Angel Shield

May 08, 2012 11:26 AM

…Zz…z by Angel Shield

The first full day of wearing the slippers didn’t begin well. Angel forgot that he was supposed to wear them and had been half way to breakfast when he remembered. By the time he returned to the dorm, found them hidden under his bed, got them on, and made his way back down to the Hall, breakfast was nearly over so he had to eat his toast quickly. That upset his stomach but luckily didn’t require a trip to the restroom.

Walking in the fuzzy shoes was proving to be a challenge as well. Usually, Angel walked on the balls of his feet, but when he tried to walk as he normally would, the slippers fell off. This resulted in more than one exasperated trip down a few steps to retrieve wayward lost slippers. Another problem was simply that they were hot. His feet had long become accustomed to begin bare and being in regular contact with cold floors, so the fuzzy warmth was driving him crazy and resulted in the Teppenpaw taking off the slippers the second he got into his seat each class so that his feet could cool off. This in turn let to forgetting to put them back on, and backtracking to retrieve them.

By the time classes were finally finished for the day, Angel’s meager stores of energy were wiped out and he nearly didn’t make it back to the common room before he began to feel dizzy. Making it up the stairs to his room was impossible so Angel slumped onto the first couch he passed, shifting he drew his feet up, one of the slippers fell onto the floor unnoticed as darkness overtook his senses and he fell into an exhausted sleep.
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