A Notice

May 28, 2005 10:46 AM
In the Teppenpaw common room, a piece of parchment was posted by the entrance for all to see. Neatly printed letters in a navy blue ink, a message was written at the top of the paper, with extra space at the bottom for responses. It read as follows:

Attention all Teppenpaw students:
Try outs for Quidditch House teams will be taking place shortly. All positions for chasers, beaters, seeker, and keeper are open, students of all ages and experience levels may apply. Brooms and other equipment will be supplied for you, although you may use your own broom if you have one. If you are interested please send in your name, year, and position that you would like to play. Good luck!

Coach Cooper

0 A Notice Teppenpaw Quidditch Team Tryouts 0 A Notice 1 5

Dalila Bastet

May 28, 2005 12:01 PM
Dalila was sitting in one of the many cushy marroon chairs lavishly stroking Nut, her silvery black-spotted cat, and staring lazily around the room when a fluttering sheet of paper caught her eye from across the room. She thought for a moment and stared at the cat purring contently in her lap. After deciding that the cat could live without a lap for a minute or so, she gingerly picked her up and walked over to the notice board, where the piece of paper was tacked.

She read the parchment's navy blue ink with interest, and when she had read it through a couple of times, smiled widely and almost dropped Nut, who was still grasping onto Dalila's school robes with her small, but sharp claws.

"Oh, Merlin! I so can't wait!" she screamed out to no one in particular. "I need to practice if I'm ever going to get on the team."

Dalila ran out of the common room at lightning speed, tossing Nut onto a nearby chair before climbing the staircase to see if she can't borrow a broom from the school to practice on.\n\n
0 Dalila Bastet Noticing the notice 60 Dalila Bastet 0 5

Robbie Bates

May 29, 2005 10:38 AM
Returning from breakfast, Robbie entered the common room with a yawn. All the excitement from school was finally getting to him, he supposed he would go upstairs and take a nap, then do some more exploring. He still didn't know the castle very well, he figured he would need to explore so that he wouldn't get lost all the time, like he did the first year of his old school. Somehow he managed to get locked into the broom closet when he was searching for math class that year. It was a bit of a suprise for the janitor when he opened the door, innocently looking for brooms when a messy-haired nine year old jumped out at him.

Then a bit of parchment caught his eye. He admired the nay blue penmanship, he could never write as neatly as that. Then he started to pay attention to what the writing actually said. Quidditch? Well, he had played a couple of times before. He liked to play beater, it kind of reminded him of playing hockey.

He fumbled around his pockets for a quill, or a pen, or anything to write with. After about two minutes of searching, he remembered all of his writing utensils were up in his dormitory, stuffed in his bag. He ran upstairs to his dormitory, and dumped everything in his bag out onto his bed. He found a quill and ink bottle, grabbed them and ran back down.

He caught his breath as he dipped the quill in the black ink. He wrote carefully, his handwriting was always messy, and a quill would probably make it worse. But he had to make this as legible as possible.

Robbie Bates, First Year, Beater

He stepped back to admire his handiwork. It was still kind of messy, but it was his neatest yet. He decided to sit on the nearby couch, putting his ink and quill on the floor, to see who else would be signing up for the team.
0 Robbie Bates sign me up! 0 Robbie Bates 0 5

Tally Adams

June 10, 2005 6:05 PM
Tally woke up feeling refreshed. The last two days her allergies had been on overkill and she had been left feeling drained. Her head was no longer congested, her nose no longer runny, her eyes no longer red, itchy, and puffy, her cough completely gone. Yes, Tally felt better and more alive than she had before her allergies kicked in.

She took a longer shower than usual, loving the feeling of the hot water on her back and her head. After she finally extracted herself from the hot shower, she stood infront of the bathroom mirror and stared at herself. She still didn't feel any different. She suppose it took more time than 2 months. Still, by now she thought she'd feel something. Shrugging off her disappointment, Tally dressed and left the steamy bathroom and re-entered her dorm room. Her eyes travelled the room, resting on her roommates things before they fell upon the picture of her mother. She grimanced momentarily at the picture. Her father and brother constantly told her she look just like her mother, but Tally didn't see it. She tried, constantly searching herself for any sign of the lovely woman within her, but it was just beyond her reach.

Shrugging of her internal need of enlightenment, Tally gathered her things and set off for the commonroom. Her eyes yet again, scanned the room. They fell on a couple of students who were busy doing who knows what, before they fell upon the notice-board. She took a few steps to the board and read about the Quidditch sign-ups. She didn't have to think twice about whether or not she wanted to sign up.

Tally Adams, 2nd year for Chaser

Feeling satisfied for the first time that morning, Tally turned and walked out of the commonroom as though determined to do something.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n
6 Tally Adams probably should sign up 41 Tally Adams 0 5


June 12, 2005 2:43 PM
Jake walked out of the boy's dorm room and down the stairs to the boring old common room where nothing ever happened and made his way to the entrance...where he spotted for the first time, the Quidditch Sign-up sheet.

His lopsided smile immediately crossed his face in delight. Quidditch is what he lived for. He scanned to sheet to see who else has signed up and was slightly disappointed that only two people had done so so far. Tally, of course, was on there and some first year that Jake hadn't met yet (though now he would as he was signed up for Beater). Jake searched his school bag (which somehow had managed to become filled with unnecessary junk) for a quill, pulled one out and quickly signed up for a spot on the team.

Jake Santoro, 2nd year, Beater

Once he finished with that, he scanned the room for anyone he felt deserved to play on the team. His eyes immediately fell on his roommate and thoughts of the practice filled his head. Smiling to himself, he signed him up too.

Dillon Welsh, 2nd year, Keeper

Feeling satisfied, Jake left the common room to head down for breakfast.\n\n
6 Jake <i>Finally</i> signing up 42 Jake 0 5


June 12, 2005 5:53 PM
Dalila Bastet~1st year, chaser\n\n
0 Dalila OOC: Sorry, I forgot to actually sign up 0 Dalila 0 5

Kaylie Brockert

June 22, 2005 4:36 PM
Kaylie caught sight of the Quidditch notice. It had taken her a while to see it as she was not terribly observant. Kaylie enjoyed flying and Quidditch, though she wasn't that good due to the fact that she was a total klutz. She had a tendency to cause accidents, though she was getting better.....which meant she'd only ran into her cousin Marshall five times the last time they'd attempted to play instead of her usual 12 or 13. She'd also mastered the art of actually staying on the broom.

Besides, Kaylie felt sorry for the team, they didn't have enough to play. She had to sign up. It was her duty as a Teppenpaw.

She scribbled down her name.

Kaylie Brockert, 2nd year, Seeker.

Now to pray to Merlin that she didn't mess up too much such as causing someone irreparable harm....

11 Kaylie Brockert Signing up 43 Kaylie Brockert 0 5