Elly Eriksson

September 17, 2007 5:21 PM

[common room] Relaxing by Elly Eriksson

The problem with unpacking was that is was inevitably tedious. Elly had shoved her books and potions kit under her bead, her clothes haphazardly in the drawers, and her photographs had been tacked to the wall. They included the ones of Echo and Meredith from midterm their second year, and of Caedence over the summer, as well as her original photographs of her Dad. That was as far as her unpacking had gone, and Elly was already bored with it. Giving up in frustration, she lolloped back down to the commons instead, for some much needed boredom relief.

She didn’t bother with shoes – she never did when she was in the commons – but walked across the floor in green socks. Her faded blue jeans were torn around the hems and her green t-shirt was rumpled. A hair elastic restrained her orange curls, and so Elly looked much the same as she normally did – too tall, too skinny and too freckly.

Spying a friendly face sitting on the sofa, Elly headed straight over. She flung herself into the empty seat, and swung her ankles up to rest on the far arm of the chair, her lower legs resting on her neighbour’s lap. “Hi,” she grinned. “You comfortable?”
0 Elly Eriksson [common room] Relaxing 92 Elly Eriksson 1 5

Irene Liddowe

September 19, 2007 4:43 PM

[on the couch] Sitting by Irene Liddowe

She was done unpacking. Finally. It seemed like it had taken forever. Irene had taken her old Pecari flag, her Quidditch poster, her picture of Uncle Mike, Renaye, Josh, Elaina, and herself, and old picture of her mom, and tacked them up above her bed. She had nothing to do, with the unloading of the trunk being done and no homework assigned yet, so she trooped down the girls' stairs to the common room. She sank onto a spot on the couch, resting her head on the back cushion, pushing some hair out from behind her ear as she did so to cover her faint bruise. She had only been sitting there for a few seconds when a burst of orange color came into view. Turns out it was Elly, flinging herself onto the couch and resting her legs over Irene. Irene grinned over at her.

“Hi,” Elly said with a grin. Irene returned the greeting with a, "Hey Elly!"

“You comfortable?”

Irene put on an obviously fake grimace, "I don't know," she said, "You seem to be crushing me." Irene replaced her grimace with a smile. "Very comfortable, thank you very much."
0 Irene Liddowe [on the couch] Sitting 106 Irene Liddowe 0 5


September 22, 2007 5:26 PM

[still on the couch] Stretching by Elly

Elly laughed loudly at Irene’s reply. “Excellent,” she replied, grinning widely across her freckled face. She raised her arms up and clasped her hands behind her head, so she was fully stretched out along the length of the sofa. “So how’s things with Irene?” she asked, happy to be chatting rather than packing. She had seen Irene fairly recently, at her uncle’s house at the end of the summer. She’d managed to work out that Irene lived with her uncle now – Elly had known some stuff was going on at midterm, regarding Irene’s living arrangements, and she figured it had just been something about her living with her uncle. Irene had never explicitly mentioned it though, so Elly had never asked.

Irene’s uncle’s house seemed like a good place to be though – they’d played Quidditch and Brett had made them play football, which had been fun, too. Almost all of her friends had been there for the games. If only all the holidays were that fun then Elly wouldn’t ever want to come back to Sonora. Of course that was the good thing about Sonora – it had all the things she liked in one place (with the exception of her Dad). The summer had been like that, but without lessons or uniforms, or, sadly, magic. Elly had met Irene’s cousins, and they had started Sonora this year. “What house did your cousins get sorted into?” Elly asked with interest. She didn’t think it was Pecari, because she hadn’t seen them around, but then they hadn’t been at school for that long.
0 Elly [still on the couch] Stretching 0 Elly 0 5


September 22, 2007 9:11 PM

[still on the couch...again] Chatting by Irene

Irene gave a sigh at Elly's “So how’s things with Irene?” Irene thought that things, honestly, were pretty good right now. She was on this cloud being back at Sonora with Renaye and Josh in the same building. It was amazing to be around constant magic now. Uncle Mike didn't really to magic all the time. The most magic he did was flying. And sometimes summoning when he was feeling particularly lazy. Being back at Sonora was feeling amazing right now. Especially with what happened at the opening feast... Irene still felt weird (in a whoa-this-is-like-a-dream! way) about Brett "asking" her out. It was all just too good! All she needed now was that spot on the Quidditch team that was driving her insane with wanting, to put the cherry on top of this huge sundae.

"Things are pretty awesome," she said, grinning back at Elly. "You know Brett? Well, yeah, you know Brett. But what I'm trying to say is," she said, still grinning, "He sort of, I dunno, I want to say 'asked me out', but it seems like such a crazy way to put it..."

Irene was happy to be talking with Elly. She was always so nice to everyone. Another person may have been giving her the cold shoulder due to the upcoming competing they would be doing for Quidditch, but it was Elly! You can't cold-shoulder someone who's always grinning! Irene continued, noticing she was kind rambling, but not really paying any attention to that fact...

"Renaye and Josh are here too," Irene said, "I missed them so much last year it was crazy. Now they're right here."

“What house did your cousins get sorted into?”

"Crotalus," Irene said matter-a-factly. "I think it's kind of weird... You met Renaye. She's so loud and spunky all the time, I was so sure she'd be in Pecari. Josh is pretty quiet so I guess I can see it, but he's such a sweetheart when he actually talks. But I guess the potion knows all..."

She gave a shrug. Irene pushed some hair out of habit into her face. It was pretty much an unconscious action by now. The bruise was pretty much gone, but it was that small purple spot that she was still uneasy about. Until it was gone, she didn't think her self-consciousness would be gone either. But the action had nothing to do with the though of her father, it was just habit. Maybe a bad habit...
0 Irene [still on the couch...again] Chatting 0 Irene 0 5


September 24, 2007 12:18 PM

[couch] Teasing by Elly

Elly’s grin widened still further when Irene stammered out about her and Brett. That was so adorable! She pulled one hand out from behind her head and reached across to ruffle Irene’s hair. “That’s so sweet!” she said, and then laughed. “Aww, you can hold hands and everything.” She laughed still harder at this, enjoying teasing Irene. “Sorry,” she apologised shortly, smiling at Irene so there wasn’t any doubt that she had been joking.

“Sucks about your cousins, though,” Elly said, settling back down again. “I mean, to have them in another House is tolerable, but Crotalus?” She shuddered. “At least they’re pureblood,” she said, her tone clearly conveying her opinions on the importance of blood, “so they should be okay.” Of course Elly knew that most Crotali were nice enough anyway – Josh was fun, and Talitha was a little sweetheart – but Icy Idoya was in that House, and it had sort of put Elly off the lot of them. Plus they had beaten Pecari in the Quidditch championship, which made them simply unbearable. “At least they’ll be out of the way when you and Brett start making eyes at each other in the common room,” she said, grinning at Irene.
0 Elly [couch] Teasing 0 Elly 0 5


September 25, 2007 5:17 PM

[The ever-popular couch] Blushing by Irene

Irene felt herself blushing as Elly grinned across the couch at her. Elly reached over and ruffled her hair. Irene laughed and smoothed it out. “That’s so sweet!” Irene felt a smile spreading on her face. She was still processing everything that was going on. Irene just wanted to talk to someone and with Renaye in Crotalus... Crotalus! Of all houses for her to end up in, they both had to go to the house Pecari had lost to! Raye didn't seem like a Crotalus at all to her! It was all so mixed up...

“Aww, you can hold hands and everything.”

Irene, still grinning to herself, felt herself blush even more. Irene waved off Elly's quick apology. She expected teasing. It didn't really matter.

"Yeah, yeah... But speaking of couple-ish things," Irene said, taking her turn at teasing, "What about you and Echo in the yearbook, huh? Cutest couple?"

Irene knew she was nominated too, which was kind of weird for what she was nominated for. Most Serious. Really? Was she really like that? No, she wasn't. Well, yeah, she sort of was before second term... Maybe that was where it came from... That was her only solution.

“Sucks about your cousins, though,” Elly said, settling back down again. “I mean, to have them in another House is tolerable, but Crotalus?”

Irene shrugged in a whatcha-gonna-do way, but so Elly saw that she wasn't exactly thrilled.

“At least they’re pureblood, so they should be okay.”

Irene almost laughed as she pulled a pillow onto her lap over Elly's legs. "Josh will be fine. I'm not worried about him at all. It's Renaye. She's... honest, let's say. She's not exactly afraid to say what she thinks. If someone starts saying something she disagrees with, she'll let you know. It think it's that characteristic that got her in there. I just hope someone doesn't bring up W.A.I.L. related topics..." She made a face "That'll go over well."

“At least they’ll be out of the way when you and Brett start making eyes at each other in the common room,”

Irene stuck her tongue out at her and threw the pillow from her lap over at Elly.

0 Irene [The ever-popular couch] Blushing 0 Irene 0 5


September 26, 2007 6:16 AM

[that couch again] Wondering by Elly

As Elly had predicted, Irene didn’t seem too bothered by her teasing. It was just as well, really, because Elly didn’t think she’d be able to let up for a while. She liked Irene and Brett both very much, and she did think they would make a cute couple. It did feel a bit unusual though, to have a romance, however basic, in their group (their group being most of the fourth, third, and second year Pecaris). She wondered vaguely if Irene and Brett would start a trend, and soon they would all be pairing off. That would be odd. Elly had already guessed that Saul had a thing for Briony – what he if did ask her out and then spent all his time with her instead of with them? That would be weird, too.

“But speaking of couple-ish things,” said Irene, “What about you and Echo in the yearbook, huh? Cutest couple?”

Elly raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, we’re adorable,” she said sarcastically, almost dismissing the topic. This certainly wasn’t the first time the unlikely yearbook entry had come up. She didn’t know who would have voted for her and Echo as a couple anyway – they’d certainly never been couple-y together, and Elly was rarely around Echo without Meredith there too. It was still a bit puzzling to Elly.

Irene threw a cushion at Elly for her last remark. Elly squirmed, and laughed as the pillow hit her in the face. She returned Irene’s tongue poking and moved the pillow so it was behind her head instead. “Ha,” she said. Irene was fun to be around, not to mention she apparently didn’t mind Elly resting her legs over her lap. Mere probably wouldn’t mind, either, but Caedence would likely shove Elly off the sofa, or treat her to the Glare of Death at the very least. Echo, of course, would be uncomfortable with it because it meant bodily contact. But if it had been Echo sitting on the sofa, and not Irene, Elly would have just sat down next to him, and not draped her legs all over the place.

“I wonder why people voted for us as a couple?” Elly wondered aloud.

0 Elly [that couch again] Wondering 0 Elly 0 5


September 29, 2007 2:47 PM

[the SOFA] Joining in the wondering by Irene

Irene gave a laugh as Elly "stole" the pillow she had thrown at her and reached for another one. She placed it behind her head and grinned.

“I wonder why people voted for us as a couple?”

Irene opened her mouth to respond, but found she didn't really have an answer. Elly and Echo were around each other a lot, but never doing anything that screamed "WE'RE TOGETHER!" or even said, "Hey, we like each other." Why had people voted?

"Maybe they like playing matchmaker," she suggested. "But besides, I'm not sure the voters have everything exactly right. Do I seem like a Most Serious person to you? I probably did at the beginning of last year, but I'm just saying. Lot's of people voted. You can't expect all of them to know whether or not you're with someone or just hang out a lot, you know?"

Irene loved yearbooks. Flipping through them was so much fun. She loved seeing all of her classmates and especially loved seeing her with the Pecari Quidditch team. That was definitely a plus. She couldn't wait for the new one, but she had to remind herself that they still had another year to go. Another year... That makes it sound like a long time...
0 Irene [the SOFA] Joining in the wondering 0 Irene 0 5