
March 31, 2008 11:04 PM

Drama drama drama TAG: Elly and other girl dormates by Caedence

An owl glided on silent wings in the cool breeze of the late spring night. It carried a letter in its beak with an official looking black seal on it. It looked for its destined person to deliver to. Spotting the blonde hair, he landed softly on the bed next to the girl, dropping his letter, glancing hopefully around for some kind of treat. “Well, if you want food, go to the owlery. I’m not about to feed you. So scram or I’ll have to toss you out of the window myself!” The girl snapped. Hooting indignantly the owl took off.

Caedence, for it was she who received the letter found herself trembling from head to toe. She didn’t like the look of that letter and was afraid of what it said. She was afraid of what it might be telling her. Each letter preceding it was more and more foreboding, why would this one be any different? She was afraid, very afraid, and she didn’t want to see what it had to say. But, she finally, with shaking fingers, broke the seal and opened the letter. With the first words she knew what this was about. Her mother had finally passed away.

Dear Miss Caedence Redoak.

It is my sad duty to inform you that Julia Redoak‘s suffering, on this evening of the Twentieth of April has come to an end. Funeral arrangements will be made and your headmaster will be contacted. You will be under the care of your father. Your mother has left several items to you, which will be sorted out at the reading of the will early June. During the summer you will be asked to attend several grief counseling sessions, which are completely voluntary. Our hearts are with you in these sad times, and you have our sympathies.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Jacobson
Head Nurse
Grace Magical Hospice Care Center
Chicago Illinois

Words. That’s all it was, was a bunch of words written down on parchment! Caedence crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it on the floor, wanting to scream in frustration. Her mother was dead. They didn’t care. They never did. All they cared is that they got their money, even long after their residents passed away. They would be digging them for their money soon. Soon there would be bills, tons of them. All the sympathy was just words on paper. Useless ink!

Caedence got up off her bed, kicking one of the posts as hard as she could. All it was, was meaningless words! Her own father no doubt didn’t even care. He probably was just waiting for his wife, her mother, to die so he could get the money. All anyone ever thought about was money, money, money. No one cared that Julia Redoak was dead. Now all they would think about is ‘is this too expensive for the funeral? Do we have to pay for this? Are there any discounts I can get?’ Just a bunch of words! All of it was just a bunch of meaningless words.

She felt numb right now. She felt like something was missing. She couldn’t even feel angry anymore. She was always called ‘angry girl’ why couldn’t she get angry now? Why did she just feel this numb sensation? Why didn’t she really feel anything? Shouldn’t you feel something, anything when someone this close dies? She remembered something she read about death in a pamphlet at the Hospice. Shock. That’s what it was shock.

“Elly…” She moaned, sinking to her bed, “Elly!” She said louder this time, not caring if she did wake Danae or Meredith. She felt something on her cheeks. Something wet. She realized she was crying. “Elly!” She shouted. She buried her head in her hands. “Elly…” She moaned again. She couldn’t think of anything else to say. She needed Elly. That was the only thing her mind would let her think of.

She was crying harder now. It was the first time, the very first time she ever cried in front of anyone else. Since she didn’t know when. Maybe even since she was a baby. It was like a faucet was turned on and couldn’t be shut off. All she could do was to keep moaning Elly’s name over and over again, like it was her only tie left to the real world. Like if she didn’t say Elly’s name, she would be lost in her sea of mixed numb shock and grief.

Finally she took several deep breaths. “She… mom… she died… Elly she died!” was all she could get out before her body was wracked with sobs. All the years of pent up sorrow and rage crashed out. All the years of hurt that she had turned into rage so she wouldn’t have to deal with it began to crash out. All she could do was keep sobbing “Elly... Elly,” over and over again. \n
0 Caedence Drama drama drama TAG: Elly and other girl dormates 94 Caedence 1 5

Elly Eriksson

April 01, 2008 9:22 AM

I'm here! by Elly Eriksson

After a long day spent doing homework, capped with an extremely energetic soccer game with Brett and the others, Elly was exhausted by the end of the day and, along with her roommates, had opted for an early night. It wasn’t a peaceful night though; it could have been hours or only a few minutes, but Elly was roused from her dreaming by noises in the dormitory. Her head still fuzzy with sleep, she rubbed her eyes but couldn’t make out much in the dim light. Turning over to go back to sleep, Elly heard the sound again; it sounded like someone was calling her name. She listened for a few more seconds, then pushed herself up to lean on her elbow. “Caedence?” she whispered. “Is that you?”

Elly’s senses were returning to her gradually. She couldn’t make out much in the dark room, but she was almost certain she could hear sobbing. Throwing back her blanket, Elly tumbled out of bed and crossed the room to Caedence’s bed. “Caedence?” she said again, a moment later realising that her friend was crying. Really, truly crying. Elly didn’t think twice about sitting next to her friend and throwing her arms around her in a tight hug. “Hey, it’s okay,” she said, trying to calm Caedence down. She’d never seen her cry in the three years they had known each other – something was obviously very wrong.

It was a few moments before Caedence managed to speak. “She… mom… she died… Elly she died!” Elly thought her heart must have stopped beating for the second it took her to process what Caedence had said. She was confused – how could Caedence know her mother had died? A hope that she had just dreamed it flit through Elly’s thoughts, but it seemed unlikely that Caedence would be sobbing uncontrollably into her shoulder because of a dream. Not knowing what else to do, Elly just held her friend tight, letting Caedence cry into her shoulder, while she waited for her brain to start functioning again.
0 Elly Eriksson I'm here! 92 Elly Eriksson 0 5