Darla Park

September 08, 2007 7:04 PM

I do not like homewok -_- by Darla Park

Darla brushed the dark, long hair from her eyes and whisped it back into a bun to keep it out for a good time while she did her beginning-of-the-year test. For her father's Muggle home schooling. Which had to be sent into the education board and blah to record on her permanant record. If only Darla could be fully normal Wizard or fully normal Muggle. Or a fully normal father. Then she wouldn't have two sets of homework to work on throughout the school year. This had to be unhealthy.

Dumb Geometry question. Why did you learn trigonometry in Geometry? That was so stupid, they were supposed to be two different things. Why did she care about the area of a kite? Darla sighed bitterly, the whole thing was so stupid, and the Teppenpaw second year was extremely tired. Evem if Darla had wanted to try Quidditch, she certainly wouldn't have the time. Maybe tonight she could sneak into the kitchens and see the house elves again. Or she could see Lawrence again, pretty much her only friend here right now.

Stupid homework, it got in the way of everything fun. Not that Darla blamed her father for anything, that was stupid. He just wanted her to have a good, well rounded education. She just wished she was smart. Like her brother, Asher. Teachers worshiped him, he was their little prodigy. At least one of his kids would make daddy proud, Darla certainly wouldn't get into Yale with so much on her mind. Darla's pencil scratched onto the paper, next question. Number ten and Darla already was getting a headache. The girl clutched her head in irritation.

Where was Advil when you needed it?
0 Darla Park I do not like homewok -_- 0 Darla Park 1 5

Law Cooper

September 17, 2007 10:36 PM

Don't worry, that makes you normal by Law Cooper

A brother in Crotalus and a cousin in Pecari. While the latter was easily predicted, Law had to admit he never really saw Zane as a Crotalus. Crotali had that annoying tendency to be too uptight for Law’s liking. Zane wasn’t like that at all, unless you counted how serious he was about Quidditch, which was pretty much what his younger brother’s life revolved around. Yeah, maybe that had done it.

Anyway, the three boys had opted to eat a meal together and get in some family time. They were all friends, so there wasn’t any reason not to. Mostly they talked about Quidditch, about how disappointed Zane was that he couldn’t be on the team this year, Quidditch stats from the newspaper, everything. It was practically the only thing the very different Coopers had in common, so of course that’s what they would talk about.

Trekking back up to his common room alone, he noticed Darla in the common room. Muggle homework again? He didn’t even ask. Law shook his head; he didn’t understand why his friend’s parents felt the need to impose so much extra work on their daughter. Didn’t they realize how difficult magic homework was? How was she to succeed in anything when there was so much to do? It just didn’t make any sense, and Law was secretly glad that his parents were like that.

Magical homework. He thought of his Transfiguration book back up in his dorm. He always tried to read a chapter ahead, in order to understand what was going on in class better. Usually he just ended up reading the chapter another time after class was over, but he didn’t give up. Practice makes perfect, or at least, close enough to perfection to meet Law’s usually reachable standards.

Retrieving the textbook from his room, he went back down the stairs to go sit by Darla. Maybe he couldn’t help out with her homework, but he could at least keep her company while he did some work himself.

“Hey,” he said, sitting down besides her, putting his own textbook in his lap, “Want some company?”
0 Law Cooper Don't worry, that makes you normal 0 Law Cooper 0 5


September 18, 2007 7:36 AM

Heh. I doubt I'm normal (wotw?) by Darla

Geometry. Geometry. Geometry. Asher could already do Geometry and he was still only ten. Darla was twelve, shouldn't she know this already? Sure, most Muggles didn't do this kind of Geometry until they were in High School, but the Parks were supposed to be beyond average. Darla was afraid she was simply... average.

Darla was able to scratch in a seemingly semi-correct answer just as Law came to sit near her. Darla smiled at her first (and only) friend in Sonora. He seemed to always catch her when she was doing homework. Muggle or Wizard. Darla pushed her black hair back, glad for an excuse not to continue to the next problem. "Oh, yes, that would be so much better that this." She grinned, turning the textbook to show the Geometry to Law.

"Next is English. I have to memorize really odd words and thier meanings and a bunch of other weird stuff..." Darla sighed."Affection. No that's affectation I mean. Malapropism, which definition I just used, I think. Unless that's solecism. I don't know," Darla frowned and closed the book. "I'm sorry, it's confusing enough for me, I didn't mean to tell you all this dumb stuff. When am I ever going to use Malapropism, right?"

Darla pushed her hair from her face, along with the book from her lap. "I'm sure you know what my summer has consisted of, studying studying and more studying," Darla had to laugh. "How was yours?" She was glad for this distraction.
0 Darla Heh. I doubt I'm normal (wotw?) 0 Darla 0 5


September 21, 2007 12:30 AM

But what is normal? by Law

“Cool,” Law grinned, glad he wasn’t interrupting some major essay or something, and opened up his book. Law flipped through the crisp, new pages of his transfigurations textbook. Though funds at home were always tight, getting quality textbooks was never a problem when you were the son of bookstore owners. Finding the introduction to chapter one, he stopped his search as his eyes began to scan the page.

He looked up to see the book Darla was currently showing to him, “Geo…metry? I think I learned that in math, maybe… that is a math thing, right? I’m not just making it up?” For all the studying he had did in his years at pre-wizarding elementary school, he could barely remember any of the math stuff they had done. Mostly they had focused on reading, writing, magical history, and magical safety in school and around the house, anyway. The usual stuff.

His nose wrinkled as Darla went on to list all of the weird words. What? Was she even speaking English? Law couldn’t be sure, he hadn’t heard of any of those words before. What was the point of learning words that nobody ever used?

“I guess they could come in handy… maybe,” he said, trying to remain optimistic, seeing as it really wouldn’t help Darla at all to say anything negative.

“Summer was good,” he said with a smile, glad to think of a topic he knew was positive, “Hung around Aladren, mostly – played some pick up Quidditch in the park, went camping with my family, things like that. My brother, Zane is here this year, he’s in Crotalus,” he figured it was worth adding, “And my cousin Ronen is a firstie in Pecari. He came over our house at the beginning of the summer with the rest of the Coopers for a family reunion. That was really fun, it’s nice to be with the family, you know?”
0 Law But what is normal? 0 Law 0 5