Captain Kate Bauer

January 12, 2013 1:59 PM
Kate couldn’t say she was happy about Quidditch being cancelled, but after the first night, she regarded that in much the same way she regarded Arnold Carey’s record against not just her, but other Seekers in general: it was there, and there was nothing she could do about it, so she might as well shut up and get on with her life and do the best she could in areas she might be able to do something with. Her family, she knew, felt this was a little strange – they held onto things in a way she couldn’t comprehend any better than they could shutting up and getting on with it, since as far as she could tell, at best it made people end up a little twisted and bitter and at worst it might drive them to the edge of madness – but that was not an unusual way for them to react to her in general, either, and though she would try to defend that one more than she did some of the things they found incomprehensible about her, she regarded her tendency toward shutting up and getting on with it pretty much as something to shut up and get on with.

She tore up the sign-up sheet she’d prewritten (she had been a little excited about the prospect of being captain this year) with only a moment of regret, then, and wrote a new one with the new circumstances in mind while she was up before breakfast and pinned it, taking great care to keep it neat and straight, on the bulletin board. She was still captain, after all, and it was still her only year of being captain, so she needed to get things right here.

Teppenpaw Quidditch Sign-Ups!

Games may be off this year, but fun times on the Teppenpaw Quidditch team are not! We’ll still observe our full usual schedule of try-outs and team practices this year so that the Teppenpaw team next year can have an amazing season and bring home the Cup for the Prairie Dogs. Just put down your name, year, and desired position and you’ll be signed up!

Try-out date to be announced.

Let’s all get a great year started!

- Captain Kate

And beneath that was her own information, written out, like the rest of the notice, in her own hand, but not quite as neatly as the rest, which she had taken the time to use her very best handwriting for: Kate Bauer, Seventh, Seeker
16 Captain Kate Bauer Quidditch Sign-Ups. 170 Captain Kate Bauer 1 5

Derry Pierce

January 12, 2013 3:02 PM
The fact that games were cancelled was undoubtedly disappointing, but as a little more time passed since the announcement, he had started to become eager to see what the Challenges would entail. If they were big enough to cancel Quidditch, they must be pretty epic. Plus, well, Derry had trouble staying down about anything, so even though he was sure he would miss games, he was just as sure, he'd be happy just getting out to fly in practice, too.

With this in mind, he didn't hesitate a moment to add his name to the sign-up sheet once he saw Kate had posted it. He'd gotten his Assistant Captain badge last night and was proudly wearing it already and it would be pretty poor leadership if the A.C. didn't sign up.

Derry Pierce, 5th 6th year, Beater

He had to go back and fix his year once he realized he wasn't a fifth year anymore, but now an advanced RATS student, but it was still legible so he let it be and headed out for the rest of his day. With RATS level classes. Maybe it was good there was reduced Quidditch pressure this year.
1 Derry Pierce I'm In! 189 Derry Pierce 0 5

Carter Browning

January 13, 2013 1:26 AM
Carter had been momentarily surprised by the announcement during the feast about the cancellation of Quidditch this term, but he wasn't as angry about it as he thought he might be. Afterall it was for only one year and he was only a second year now afterall, so its not like he wouldn't have the oppertunity to play more after this year. Besides if the challenges were going to be as time consuming as the teaching staff made them out to be then perhaps not having to focus soo much on Quidditch on top of everything else might not be soo bad.

Carter saw the sign-up sheet posted for the team and decided What the heck? At least I'll be in shape for next year He pulled a quill pen out of his bag and added his name to the list.

Carter Browning, Second year, Chaser

He placed the quill pen back into his bag and hurried up the stairs to his part of the dorm to put his bag away.
0 Carter Browning Me too 236 Carter Browning 0 5

Enion Whitebriar

January 15, 2013 8:22 PM
When Enion had first heard the announcement that Quidditch was cancelled, he’d nearly died. In fact he’d choked on his steak and the person sitting next to him had to pound on his back to keep the half chewed meat from finishing him off. By the time he was done coughing and wheezing, the anger expressed by the other students had already died down, and shouting now would only make him look stupid.

How could this have happened? After all the work he’d put in, getting Gareth to shot Bludgers at him for hours every day! He’d bruised every inch of himself to improve, how could they just call the whole thing off? It was infuriating, absolutely infuriating. The twelve year old had kept from crying, boy’s didn’t do such things, but his face had been rather red, and if he’d cried a little that night, well no one needed to know what happened in the privacy of his own bed.

It was only after he’d had a chance to calm down and actually think about the situation rationally that Enion realized this might be a good thing. Last year, he’d only made second string. Over the summer he had spent ages practicing, and if he really worked hard this year and showed whoever was going to be Captain next year just how good he was, then they’d have to let him be first string, wouldn’t they? Of course they would. This was an opportunity, and his father wouldn’t be too upset if he didn’t make first string this year since they weren’t really playing games after all. This year was like a freebee, a way to improve and show his potential for next year.

Quickly he added his name to the signup sheet.

Enion Whitebriar – 2nd year – any
0 Enion Whitebriar This was supposed to be my year! 0 Enion Whitebriar 0 5

Brielle Thornton

January 23, 2013 1:13 PM
Even though there were no games scheduled this year due to the Challenges, Aubrielle didn't feel right not signing up for Quidditch since there would still be sign-ups. So, when she spotted Teppenpaw's sign-up sheets in the Common Room one day after class, she walked right over to it. There were only three names on the list before hers and she smiled, putting her quill onto the paper.

Aubrielle Thornton, 3rd year, anything needed, cause really... she started to write, thinking better of it. She crossed out from the comma all the way to the 'really'.

Bri's problem this time around was that her team actually had potential to win this year, if it weren't for the fact that there were no games... She sighed and took another look at her name beneath Kate, Derry, Carter and Enion. No more wishy-washy for me. I'm just going to go for it. After she crossed out the un-needed stuff, she replaced it to make her name say:

Aubrielle Thornton, 3rd year, Seeker

After all, she had the build, she had the speed, it was perfect planning... And she could learn lots from their graduating Captain.

“Yes.” she said, aloud, though to herself at the same time, unaware if anyone was around her or not.
0 Brielle Thornton No more wishy/washy for me 0 Brielle Thornton 0 5