actually, Jude wanted to talk to Demelza about something else. It seemed that lately she’d been a little bit different around him, and they’d had a conversation that had gone a little weirdly in the Gardens just before Midterm. After talking to his Mom about it, she had conceded that Mel was probably a little bit worried about Jude declaring his attraction for another boy. Jude hadn’t understood that, but he would be the first to admit that he was maybe a little bit sheltered. His parents loved him and he loved them, but the second year had spent most of time with them in their eco-friendly, California home instead of with his peers in the ‘outside world’. It hadn’t made him anti-social, just a little bit oblivious when it came to some things.

This time, he would approach the conversation differently. He had a small box of chocolate flowers, alternating white chocolate, milk chocolate, and dark chocolate in a nice pattern on the inside and wrapped with shiny silver paper that he knew Mel would just love—largely because, like a small squirrel, Jude had guessed that her attention would be instantly taken by anything shiny.

“Hey!” he said, approaching his friend as she walked into the Commons from the stairs to the girls’ dorm. Jude gave Mel a welcome-back-from-break hug and presented her with the shiny box. “I made you a Christmas present, my mom helped...I hope you like it! Also,” he added with a wry grin, “I hope you can help me deliver the other girls’ presents. I don’t want to give them out in class, but obviously...” he trailed off, looking at the steps he knew he couldn’t walk up. “Yeah, merry Christmas!”
0 Jude Normandy Peace, Love, and Chocolate 0 Jude Normandy 1 5

Demelza Eagle

June 16, 2010 8:36 PM

Hippie Philosophy! by Demelza Eagle

Demelza had been rather lonely over Midterm without half of the school being there. True, it was nice for the first few nights to have the dorm to herself, but soon she began to miss some of her roommates, even Starbuck. By the time it was the last day of midterm, Demelza was very excited for everyone to come back, especially Jude. She was in a good and hyper mood when everyone came back for the second half of term. The second year Pecari ran up to Jude and gave him a small "welcome-back-from-break" hug, and smiled brightly at him. She blushed slightly (very slightly) when Jude said that he got he a Christmas present. She also tried to stop herself from grimacing. She didn't get anyone a Christmas present, not even her family! Since there were so many people in her family, they didn't have to exchange gifts, they just got one gift each from Mrs. and Mr. Eagle.

"Wow, Jude, thank you so much!" She squealed, and gave him another small hug to show her appreciation. "Man, I'm so sorry I had no idea a gift exchange or anything like that was gonna take place! Ah, I fee awful now," she said, just before she open the very pretty (and SHINY!!) box. She expected nothing less from such an artsy person like Jude. The distraction of the shiny wrappers momentarily caused her to lose her attention to Jude. "What? Oh, yeah, sure, I'd love to! I was lonely over break, y'know. But it would have been lonely at my house too, so no matter what I guess I was in a lose-lose situation," Demelza talked a mouth full to Jude, as usual. It was almost impossible for Demelza to have nothing, or even a little, amount of things to say. "And, Merry belated Chrismahunakwanza to you too!" She said, giggling.

When she opened the box, the brunette's eyes lit up brightly. "Yum!" She said said as she popped on of the assorted chocolates in her mouth. Chewing on it, she gave Jude a thumbs-up. "You and your mom make good chocolate," she complemented, with her mouth full of the delicious desert. "Hold on, I'll go put this up in my dorm, and then I'll help you," she said as she departed from Jude momentarily and sped up the stairs to her dorm where she laid the box of chocolates on her bed. As she reproached Jude in the common room, she announced that she was ready.

"Mmk, so who's first?" She asked, brightly. Her eyes momentarily passed the soccer sign-up sheet, and her mind suddenly filled with a thought. "Hey, by the way, did you see the soccer sign-up sheet? You should join, I mean, you are a Muggleborn, so you should know how to play soccer already, right?" Somehow, however, Demelza knew that Jude probably wouldn't want to sign up because sports weren't exactly his most favorite, or at least that’s what Demelza had always inferred about Jude.
0 Demelza Eagle Hippie Philosophy! 157 Demelza Eagle 0 5