Tally Adams

September 30, 2006 1:12 AM

Yearbook Committee (Tag: Kaylie) by Tally Adams

Tally sat on one of her favorite overstuffed chairs in the commonroom flipping through her father's old yearbook. She had found a whole stack of them in the back of his closet (she had been looking for her christmas gifts) and had taken a look in them. She was so fascinated by how much her father...her parents and friends of her parents had changed over the years.

Her father had been voted class clown while her mother had been voted most likely to succeed. Two seemingly opposite people with nothing in common were married a year out of Sonora. Amazing. But it also got Tally thinking. If only they still had yearbooks at sonora and that they had one for each year.

The wheels started churning and now Tally's mind was made up. She wanted a yearbook. She wanted to be able to look back on her years of Sonora and remember. So, she was going to do just that. But, she would need help. The door to the commonroom opened and Tally looked up just in time to see the person she was looking for, her roommate, Kaylie.

"Kaylie! Can we talk?" Tally asked, jumping up from her seat and waving her arms so that she was sure to get Kaylie's attention.\n\n
6 Tally Adams Yearbook Committee (Tag: Kaylie) 41 Tally Adams 1 5


October 06, 2006 8:34 PM

You rang? by Kaylie

It had taken Kaylie longer then usual to get into the Teppenpaw Common Room. Late last year, she'd finally mastered the dance to get in. However, lately she'd been really really distracted, more so than usual, and so it took her many many times to get in like it had when she'd first come to Sonora.

Now she was finally in and was about to go upstairs when she heard her name being called. Kaylie turned to see Tally waving her arms. She grinned and said casually "Hey, Tally, what's up?" The other girl seemed awfully excited about something. Kaylie wondered what it could possibly be. She knew what would make her excited but she didn't really think that was the case with her roommate. Either way, Tally sure seemed eager to talk to her about something.\n\n
11 Kaylie You rang? 43 Kaylie 0 5


October 12, 2006 6:37 PM

More like yelled. by Tally

"Hey." Tally said back when she finally got Kaylie's attention. Now that she had it, Tally felt awkward about talking to her about this all. She knew she was being sentimental about it all, but she couldn't help it. Perhaps it was because her mother had passed on and the only things she has of her is the pictures in the yearbook or the memories from her father or brother, but Tally wanted something to look back on. Or something that her family could look back on. Just something to prove onces she's gone that she had truly existed.

"Yeah, I wanted to show you something." Tally said and sat back down in her chair and pushed the yearbook over to Kaylie. "That girl there is my mom. And that's my dad." Tally said, pointing to their respective pictures. It was easy to see that Tally looked just like her mother. "I found these yearbooks in the back of my dad's closet over break and it got me thinking. How come we don't still do yearbooks? Wouldn't it be fun if we did?" Tally asked, looking up at Kaylie and biting down on her lip to see Kaylie's feelings about the idea of a yearbook.\n\n
0 Tally More like yelled. 0 Tally 0 5