Theodore Wolseithcrafte

July 29, 2016 1:20 AM

Doing the brotherly thing [corridor near Tepp, tag Owen] by Theodore Wolseithcrafte

So, Jemima and Owen were officially an item. It wasn’t totally new news and nor was it a surprise. And Owen wasn’t a bad person - pretty much objectively, given his house placement. Theodore thought that, under different circumstances, he might have left well alone. Just kept an eye on any developments. But he would be graduating this year, and there would be no one to look out for Jemima. Sure, she had her little gang of friends, and for once he found himself glad that it included raggle-taggles like Ginger Pierce who, whilst she might not have much in the way of lineage, probably had at least a little bit of spirit. But he didn’t want to have to rely on that…

Jemima was the odd one out of the family, certainly. But she had some things they all had, he was damn sure of it. And one thing that Wolseithcrafte women were was ambitious. He didn’t know where it would take Jemima - she was good at art, and that was a hellishly competitive world, but all he knew was that she had as much potential as any of them to do her own great thing in life. Anyone who thought they deserved his sister had to understand that. Had to let her dream big. He didn’t want to see her stifled or domesticated.

It had been a challenge to catch Owen alone. He and Jemima were virtually joined at the hip. But she had her own activities, her own friends, which she devoted her time to as well. When she’d mentioned some upcoming plans with her roommates to him, he’d taken advantage, waiting… Well, probably near Teppenpaw. Near Nathan Xavier’s office, guessing the house was somewhere nearby and having to hope that Owen had cause to leave it or come back to it via this patch of corridor. Luck, it seemed was on his side, as soon enough his target appeared.

“Pop quiz,” he said, halting Owen with a finger… not pressed against Owen’s chest, but held in such a way that if Owen continued to walk it would be. “Jemima wants to go to college. It’s… somewhere away from wherever you’re going to be after graduation. What do you do?”

13 Theodore Wolseithcrafte Doing the brotherly thing [corridor near Tepp, tag Owen] 270 Theodore Wolseithcrafte 1 5

Owen Brockert

August 12, 2016 7:22 PM

As an only child, I wouldn't know. by Owen Brockert

As the year wore on and more and more people were pairing up for the ball, Owen couldn't help but feel exceptionally lucky. He hadn't had to worry about finding a date for a second, he had Jemima. Of course, he always felt that way anyway but at least he didn't have to worry about like asking someone and being turned down. Owen had no idea who he'd even have asked otherwise. Not that he'd really thought about it too much, he didn't have to.

It was a good thing too, given that the Teppenpaw had been completely consumed by writing this year. Cookies and Cream were getting up to an awful lot. Of course, it wasn't that they were causing trouble as they didn't really looking for it. It was that evil Lord Cockroach though sometimes Cookies' attitude got him in trouble. And of course, there was the one where Cream's Aunt Freezy and Cookies' Uncle Waddles came to visit and Lord Cockroach hadn't been a part of it. His latest story, though, had to do with the weather going wacky. It was cold in one place but if you walked down the street it would be hot. While the town the animals lived in was usually like that, it was hot and cold in the wrong places and Cookies' and Cream's igloo was melting. Plus there were storms that rained hot sauce or pumpkin juice. Unfortunately there were also ones that rained different potions such as the Forgetfulness Potion and many animals were suffering ill effects as Lord Cockroach had put a twist on his potions to make them work simply by absorbing them into the skin . To make matters worse, Cookies had just been hit by the Shrinking Solution and was currently struggling with what that entailed.

So, Owen found himself appreciating Jemima even more. First of all, him generating more stories meant that she had to generate more illustrations. Of course, if she ever said she didn't want to or that she had others things to do, he was understanding about it. Secondly, well, having her around kept him in touch with reality. He knew that his stories were fiction of course, but he had just been so immersed in them. Having Jemima in his life gave him something even better to come out of it to. Owen-when not writing-was trying to think of something special to do for her.

Right now though, he was on his way back to his room to write some more as Jemima was doing something with her roommates. However, before he knew it, his girlfriend's older brother was in his face, inches away pointing a finger at him.

Owen's breath caught in his throat when Theodore spoke. It wasn't so much the question itself, although it was truthfully not a thought that pleased him as the Teppenpaw hated the idea of not seeing Jemima every day. He disliked breaks from school for this reason alone. As he didn't really mind school work much, it was not a big deal putting up with it if he got to spend time with his girlfriend.

Still, he couldn't help but feel anxious given Theodore's stance. Owen had that same nervous feeling that he'd had before the second challenge last year. He reached into his pocket and placed his hand on his inhaler just in case he needed to fish it out. "I-I guess I'd go visit her a lot." He squeaked out.
11 Owen Brockert As an only child, I wouldn't know. 300 Owen Brockert 0 5


August 20, 2016 7:17 AM

Well, let me educate you by Theodore

’I-I guess I’d go visit her a lot.

Theodore hadn’t quite been expecting that response. He hadn’t thought the Teppenpaw would openly admit to curbing Jemima’s desires, but he had expected some sort of out-pouring about it all - perhaps even the suggestion that the two of them would never let anything come between them. Owen, however, seemed to accept it was fact that where Jemima wanted to go, she would damn well go, and to start from there. Perhaps the boy had realised more about Wolseithcrafte women than Theodore had given him credit for.

“Good,” he nodded, although he didn’t relax his posture much. It was easy for Owen to say now… But did Theodore trust what he would actually do?

“Let’s get this straight,” he said, deciding to just lay it on the line. “Jemima is capable of a great deal. And you may think it’s romantic to stand and wring your hands, and ask what about me, what about us - to mourn the fact you’re going to have to be apart. But it’s not romantic, it’s just selfish. I will be keeping a close eye on my sister’s hopes and dreams. And if I find you to be responsible for any of them being checked, or tempered, you will have me to answer to. Understand?” In reality, this was probably not much of a threat. There was little that Theodore could do to a Brockert with impunity. Right now, he could probably hex Owen’s kneecaps to face backwards but that was only because he was older and they were in the protective bubble of school, where the worst that could happen would be a detention. By the time Owen really had a chance to do anything he found damaging to Jemima, Owen would know as much magic as he did, and they would be operating under a very different set of rules. Really, the best he could do was instill him with a deep sense of right and wrong (or, if not that, then fear), so that he would follow what Theodore wanted for his sister by himself.

“Your job is to support Jemima. To ensure she achieves all her hopes and her dreams. Not to be an obstacle that she’ll have to overcome. And you only have my blessing to date her if you understand that." Again, with less than half a year left in the same building, and with his word having virtually no bearing on the matter, it was something of a hollow threat. But Owen seemed startled enough by the general confrontation that Theodore thought that might (along with the age difference, and Owen's general Teppenpaw people-pleasing tendencies) make some impression.
13 Theodore Well, let me educate you 270 Theodore 0 5