Elly Eriksson

January 27, 2009 7:05 AM

Tagging Talen Dupree by Elly Eriksson

With only a couple of days until the solo auditions for the concert, Elly was berating herself for not yet having spoken to some of her delegations. The first and second years had been reluctant, but Elly had warned them they were going to be drafted in anyway, and none of them had complained too loudly. She'd found Jae and he'd been very receptive, which meant they had another performer for their group act. Elly still had to talk to the Duprees (somehow it never occured to her to just ask Danae when she'd been in the dorm), and now seemed like as good a time as any to do it... before she ran out of time.

Getting back from the last class of the day as early as she could, Elly waited in the commons until Talen walked through the door. "Hey, Talen," Elly called out as she walked over. She couldn't remember ever having directly spoken to him before, though they shared several classes and she was well acquainted with all the other Pecaris in his year. "Sorry to bother you, but I couldn't help but notice you haven't signed up for the concert, and we'd like to make this a real house effort," she flashed her least terrifying smile. "So, what can you do? Act, sing, dance... play kettle drums?"

Elly was awre she hadn't really given him the option to not be involved, but she was hoping that, as with Jae, this minor detail would go unnoticed. If it didn't, she was prepared to go into a whole speech about how he'd be letting the house down. By this stage, not a great deal was beneath her.
0 Elly Eriksson Tagging Talen Dupree 92 Elly Eriksson 1 5

Talen Dupree

February 01, 2009 11:20 AM

Being tagged by Talen Dupree

The sound of his name being called out made Talen jump nearly a foot. No one ever sought him out, especially not in the Pecari dorm. Everyone left him alone, which he didn’t know if it was something he liked or not so much as something he was used to since he had a tendency to be invisible. Turning, he was more surprised by the person that had said his name and was currently approaching him. Elly Eriksson. Everyone knew who she was and most wanted to be her friend. He supposed that’s why she had such a large following. So, the question was what did she want with him?

The answer came soon enough. The Concert. Of course, he hadn’t signed up. Why would he? There was the solo performance for which he didn’t have a shot at and there was the group performance, which he assumed would be done by the popular group and no one else. Yet, she was asking him what he could do. Talen shrugged a bit uncomfortably. “Nothing. I can’t do anything.” It was a lie. He knew it was a lie, but he also felt that what he could do wasn’t much. However, anyone that knew him would argue that this wasn’t true. He didn’t sing. He couldn’t dance, but oh, he could play an instrument.

His mother always bragged that Talen could play the piano before he could even walk and it was true to some degree. He could play any instrument. It was as though he could feel the music flowing through just waiting to be released just as he could feel it in his blood, his very veins. It was his self-expression, his love. The idea of love struck a chord. Perhaps, it would be the best way to tell his crush just how he felt about him. Of course, he wasn’t ready to admit that it was he who held the admiration, but it was the proper thing to do, right? A bit of courtship? Yes, that’s what he would do. Eager to begin working on the song he would create, Talen started slowly inching away, “Um, well, if there’s nothing else, I will just be on my way.”
0 Talen Dupree Being tagged 105 Talen Dupree 0 5


February 01, 2009 11:57 AM

You're not getting away so easy by Elly

Nothing? Nothing at all? Not even an impression of a famour painting? Elly was disappointed that no talent had been volunteered, and there was no chance she was letting him get away so easily.

"Hang on," she said, fighting the urge to grab hold of Talen to stop him from leaving. "Look, I'm putting you down for something, okay? So what will it be? On stage or behind stage? Or do you want to write the script? Please, Talen, you'll love being involved, I promise," Elly smiled again, and was prepared to make this statement true. It would be her personal mission to make sure everyone was enjoying themselves if they had agreed to take part - especially those she had badgered until they agreed.

"Even Moragine Carey said she'll play a lead role," she tried chivvying the fourth year. "Come on, what do you want to do?" If Talen really didn't want to be involved, Elly would have to let him alone after this. Still, nobody could say she hadn't tried. Yet she was mentally crossing all her fingers and toes that he would relent and decide to be a part of it anyway. She really did want the House effort she'd advertised.
0 Elly You're not getting away so easy 0 Elly 0 5


February 01, 2009 12:46 PM

Oh dear by Talen

His plan to escape was thwarted when she continued talking and with an internal sigh he stayed to listen. The corners of his mouth turned down when Elly said that she was putting him down for something. Was he speaking another language? Didn’t he just say no? Shouldn’t that be respected? Besides which, if she did sign him up for something and he didn’t show up, wouldn’t she just be putting herself into a bind? Though, he was sure that it would look worse on him even though he did say no. Not that it would matter.

The promise of loving being involved caused an eyebrow raise and he couldn’t prevent the words from spilling from his lips, “What happens after? What if I love being involved so much that I want to be involved all the time? Do you think that I would be? Do you think people would let me? That I will suddenly have tons of friends the way you do? Will you suddenly be my friend? Invite me to eat lunch with you? Hang out with you?” He paused a moment allowing that information to sink in, before adding, “The answer is no.”

A light blush crossed his face over the small rant, but he knew that being involved in this project would have no significant change on his life. Oh, it wasn’t that he didn’t want to be involved, but he was honestly afraid of the what-ifs of the situation. He didn’t want to enjoy it. If he did, then whatever enjoyment he experienced at being around others would be snatched away as soon as the Concert was over. He wasn’t sure that he could handle that. “I’m sorry. I didn’t-“ He fidgeted slightly before backtracking. “Do you have anything that wouldn’t involve being…involved?”
0 Talen Oh dear 0 Talen 0 5


February 03, 2009 7:05 AM

Yes. It's sad. by Elly

It was a fault of Elly's that she often didn't notice most other people just didn't have the enthusiasm she did; it was one of the many traits she and Saul had in common, which could be both a good and a bad thing for Pecari. Without this failing, she would naturally have expected some resistance from Talen. Yet even that expectation probably couldn't have prepared her for the outburst. For the first time in a very long while, Elly didn't know what to say. "I didn't -" think, the last word remained unsaid as Elly's cheeks flushed to match Talen's own.

"It's okay," she said when Talen apologised. "I shouldn't have pushed." But now what? It had been done, and some of the things Talen had said gave Elly a very peculiar feeling. Was he unpopular? And why? It occurred to Elly that she did have several friends in Talen's year, but she had never spent any time with him. There was no real reason - Irene did Quidditch, Josiah and Jae did charms, she knew Brett through Echo... maybe Talen just wasn't used to being involved? Elly didn't know, and she felt bad that she didn't know. And unfortunately for Talen, she intended to make up for not knowing.

"Um, you could be in charge of props if you like," she said, trying to think of a job that hadn't already been assigned. "Mr Tellerman would help you with anything you couldn't find on your own. Or," (just in case) "the solo auditions are in the Hall on Saturday." She smiled, just a small one, because she didn't want to upset Talen any more than she obviously already had. "Just um, let me know, okay? Or Saul or Connor. We'd really appreciate your help."

Elly didn't realise that she was holding her breath. It could have gone worse - at least they had another person for the concert now. She still had to talk to Danae, too - hopefully that conversation would be far more comfortable.
0 Elly Yes. It's sad. 0 Elly 0 5