Professor Connell

November 30, 2006 6:45 PM
Once outside, it didn’t take Marian very long to reach the suit of armor that guarded the common room. The entrance being near the beginning of the labyrinth probably was no coincidence. It was rather silly to have a commons that took too much effort to get into; although Teppenpaw’s rather comical method of entering belied that logic.

She turned to face the assembled first years, doing a quick head check to make sure that she still had all the ones she’d started off with (she did), then began the first part of the traditional spiel. “My name is Professor Connell, and I am the Pecari head of house, as well as the potions teacher. This suit of armor is the primary entrance to the Pecari common room. To get in, give the armor the current password, which will change periodically, but should always be posted on the bulletin board inside. The first password of the term is Mrs. Scower's Magical Mess Remover.”

At her last words, the armor moved aside just far enough to let them in, closing once all had entered. She gestured the first years towards the unoccupied seats, then continued. “Under no circumstance will you tell the password to a member of another house, or explain to them how to get into the common room. Likewise, none of you are to ask any of your friends in Aladren, Teppenpaw, or Crotalus that. It is knowledge meant for those who are in the house, and only them.

“If you couldn’t guess already, this is the Pecari common room. You may be in here any time when you do not have a class to relax, talk, work on homework, or anything of that ilk. You must be in the common room or in your dorm by 10 o’clock every night, no exceptions. In addition to being a hang-out, the common room also is the place where important messages and announcements are put out, for instance, the sign-up sheet for the Pecari quidditch team should be going up soon, for any of you all interested.”

She turned towards the back of the congregation area. “You go up the stairway back there to get to a hallway that leads to the dormitories, boys’ on the left, girls’ on the right. Generally, you will not be allowed down the wrong hallway, although there are occasionally a few that slip by the system. I wouldn’t suggest trying it, though. If you want more information on exactly what happens if you do try, I suggest you go search out Mr. Stephen Baxter. He’s a fifth year, and this appears to be one of his areas of expertise.”

Almost all of her speech done with, she turned back to face the new students one last time. “Now, my office is through that door that,” she gestured appropriately, “and, if you have any concerns, please feel free to knock at any time. If I don’t have a class, generally I will be in there. If I am not, you can slide a note under the door. Another person to see if you have questions would be Mia Kerova, the new Pecari prefect. Now, with rules and such out of the way, are there any questions?”
0 Professor Connell Head of House speech [continued from Cascade] 0 Professor Connell 1 5

Saul Pierce

November 30, 2006 8:15 PM
Saul wasn't a first year, but he'd been sitting with a group of them, so when Connell came by to collect them, he tagged along, in part because he hadn't caught the new password yet, and in part because he wanted to be able to recognize all the new Pecaris on sight.

At thirteen years old, he stood out a bit as he walked with them, leaving the Cascade Hall and going into the Gardens to the suit of armor. To those walking nearest to him, he pointed out a few spots of interest along the way ("See that dude? He keeps track of the House points all year." and "Elly's swing is down that way" and other such important information in between).

He snickered when Professor Connell announced the password, not because he had any personal opinion about the magical cleaner, or because he found it at all ironic for a Pecari password, but because he was trying to imagine how the new muggleborn kids would mangle the product name.

He followed all the kids inside, and opted to stick around for the Welcoming Speech, and spoke in a low voice to those nearest him when she mentioned Stephen, "He calls it the Corridor Ride, you know," which was a bit of trivia he had learned his own first day two years ago. He thought about demonstrating, as Stephen had done then, but she was asking for questions and he didn't want to interrupt. Saul subconsciously turned to look at Jae who, Saul was nearly certain, had not exhausted his supply over dinner.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
1 Saul Pierce An interloper in the midst 82 Saul Pierce 0 5

Jaeven Dimitri

December 01, 2006 6:18 AM
Jae had listened avidly to Saul's explanations as they followed the lady to a suit of armor. He grinned happily as she talked to it and it let them in to an absolutely amazing room. Yes! His brow furrowed as she introduced herself as the Pecari head of house and potions teacher. Potions were cool because you changed colours when you drank them. But it didn't have an acronym. Jaeven couldn't really think of one, either, which was disappointing. So he settled on the next best thing. Concentrating deeply, he mouthed letters until he finally came up with something, at which point he nodded happily to himself, then went back to asking questions, directed at anybody who could answer them.

"Why can't I play with my wandstick? And why is there a suit of armor? And why do we have a password? When does the password change? When can we start classes? Are they fun?"

Then he turned to Saul, needing to verify something in a lower voice. "Since there's Comec and Dayda, she's a Hoho, right?" Jae asked, quite proud to have determined that on his own.\n\n
0 Jaeven Dimitri Interlopers make life interesting 104 Jaeven Dimitri 0 5