Amy Fox

February 20, 2006 4:07 PM
The parchment was made of recycled paper, it's texture rather rough and bumpy- primarily due to the fact that Amy had had to use paper that had already been used (thus the recycled bit). The colour was rather faded, giving it a slightly yellow tint.

If one looked close enough, they would have noticed that there were obvious dents in the surface, caused, primarily, from Amy's numerous efforts to concoct a semi-serious notice.

The writing was in all caps, the quill markings rather deep and defined.







0 Amy Fox Notice: Flying Lesson Sign-ups 0 Amy Fox 1 5

Saul Pierce

February 22, 2006 12:27 PM
Saul stopped by the notice board firstly to look for a new password and secondly to check the progress of the quidditch sign-ups. Only one name new since he'd last been there, but a few of the positions had switched around.

There were two seekers signed up now, and while Saul hadn't bothered to look up which positions were part of Quidditch yet, he did know there was only one Seeker on a team. So that wouldn't be him. Only one Keeper, too, he was pretty sure and the first guy on the list had claimed that one, so he probably wouldn't be that either.

The second girl had claimed Chaser, which he was pretty sure there was more than one spot for, though she was the only one signed up for it so far. Which meant he had a chance at that. He thought there might be another type position as well, but couldn't be sure. So either Chaser or the other one. He was good with that.

Saul was about to move on when another notice caught his eye. Flying Lessons.

He hadn't really flown before, just that once when they'd been at a wizard's fair and you could pay a couple knuts to fly around for fifteen minutes.

Saul whipped out his pencil and wrote down his name at the top of the page:

Saul Pierce, Pecari, 1st Year\n\n
1 Saul Pierce I guess this means me 82 Saul Pierce 0 5


February 23, 2006 6:54 PM
Grim entered the room as Saul was writing his name down for flying lessons. He quickly approached him, making sure none of the first year Pecari girls were around.

'Saul! How are you?' he asked as he looked at the sheet. Grabbing a quill out of his bag, he scribbled down his name in a nearly illegible script.

Eduard Grimaud, 1st year, Pecari.

He already knew how to fly, but a little practice showing off would set the record straight as to the future Pecari seeker.

Saul was a strange one, he talked about yoga and zen a little too much, but so far seemed to be the only other Pecari boy showing up for classes. And since he didn't like any of the girls, he'd already decided that they would be fast friends. That is, if he didn't talk about ninjitsu warriors.

He was dying to ask what Saul thought of the Transfiguration classes. He asked 'Hey, what did you think of those girls in transfiguration? Nuts or what?'
0 Anonymous Re: I guess this means me 0 Anonymous 0 5

Ginger Silverstein

February 23, 2006 11:03 PM
Ginger had been handling the video game withdrawl a lot better than she thought she would. She sent all of her portable video game systems back home. The fact that they were there, and not working broke her heart. She had been drawing a lot lately, and writing letters to her family. Things weren't going so bad for her here so far. After feeding her cat, she walked down the stairs to sign up for flying lessons.

Ginger knew how to fly, but she wasn't a professional. She had only flied a couple times at her aunts house, and practiced a couple times at home. She knew most of the basics, and she was satisfied with that. She knew that she would have to learn more than just the basics to become the seeker. She figured that she would need to practice a bit on her own before anything else.

She wasn't wearing anything too muggle-bornish today. She was wearing a white tank top with little black stipes on it, and a simple pair of frayed jeans. She put a couple of green streaks in her hair for some color. Face it, blond hair was just boring for her all the time.

With a pen in her hand, she wrote down carfully Ginger Silverstein, First year, Pecari

She thought it was odd that they had to sign up for a class period. Ginger nervously looked over at the two of them. Grim didn't look happy (but when did he ever?) It was odd that Ginger found out that he had decided to try out for seeker a bit after she did. Ginger didn't like to fight others for positions in anything.

Ginger nervously smiled at them, and said meekly, "Ugh hey guys...ugh how are you doing?" \n\n
0 Ginger Silverstein *Sigh* 1484 Ginger Silverstein 0 5

Morgaine Carey

February 24, 2006 9:01 PM
Morgaine credited herself with a fair degree of intelligence. True, she hadn't been doing a very good job of demonstrating it since arriving at Sonora, but it was there. She had noticed some of her yearmates, including her new least-favorite Pecari, at the notice board earlier, but had known any attempt to approach the group would not be in her best interests, thereby displaying that she did have a functioning brain. There were certain disadvantages to having set things up so the whole House, so far as she knew, hated her, but it was better that doing a Gwenhwyfar by befriending the rabble now and being on the wrong end of dismissal later.

She had considered ignoring whatever they'd found so interesting out of hand, just to make her point to herself, but, in the end, hadn't been able to stop herself from doing a little investigation. Curiosity was anything but a virtue. After five minutes of standing in front of the notice, she finally moved, bending down to pick up Isadora. The big cat's eyes followed those of her mistress back to the notice as Morgaine adjusted her grip, her smaller-than-average height and build appearing even more dwarfed when the fact that her pet was larger than average for its species was taken into consideration.

She didn't know how to fly. She had no need to know how to fly. Only wizards and the most common sort of witch did. It wasn't decent, it wasn't, and Father wouldn't stand for it. Unfortunately, she doubted she had much choice in the matter. She immediately made up her mind that Amy Fox, whoever she was, went straight on the enemies list, right after Marlowe. Telling her to quit talking was - slightly - less forgivable than forcing her to waste time learning a skill she would never make use of again. After all, people dense enough to hold a flying lesson couldn't be expected to know how improper it was. Not that that made it any better.

Eight minutes now. With a grimace that contorted her entire face oddly, she shifted Isadora to one arm and extracted a self-inking quill she'd obtained somewhere from a pocket of her robes and, with a look that suggested the parchment on the wall had done her some kind of personal wrong, she wrote down the required information.

Morgaine Carey, Pecari House, First Year.

She felt her right shoulder give an involuntary twitch as the lowered the quill without correcting the thing to show her branch affiliation, but the objective was to be associated with her sister as little as possible. She rarely understood the workings of Gwenhwyfar's mind, but it seemed logical that the other Carey would flaunt who she was just because she had come so close to losing the right to be so. It was what she would have done, anyway. \n\n
0 Morgaine Carey Typical... 81 Morgaine Carey 0 5