Aria Yale

December 05, 2013 5:40 PM

Letters to my Concert Group by Aria Yale

Because Aria lived in Teppenpaw and a majority of her concert group lived with her, she opted to simply leave the her letter and a homemade grass doll (a Winter Solstice gift) on the beds for the girls, except for Marcus, who had to get both items by owl. The letters were very simple and to the point as was the way that Aria often lived her life seeing no reason to twiddle around with nonsense.

Dear Julian/Lucille/Marcus/Melanie,

I hope that by now you are aware that the Concert Group list has been finalized and you are apart of the group that I am in charge of leading. Because this is a group effort, I do not like the idea of myself being the leader and hope that as a group we will be successful in coming together and creating something wonderful that we can all feel confident in and have contributed to.

Since Midterm is approaching, I thought we would take the break to re-evaluate our talents and skills before meeting to discuss what we should do. We will meet first thing after the holidays to go over any ideas that you can come up with that we can vote for. All ideas will be welcomed and as a group should be received openly.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and I will see you in the New Year.


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