Regina Parker

December 04, 2011 9:25 PM

Girl Talk! (3rd year girls dorm) by Regina Parker

Since coming back to Sonora, Reggie had begun to notice things that she never really had before. For one, there were boys in her class. Now, Reggie is not stupid or blind, she was always aware that there were boys in her class, but it’s just that now they were boys. Reggie only began to notice the difference over the summer when Reggie spent time around the neighborhood kids whom she had known her whole life. They were different. Somehow, they had grown up without her noticing. The girls were gabbing about the boys and the boys were being weird whenever the girls were around. It was entertaining to watch, but a hassle to be a part of. And now in school, Reggie felt herself wanting that to happen.

She wasn’t sure why that was. Maybe because she wanted to know if anyone else was noticing the changes? Or maybe because her dreams were making her question things. They were silly dreams and normally she couldn’t tell what was going on, but sometimes some of them seemed familiar and that left her feeling confused. Either way, she was curious to know where her friends stood with all of it. Who was liking who, who they thought was the cutest, and who they felt everyone should stay away from. These were important things to know.

It was Friday night, so Reggie didn’t have to worry about any of them needing to get up early for lessons, which meant that it was a perfect night for a girl talk. Leaving the bathroom clad in her pajamas, Reggie wandered over to her desk and located the snacks that she had asked one of the prairie elves to gather for her for the night’s talk. “Okay ladies!” Reggie exclaimed, grabbing the snacks and holding them up for all to see. “We have a long night a head of us and I’m in a desperate need for some girl talk.” Reggie sat on her bed and waiting until they were all listening to her.

“Who is the hottest guy in this school?” She asked them. “I know you all have someone in mind. You tell me who you think is hot and we’ll compare. I’ll go first. I really think David Wilkes is good looking. Ryan O’Malley is nice looking too.” She probably could have said a half a dozen others or someone from their own year, but this was hopefully just the beginning of the evening for them.
6 Regina Parker Girl Talk! (3rd year girls dorm) 187 Regina Parker 1 5

Addison Thornton

December 05, 2011 11:45 PM

Do I have to? by Addison Thornton

Addison, red haired just like the other Thornton children, moped into her dorm room one night to find that Reggie had set out snacks. The third year had hoped that this was not a hint that she needed to hold off on going to sleep. However, as she changed into her red and white striped feetie pajamas (the ones that her younger siblings had bought her as an early Christmas present) Reggie started to speak.

Addi didn't particularly want to talk that night and would be perfectly happy to have absolutely no imput in the conversation whatsoever. The problem was, however, that Reggie stopped talking and looked to be waiting for her.

The shyer of the two Teppenpaw Thorntons hadn't even heard what the conversation was about, much less know what to answer her friend and roommate. She was majorly sidetracked, as the little Mama of her sisters, she hated it when her siblings were sick or injured. Not only was there the deaf and blind situation for Audi and Ashling, but Amira's stunt over the summer had made her seriously sick.

Amira had even fallen off her broom at Quidditch Tryouts for Pecari and had been sent by Captain Jose to see the Medic. This was one of the main things that was on the forefront of her mind. The other was that Aislynn's fever still hadn't broken. In fact, Aubrielle had sent a letter by owl to Addi just that afternoon to tell her that their parents were taking Aislynn to the hospital. Addison had tired of waiting for the results in the Common Room with Arista and had hoped for a little sleep in her bed but without much luck.

Arista stayed in the Common Room to wait for a letter and then she was going to let her younger sister know the outcome from her parent's letter. Part of Addison wanted to know, but the other part knew that there was something more to the fever. That it wasn't going to be a good answer to their parent's queries.

The second oldest Thornton girl fell even more silent than normal when she was stressed. Her roommates, she thought, should know that by then, but she wasn't sure that Reggie and the others had noticed at all.

"What?" Addi said, before her friends could realize that the thoughts in her mind were pulling her in several different directions at the same time, like a Taffy puller pulls Taffy. "Sorry..." she added, cheeks blanching a shade of light pink.

Addison knew that Reggie said quite a few words and felt bad that she hadn't heard a single word that she'd said. Addi waited patiently, hoping that this conversation wouldn't have to last too long and that she could have a nice long sleep before she was woken up to worry like the worry-wart that she was.
0 Addison Thornton Do I have to? 190 Addison Thornton 0 5

Madeline Parry

December 06, 2011 5:28 PM

Aw, come on, it'll be fun! by Madeline Parry

At home, Madeline had always been told when to go to bed, and had gone along with that. That had changed, though, with coming to Sonora. One of the bigger changes that she’d seen between here and home was that while they had to be in their rooms by a certain time, there was no technical rule about going to sleep as long as they weren’t so noisy that they drew attention from the prefects or Professor Crosby. Bedtime was usually now whenever the group consensus seemed to make it, and since she’d learned to light the end of her wand, she had spent more than a little time awake even after the other girls went to sleep, cramming with the curtains of her bed drawn so the light wouldn’t bother anyone else. Desperate Potions papers and exams called for desperate measures.

Tonight, though, was Friday, which meant she didn’t have to worry about desperately trying to get work done until Sunday night, which was days away, so she crossed her legs under her with a smile as Reggie brought out the snacks and proclaimed the girl talk session at a beginning. Madeline felt herself flush at the exact topic, but hey, if you couldn’t talk about this kind of stuff with your girlfriends, who could you? It was normal girl stuff, noticing boys, even if she wasn’t thinking of dating one yet.

She contemplated David Wilkes and Ryan O’Malley for a second. Yeah, she could admit that they were good-looking, even though she didn’t know them very well. But then, the only guys she did were Ben and Derry, so that was no impediment to her commenting on the looks of various people. Good thing, too.

“We’re talking about who’s good-looking,” Madeline filled her in. “Guys. Reggie volunteered David Wilkes and Ryan O’Malley.” Madeline shifted her position because one of her feet was drifting off to sleep and shook her hair, still mostly lacking its winter hints or outright displays of red after a summer and plenty of Sonora time in the sun, back before sweeping it up only to realize she didn’t have a ponytail holder. Holding it with one hand, she rummaged around her night table with the other until she found something, a process which was impaired a little by her still talking as she did it. “’Course, you know, we’re all madly in love with Derry, but some of the other guys are nice to look at, too. Like – the seventh year prefect, Andrew. He’s cute.” Someone, she guessed, had to be the advocate for the lighter-haired members of the Sonora Academy student body, and since she was the resident blond, she also guessed that she’d do.

She found a holder and finished her ponytail. Her hair now out of the way, she concentrated on the room properly, wondering where this conversation was going to go. Was Reggie actually crushing on one of those guys? Nosy friends wanted to know!
0 Madeline Parry Aw, come on, it'll be fun! 188 Madeline Parry 0 5


December 07, 2011 9:24 PM

Well, that's what I was hoping for! by Reggie

Reggie had been hoping that this was going to be a fun talk with her roommates and her two best friends. But when she had finished admitting her thoughts on a couple of the boys in their school and looked to Addison, the girl was completely out of it. Reggie had to repress a sigh. Although this was their third year of living together, Reggie did not know her at all. She was either shaking in the corner, crying, or hanging out with her sisters. To be honest, the weak part of her roommate kept Reggie away from her. It was too awkward and serious for Reggie’s taste and although she would never be rude to the girl, especially when she was having a moment, Reggie didn’t want to be a part of it either.

Thankfully, before anything remotely serious could happen, Maddie took over the conversation. She really did love that girl. If Maddie or Jess weren’t around, Reggie would be spending her days with just Derry and Ben (possibly Hope, but she was so quiet around her that Reggie wasn’t sure what the girl was thinking ever).

Reggie snuggled into her bed and waited for Maddie to confess her undying love to some boy in their class. Instead she made a joke and Reggie found herself laughing. “Don’t lie, Maddie, you know you only love him because of his hat!” She teased. The truth was, Derry was cute and there was something about him that made him adorable and completely lovable. But it was weird to think of him as a boy and Reggie didn’t like it at all. So, he would remain simply, Derry. Reggie shook her head and focused on what Maddie was saying.

“Ooooo…” Reggie commented when Maddie admitted that Andrew was cute. “Into the older crowd, I see, Maddie.” She grinned at her to show that she was only joking with her (well, mostly). Reggie did not see Maddie into anyone that much older then them, but the girl had a way about surprising her. “What about the rest of you? David, Ryan, Andrew, even Derry…” Reggie was trying to coax them into admitting things. “If it helps, I think Dmitri Petrovskii is hot too…”
6 Reggie Well, that's what I was hoping for! 187 Reggie 0 5

Hope Brockert

December 08, 2011 3:11 AM

Well, then let's keep it going! by Hope Brockert

Hope was lying on her bed, reading a book when she heard Reggie speak up. The second year looked up with interest. This was the sort of thing she'd always fantasized about growing up, having late night talks with roommates who would become her best friends, like a sleepover every night. Not that Hope had ever been to one of course but she'd read about them and plenty of books with scenarios where that had happened, and even though it hadn't been that way for any of her sisters, Hope had still hoped for that for herself.

So far, though, it hadn't really been like that. The Teppenpaw got along okay with her roommates but she'd somehow never become close to them. The person Hope felt was her closest friend, whom she liked best at Sonora other than her own family, was Russell. At least that was something though, she'd never felt the way Nina or Adam had. Merlin, she hoped she'd never feel like they did. It bothered her a great deal to see her siblings hurting.

Though, in Adam's case, boys never talked about those things from what the third year could tell. They kept things to themselves and let it fester. The Teppenpaw really didn't understand this about guys. All they were doing was letting it burn them up inside. She hoped Adam at least talked about things with Serenity. If she was with someone, she'd want him to confide in her.

However, this was Hope's chance. Her chance to bond with her roommates and possibly make life long friends, even though the topic made her blush a little bit. Right now, she wasn't close with them and wouldn't want to tell them if she was specifically interested in someone. After all, they might tell. Besides, in a way, Hope would want to keep that information to herself, like a birthday wish that wouldn't come true if anyone else heard.

Of course, the odds were that the third year would have to marry whom her great-grandfather told her to. Hope wondered what it would be like to be like her roommates and have the luxury of choosing for herself. She was still considering the option of running off and eloping like Chelsea did if she found someone she was truly in love with. Hope would rather end up like either Chelsea or Kaylie than like Aunt Rosemary.

It wasn't as if she had to say she liked someone now though. Just who she thought was attractive. The Teppenpaw could certainly do that. She found Reggie's choices interesting, at least in Ryan's case. He was Hope's distant cousin, so she could never think of him that way, wasn't supposed to, but it didn't gross her out the way it would if they were talking about Evan or something because she didn't even know Ryan except in passing.

Addison, on the other hand, didn't seem to be interested in the conversation. She seemed really out of it. Hope had no idea what was going on and though she cared, she wouldn't want to pry. Nor did she want to bring down the mood of the conversation. Maybe the other girl was just not interested in boys yet. Some people grew up faster than others.

Hope, on the other hand, actually was starting to find boys attractive and she listened as Maddie mentioned Andrew and Derry and Reggie mentioned Dmitri. She hadn't really looked much at older boys. "I think Russell is pretty good looking." Hope admitted, blushing a little. He was her friend, but she certainly also saw him as a boy . "And there's something about Phoenix too." She added quickly. She didn't want people to think she like liked Russell. That could get very...weird. Especially if he didn't see her that way. What if they couldn't be friends anymore because of such awkwardness? She would hate that.

Besides, it was true. There was something about Phoenix that was very attractive. Hope didn't understand it, but there was some sort of odd pull that she couldn't help but notice him. Even if she did like Russell much better.
11 Hope Brockert Well, then let's keep it going! 186 Hope Brockert 0 5

Jessica Applerose

December 09, 2011 2:39 PM

So I haven't been here for awhile... by Jessica Applerose

Jessica had felt out-of-the-loop at Sonora for so long, but it was kind of her fault. Well, her family's fault. She had tried really hard to not get too involved since she had other things going on, like family...issues. Especially with Darla. She had come to school late because of a family emergency that had forced her to stay home for awhile. Jess still felt a little traumatized, but didn't want to think about it for a very long time. The important part was that her parents were safe and at home now.

She had been sitting at the window, looking outside and contemplating her sorrows, when Reggie bounded in and said that they were going to talk about boys. She smiled a little. The girls got into it, and Jessica was sad to say that she really didn't know any of them. Except Derry and Ben. Ben was the only boy she had ever really talked to, honestly, and it was kind of embarrassing.

Jess sat on her bed and sighed. "I feel so out of it," she confessed. "The only names I recognize are Ben and Derry, and I think they're both pretty cute." She could probably recognize faces that she passed in the halls, but that was the extent of it. "I haven't been really social lately." Jessica felt she had sorely needed girl talk for awhile, at least to hear them talk, even if she wasn't a part of the conversation. She mostly felt tired, worn from her time at home. She really wanted to bond with her roommates now, but she didn't know how to start.

Jessica hadn't really noticed boys, or labeled them as "cute" or "handsome" till the summer when her neighbor suddenly became more than "the boy next door". He became "Johnny, the cute muggle who lives across the street". Her parents would probably encourage her to pursue him because he was a muggle, but she didn't want to do anything stupid. She had liked Ben here, and didn't know if she had a...crush on him or whatever. Mostly because she hadn't talked to him a lot recently. Or, much at all. Jessica didn't want to confess feelings she was unsure about.
0 Jessica Applerose So I haven't been here for awhile... 0 Jessica Applerose 0 5


December 12, 2011 10:56 PM

Can I try again? by Addison

Maddie told Addison what had been going on, thankfully. The redhead looked at her gratefully. “Thanks.” she said softly as she honestly tried to think of the boys there at school. Dmitiri was cute, so were Ryan, David and Russell. Derry and Ben were too of course, but she chalked that up to them being in her year and house. Preston Stratford was in their year, though in Aladren House and she couldn’t help but look at him. The third year could guess that just meant that she was getting older. It scared her and she knew it.

Laurie Stratford, who was in her own Teppenpaw house and Sullivan Quincy from Pecari were cute too, but not really in a dateable way to her. It was kinda like a little brother cute and the second oldest Thornton sibling knew how she wanted to deal with the pair of them. Sure, they were only a year younger than she was, but she wasn’t interested in all that mess just yet.

Addi knew that her family needed to be sorted out first and foremost.

Addi watched the others as Maddie put her hair in a ponytail as she spoke some more. Reggie joked back with her and Addi watched from the sidelines which was fine with her. Addison realized that she truly didn’t know her roommates in the least and a pull made her want to know them. Her thoughts reeled inside her mind as she listened to the girls talk around her. She heard their words, but they were slightly muted once they passed her ears. Finally she figured out what was happening and she looked to Hope and Jess, the last two of them who’d spoken and nodded to them. Hope hadn’t ever done anything wrong to her, none of them had to be sure, but Hope had something about her that made Addison feel a little bit more comfortable in her own skin. Jess also seemed to be out of it and thinking of other things as she’d said that she was feeling out of it.

Addi looked to her the longest, somehow she knew that they were on the same page and she vowed to pull Jess aside later to see if there was anything she could do to help. Sure, there were things going on at home with her siblings, but the Teppenpaw girl always felt better helping other people so it was worth a shot to try. Besides, maybe they could help each other?

“The others are in other houses or older than us.” she said to Jess, hoping that would start the ball back in her court to show the others that she really did want to get to know them. “We’re not all social all the time, I’m proof… But I want to make that better. I really do.” she added as she turned back to Reggie.

“And I think the boys you all said are cute, Preston Stratford isn’t too bad either. And Laurie Stratford and Sullivan Quincy are kinda like little brother cute, you know?” she said, hoping that perhaps maybe this put her on the way to getting to know the others and who knew, maybe to help someone in the future. After all, that was what she wanted to do with herself.

Help anyone she could.
0 Addison Can I try again? 0 Addison 0 5


December 14, 2011 9:15 PM

Sure, all are welcome. by Reggie

Reggie turned her attention to Hope, who began to join them in the girl talk conversation. This as fun. Reggie never really hung out with Hope before. There was no real reason why they hadn’t other than Hope was from one of those ‘proper’ families who looked down on people like Reggie. Her very first day here at Sonora, Reggie had immediately befriended Jess and Maddie because they had so many things in common and it felt natural to be with them.

“Oh, you know what, Hope is right about Phoenix.” Reggie commented. “Sometimes I catch myself staring at him and I don’t remember when or why I’m doing it. It’s really weird.” This only recently started happening, but considering they had classes together, she felt like a total creep! Because of the mention of Phoenix, Reggie completely forgot that Hope had mentioned Russell first. That wasn’t to say anything negative about Russell (she didn’t really know him), it was just that she had more to say on Phoenix.

Reggie had to repress a sigh when Jessica started talking. Reggie knew that the girl was going through a lot and had been for the last year or so, but she didn’t understand why she was dwelling on things that can’t be changed. It wasn’t like Reggie’s life was perfect. Her mother was not in her life, she didn’t know her maternal family at all. Plus, her mother’s job put her on the front lines to danger every moment of every day. She worried all the time for her mother. But she did not let that rule her life. What was the point? It was what it was and Reggie was thirteen! She wanted to have a life, not live in a shadow.

“Jess… I know things are kind of crazy right now, but we’ve been in the same classes with these boys since we started, how are you so far in that closet?” Reggie asked, grinning at her so that she knew Reggie as only joking. Well, sort of. She really didn’t know how Jess didn’t know who they were. Rough life or not, these people have been in their classes for two and a half years and it was a small school. “It’s okay though, I’ll make sure you know who all the cute boys are by the end of the year.”

The whole reason for this girl talk was to just have a good time being girls and talking about boys. But now Reggie wasn’t sure if it was a good idea or not. It was clear some of the girls weren’t interested. Maybe Reggie should have just kept this between her and Maddie. She wanted to enjoy a conversation with all of her roommates. Have a relationship with them like they did in movies and tv shows, but they were all so different.

“I never really thought about the younger boys. Probably because they are younger and I don’t have brothers- or sister’s for that matter- so I don’t really know what it means for them to be cute like a little brother.” Reggie said all of this in one breath while she munched on a cookie. She was clearly thinking over Addison’s input. “Isn’t Preston dating Sara Raines?” She asked them, looking curious. “They seem to be together a lot.”
6 Reggie Sure, all are welcome. 187 Reggie 0 5


December 16, 2011 8:26 AM

Excellentness by Madeline

Madeline fell back dramatically on her bed, her hands held close to her chest, as Reggie accused of her just loving the hat. “You’ve got me,” she said. “That hat! That hat! The only one better was that one at the ball last year.”

She sat back up because her ponytail was a little uncomfortable when she was lying back that way, laughing at the comment about older guys. “Nah,” she said. “Just looking.” She couldn’t see herself going for someone much older, no matter how ‘much older’ was defined or what was the context.

Of course, she couldn’t really see herself…yeah…at all, yet, not really. It was okay to talk about guys in the abstract, who was good-looking and who was not and what they thought of them and whether or not they were…dating, or something like that, but then she tried to picture herself in that kind of situation, it just didn’t work, somehow. She’d just feel like she was turning red, and getting giggly, and then the whole picture would fall apart.

“Good one,” she agreed about Dmitri Petrovskii when Reggie brought him up, then turned, almost surprised, when Hope joined in. She’d always gotten the impression that this roommate was sweet, but really quiet, maybe a little put off by everyone else occasionally being kind of…talkative, but she nodded to the mention of Russell Layne before, along with everyone else, pausing at Phoenix Lucore. Definitely not someone she had thought off of the top of her head, but now that she thought about it, he was oddly…lookable-at this year, sometimes, and quiet enough that it was kind of a surprise when he was like that.

Then the tension was broken by Jess and Addison, in a weird way. One that kind of made more tension in another area to replace the old. Madeline found her eyes attempting to drop at Addison’s plea about wanting to be more social. She felt awful for feeling that way, but…Addison was always serious and anxious, and Jess had been down a lot, too, and…well, it was almost kind of uncomfortable, not having something bad in her life. Her dad had even got what looked like a permanent position, now, and Mom had made friends, so her life would have been completely Boringsville if they had finished their exploration of southern battle sites yet. Even Reggie’s mom was one of these Auror people, and Hope was a pureblood, which didn’t seem like a lot of fun from what Madeline had gathered about it.

Luckily, Reggie kept things moving and had more of a clue than she did about how to handle that moment. And there was still a guy on the table to contemplate. Preston wasn’t someone Madeline had really noticed too much, she guessed redheads weren’t her thing. “They were at the ball together last year,” she supplied, reaching for the snacks again and ignoring her conscience, when Reggie asked if they thought or knew if he was dating Sara Raines. “I noticed because I loved her dress. But she’s older than us, right?” She was tiny, sure, but Madeline was pretty sure she was not in third year, and second was out of the running because she was in their classes now.

“Arnold Carey was with Fae Sinclair, too, but she can have him,” Madeline decreed generously. “Short guy, shorter lifespan…not my thing, I think.” Maybe that wasn’t too nice, the guy couldn’t help being short, but the commentary on his injury record was, she felt, fully justified. Madeline was starting to think Bludger injuries must not be as bad as she’d heard, or as bad as they looked when she happened to go to a game, because otherwise, he’d be dead, or at least would have lost a game by now, but he’d looked pretty healthy the last time she saw him somewhere in the school and registered that was who she was looking at just then.
0 Madeline Excellentness 0 Madeline 0 5


December 27, 2011 6:19 PM

Lateness by Hope

Hope felt a bit relieved for some strange reason when nobody said that much about Russell and moved on to the oddly magnetic Phoenix. Which was an exact metaphor. He was like metal, and their eyes were magnets. Reggie had noticed him too. The Teppenpaw definitely did not have a crush on her Crotalus classmate, had never spoken a word to him, but she couldn't help looking sometimes because he was attractive and apparently, Reggie couldn't help it either. Hope was actually grateful for that. She didn't want to come across like a stalker or act inappropriate.

Jessica seemed to be as out of it as Addison was. That was probably good, in a way. Not that she wanted either girl to feel bad, but if Hope was the one maturing slowly and not into guys yet, she'd feel awful and babyish if everyone else liked boys and she didn't yet. Still, it did strike her as a little odd that Jessica didn't know the names of their yearmates. Hope made sure to know the names of at least the other third years because it seemed like a nice thing to do, remembering people's names.

Hope, on the other hand, did apparently like guys now. Just nobody specific. Plus, Phoenix was not on the Great Grandfather approved list. Neither was Russell actually even though he was pure. According to Great-Grandfather, apparently, a Layne wouldn't be good enough for a Brockert. (Not that the Teppenpaw liked Russell that way. No, no, he was just a friend who happened to be male. And good looking.) None of the fourth year boys were on it either, because Hope was related to the only one who otherwise would be. It must be so nice for her roommates to not ever have to worry about such things.

Of course, now they were talking about guys who were on the Great-Grandfather Approved List. Hope had never really been attracted to Preston or Arnold or Laurie. Preston always seemed a little...stuffy and kind of mean from the way he was on the Quidditch Pitch. "Agreed." Hope replied to Madeline's comment. "And yes, Sara is a year older." Arnold seemed to have suicidal tendencies and while her roommates probably not thinking too much about the future, Hope had been rather trained to when it came to guys. The word betrothal came up and there was even a list , for Merlin's sake. An unfortunately short one that didn't include anyone Hope really wanted to contemplate marrying. So she'd really rather not go for someone who normally put themselves in harm's way. Hope did not want to be widowed young!

Of course, the same could be said for Russell but Arnold seemed reckless about it. Besides she was not considering her friend that way, nope not at all.

"I actually think Sullivan is a rather good guy.Not really looked at him though. But from what I gather, he's rather nice. He helped my older sister out last year." In general,that was more attractive to her than anything. Though Sullivan was muggleborn, she thought, and most definitely not Great-Grandfather Approved. Merlin, the old man would have a stroke if Hope considered that for a second.

"We might as well discuss Arthur while we're at it." Hope suggested. "He's not bad looking though, I guess." She might end up married to him, she needed to make him seem palatable. Even though there was something about him that made her uncomfortable that she couldn't put her finger on. He was definitely lacking tenderness in a way that was less obvious than Preston's aggressive Beating. She supposed he actually was good looking though.

OOC-Sorry this took me so long.
11 Hope Lateness 186 Hope 0 5