Irene Liddowe

July 06, 2009 6:58 PM

Letters by Irene Liddowe

Dear Irene,

Something great happened today. I lost track of the days. I had to look back at the letters to make sure I was in the 300's now. It's starting to get that easy. You better be keeping your promise. I only did this for you so I'd like to be able to see my daughter when this is over with. Hope school is going good.

Day 312,

Irene frowned at the letter. When it was over with? Did he not realize this wasn't a get-it-over-with thing? He made her so frustrated all the time. She didn't want him to be doing this for her. She didn't mind being the spark to start to rehab, but entirely for her? What is the point in that? All that does is make her a Mom-substitute again. He can't keep using her to get Mom back. Eventually reality was going to hit him.


We've been over this. I don't want to be your reason to quit. This is for you and your life so you can get along without me. I promise, I will see you once you've completed the one-year mark. Now that you've done so much in a year, living without drinking is going to be so much easier for you. We can do lunches and stuff every once in a while. It'd be nice to get to know you as my Dad instead of someone I'm scared of.

See you later,

Irene handed the letter to the owl that delivered it and sent it on its way. As frustrating as it was, Irene was happy. She was glad he wanted to be sober and that he wanted to get to know her. Irene's excitement was about knowing her Dad, not her father. She was going to get to know him as the man who brought her into the world instead of the man asleep downstairs. This summer, she had a feeling she'd be seeing him again. As much as that scared her, she was ready to face him now. The future was looking bright for the Liddowes...
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